Friday, March 30, 2012

I purchased Lysa TerKeurst's Made to Crave in January 2011 in hopes of finally beginning a diet plan that would this time really work. December (yes, eleven months later) I came across her website and remembered the book and determined then to finally read the book, solo. I would loose the weight in secret.  Just myself.

Until....I read the chapter three, page 39:  "...think and pray for some friends to join you on this journey.  I have to tell you, having friends to walk through the same healthy eating plan as me has been such a help.  Getting a plan is the first crucial step; getting a friend or two to join you is the next."

I resisted.  I was doing enough at church.  Life was busy.  My plate was full.

Then, I followed the Lord's leading and shared at church that I was reading this book, and if anyone was interested, I would be glad to meet on Wednesdays.  The group eight!  And what a blessing it has been...getting to know other ladies, other "Jesus girls" (as Lysa refers to us), ladies I have known for years...or thought I had.  Jesus Girls, ones who are attempting to loose weight together, the spiritual growth of these relationships has been invaluable.

Have we lost weight?  Yes.  As much as we wanted?  No.  But we are learning and growing and sticking with it.

Now...back to the book!  I really appreciate Lysa' writing style, her voice.  Because we are also using her video series within our study (yes, inspired by the synergy within the group, I then purchased Made to Crave Action Planfor us), I could almost hear her voice as I read.  She is such a sincere, down-to-earth, Christian lady.  An inspiration.

As I completed the book this evening, I became re-inspired, touched by several of the Biblical scriptures, and gained new insight to my battle with weight.  As Lysa says, "Having a weight issue is not God's curse on us.  It is an external manifestation of an internal struggle."  Honestly, I struggled (so to speak!) with that expression.  Then, the revelation came! As I reflected upon reading the chapter entitled "Emotional Emptiness," I could pinpoint when I began gaining weight and the reason for the weight gain, and I am now praying that I can begin "parking my mind in a better spot."  Time to let that go, begin to heal, and move to a healthier parking spot. 

This is a book that I plan to begin a re-read of...soon.  The book is packed full of spiritual nuggets that I need...again and again. 

Involved in a struggle with your weight and want a plan that does not involve a diet plan?  Then, please consider this book as one of your resources...below is the book trailer.

Also posted at Mrs. G's Book Reviews.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

My Christ Closet


I borrowed this from KLOVE's Facebook post this morning...‎"Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience." Colossians 3:12 

With a closet full of clothes, all of a sudden, I feel too revealing!

I can list several personal situations in which I need to enact this scripture:  yesterday, I wrote about my church face; today, I picture other "faces" on which I should display all the attributes listed above.

First, right now, I find myself fairly content to hole up in my nest called home.  Throughout this Spring Break, I have thought much about and missed my mother who eased into Heaven in late January.  Fairly certain, that my busy life has delayed such think-time.

My mom was a Christian who loved her family above all else, after God, that is. For the last couple of years, the disease from which she suffered had removed most, if not all, memories of me from her mind.  I really thought I had already grieved enough before she died, but that grieving process is simply that:  a process.  A process that takes time.

My mom was clothed in mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience, for she loved her family.  That woman also had tough love, also!  Yes, I do remember going out to that peach tree in our backyard and removing my own limb for the punishment that I was about to receive!  No, I was not beaten...honestly, I do not even remember the spanking; I just remember hand-picking that peach tree limb!

She was our example of mercy.  After my dad passed, many people, even friends, owed my dad money, yet she allowed those debts go unpaid, allowing God to take over in that area.

She was our example in kindness.  I recall the bags of goodies and supplies that we delivered to my sister when she was going through some very tough times.  The many glasses if iced tea I had to deliver to the men working in our family-owned business on those very hot Arkansas summer days.

She was our example as she literally wore humility.  She taught me that one could wear home-made clothes and items purchased at the many yard sales that she and I went to...btw, I was voted "Best Dressed" in high school wearing such items!  Those clothes kept me humble in many ways, though, for I wore others' cast offs, but because of that, I also probably had more clothes that three or four other kids combined...for we always were looking for those bargains!  And we found many!

She was our example of gentleness as she cared for us all when we were sick, cooking for us whatever we craved.  Yes, fried chicken for me when I would come home on weekends from college.  No one can cook friend chicken like my mother did!

She was our example of patience as we had company for Sunday lunch for months and months as our church transitioned from one building to another and peopled traveled miles to attend these services.  I look back now and wonder how she tolerated my teenage years (for I am beginning to re-live them through my soon-to-be thirteen year old!).

I miss her, yet I am so appreciative of where she is today.  May I live by her to clothe myself with these attributes as I go to Wal-Mart today, to church later this evening, and as I spend time with family and friends.

And, did you notice, these clothes do not come from yard sales, they are God-made...what an honor to wear them!


Monday, March 19, 2012

My Church Face

I receive a daily e-newsletter from Daughters of's today's.  Interesting topic...the face we wear to church.

Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Romans 12:9
Our God is an awesome God...yet I continue to be amazed at how He ties all the pieces I am reading together...all written at different times by different people in different situations: my daily Bible readings, my Sunday school lessons and the curriculum for our discipleship training class, our Made to Crave study on Wednesday evenings, Journey:  A Woman's Guide to Intimacy with God (a monthly mini-magazine, compliments of our church), such newsletters as the one above.

When the Lord wants us to learn a lesson, He certainly can immerse in just the right places in His Word.

Last night, our church had a "discussion," and I was so proud of all the sides that came together in just the right spirit.  As with any division, there are usually three sides:  right and left...and those in the middle who just did not realize that a division was occurring.  Everyone that wanted to speak spoke, and two sides left chatting.

I like to believe that others in my church are immersing themselves in God's Word, and because of that, His Spirit hovered there with us, for "real" church faces were present there...during and afterwards.  May we continue to stay close to His leading.

I encourage you to take some time to immerse yourself in various Godly readings and see if God just might have an answer, a leading there for you.  He does work in all kinds of ways His wonders to perform...