Saturday, January 13, 2018

2018 Winter Bible Studies...Coming UP!

A new year.  A new round of Bible studies for me!

Chronological Bible One-Year Read

Again, this year I will read the Bible chronologically, using this plan found here.  This will be my third such journey through the Bible, through which I have learned more about this living book than in my previous years combined.  Seriously.  This is beginning to place the Biblical events in a more orderly fashion for me...which I needed.

My first read of the Bible took two years:  in 2015, I read the Old Testament; then in 2016, I read the New Testament.  Last year...the whole Bible!  Yay!

Why again?  Still so much to learn and organize in my mind.  Even in the past 13 days, I have discovered so many nuggets I missed during the first two reads.  Powerful!  There is power in The Word.  He meets me there...every morning.

This year, I hope to ponder and write and ponder...and ponder...on a series of posts entitled Between the Verses, not to add or take away anything from the Bible (never!)...but simply to ponder on the lessons there when I slow down, get quiet, and allow God to speak to me.  The first one is there, sprouting, growing...yes, will be my next blog post!

Joanna Weaver's Bible Read

Click here to find more info about this one.  I am just participating in part of this one:  the reading of My Utmost for His Highest.  That little jewel is full of multiple nuggets each day!  A collection of his lectures and talks, Oswald Chambers' wife compiled and published them in 1927.

The version I am reading, edited for today's language by James Reimann, still takes two readings for me to grasp all he was saying.  Well...some of what he is saying!  I predict this will be one I will re-read yearly!  (Going to being looking for a hardback copy...mine is paperback; I plan to wear it out! Yay!)

Making Choices:  Beth Moore's The Patriarchs

We began this study last fall.  I regret not holding off until January to begin, for with the holidays and such, the study was halted for over a month.  I "felt" a year ago to host Max Lucado's Because of Bethlehem.  I regret that decision.  (Note to self:  Heed that inner voice!)

BUT.  We are off and studying again.  We met last week.  Already, what a powerful study.  Looking forward to learning...and learning.

Have enjoyed getting to know Hagar more.  Did you know?  Throughout the Bible, she is the only one to ever name God?  What an experience she must have had with Him that day!  Can you imagine?  Sure, you can!  You have been down and out...and felt no one cared...and then that Small, Still Voice begins to nudge you.  He cares for YOU!

Poor Hagar (not that she had always been Little Miss Innocent!)...pregnant, seemingly on her own...but then He showed up in a mighty way!  That's must My God!  Yes!

More about this study coming up!  An 11-week study, we have completed three.  Since we meet just twice a month...yes, four months in this study, which is awesome.  Much time to marinate on the lesson He wants to teach me...and my other seven lady Jesus Gal Pals.  Love them...and very thankful God has placed them in my life in this particular setting.

Side Note:  Beth Moore will be in our state in August!  Last fall, at a women's event, I won two tickets to this event.  Wow!

Sunday Evening Discipleship Training Class

Just before Christmas, I asked a friend to lead this class beginning in the new year.  He agreed, for which I am God liberated me to do less in my church.  (More about this also throughtout 2018!)

He chose to continue the second study in the Summer 2017 Masterwork Lifeway curriculum.  I am soooooo glad, as this study focuses on Adrian Rogers' The Kingdom Authority.  We just started this one...have some reading to do today!

With each study, I purchase the book on which the study is based and dive a bit deeper.  This I enjoy.  Marking up the text.  Making it mine.  Marinating more on His Word.  All gifts to me.

Online Bible Study:  Lifeway's and Priscilla Shirer's Discerning the Voice of God

Begins January in next Thursday!  Sign up here!  A seven-week study, this one allows you to be as involved as you would like.  Watch the videos (free during the study!).  Complete the study guide.  Read the accompanying book Awaken :  90 Days with the God Who Speaks.  (The last two...the study guide and book are on sale for just $20 at Lifeway...or it was...hummm...cannot find the special online.  I purchased mine in the store before Christmas...)

Some time ago, Making Choices (my Bible study group) studied Fervent along with a War Room study.  Enjoyed it very much!

Sunday School:  The Gospel Project

Currently, I teach the Sunday morning youth class, and we are studying Acts.  Oh, the hidden beauty of leading/teaching a class:  I always learn so much more than the participants.  That's just how God is...we can never outdo Him!  Ever.

Stephen.  Phillip.  Saul.  Paul.  Learning much.  Gleaning much.  Hopefully...sharing much. 


There.  That's my winter focuses!

Should you want to join me in any of these studies, just comment below.  I would be honored to study His Word with you.

How about you?  In what study, in what Word has God placed you?  Please share!