Friday, December 31, 2021

My One Word: Ponder and...?

 I began choosing One Word in 2012...and what an amazing journey this has been. 

This year's word was ponder, with my theme scripture being Luke 2:19.  A quiet, calm, reflective word, this one stayed with me.  Yes, I should have pondered more!  I am learning though that sometimes less is more.  I just need to keep practicing this!

I have known 2022's word since October:  knowledge.  This seems quite the strange word for me, as I am in year 31 of teaching and have shared much knowledge (hopefully).  Where will this word take me?  I shall continue to share knowledge...and I will continue to learn.

This year's theme scripture is Colossians 1:10: "so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God..."  

Growing in the knowledge of God:  Yes.  Please, Lord.

Here's a quick recap of my previous words:

  • 2011:  Peace
  • 2012:  Quiet
  • 2013;  Fit
  • 2014:  Smile
  • 2015:  Complete
  • 2016:  All
  • 2017:  Diligent
  • 2018:  Less
  • 2019:  Birth
  • 2020:  Restore
  • 2021:  Ponder
  • 2022:  Knowledge
I am looking forward to my continued journeys with all twelve words...for I do not want to leave any of them behind...and with an increased focus on knowledge.  

Here's to 2022...