- Discipleship Training Director. As I sat reading A Woman After God's Own Heart, I began to think about my responsibilities to assist those working on Sunday evenings. In this book, author Elizabeth George recites, "Good, better, best, never let it rest, until your good is better, and your better best." Now, I am questioning what can I do to help better our best? That is now my prayer.
- College and Career Sunday School teacher. Due to a need in our church, I asked that this class be re-instated, for we have not provided for this age group in too long, and it is so reflective in our attendance. Last Sunday, I had no one in my class, not that I expected to, since no advertising was done, but now I am praying and asking that God send these college and career Christians to me so that we can spend an hour together talking about Him, so that maybe just one word can be said that will help draw them closer to the Lord, so that their weeks may be just that much more peaceful.
- Committee Work. This year one of the committees on which I will serve is the special events committee...a committee that I asked to be resurrected so that again a need could be met. We really do a lot for children in our church, but little is hosted for the adults. Fellowship is powerful. Fellowship is needed.
Tonight, as I read our Sunday School lesson, either in preparation for my College and Career Class or for the women's class I normally attend, my heart was stirred, for as I began to read, I, literally, was reading a phone conversation I had earlier today with my dear friend Glenda. Just earlier today, I said that what we need to do is begin to get everyone praying that God work in our need....well, I said that and a few other things!
Then, I open my book to our lesson and this scripture:
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened so you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the glorious riches of His inheritance among the saints,
and what is the immeasurable greatness of His power to us who believe,
according to the working of His vast strength." - Eph. 1:18-19
So much better worded than how I phrased it! May the eyes of our inner hearts be opened that His call may be revealed to each of us. He can do that! Without my getting involved. Without Glenda's getting involved. My God can take care of our need.
You see, my walk continues.
"In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." - Proverbs 3:6
May I know when to stop and acknowledge Him. May I know when to move, to walk the paths He has chosen for me.
I haven't always fulfilled this scripture. My prayer is now that I do, realizing that to do so that sometimes, I just need to be quiet. And listen...