Sunday, March 12, 2017

Inspire Me More

Yesterday, friend Brenda and I spent the day with several ladies from our area...and 600 from our the annual Inspire Conference.  My third time to attend, I so enjoyed...and needed...this time for me.

This year's theme was More of Jesus:  in all areas, including church, work, family, friendships...and... I attended the breakout sessions on friendship and work, both areas in which I pray the Lord would use me...more.

Three more of my favorites:

  1. Keynote Speaker Rachel Lovingood listened to the Lord and called for those wanting to repent at the beginning of her last session...and one responded, and I rejoiced.  This part of a conference is ever becoming my favorite part.  Another name was written down.  That is just perfection.
  2. Lovingood also closed with a candle lighting service, which the ladies went to the light, instead of simply spreading the light, just as we must always go to the light before we can spread our light.  Lord, give me some fire...give me more light.  Very powerful!
  3. Coffee...for the third year, Captain Jack's served coffee to the ladies.  I just love this mission work, a group who sends 1/3 of their profits back to a village in Guatemala, a village that is advancing because we here in America drink their coffees.  Now, this is just a win-win!  Two years ago, at one the Inspire Conference, I bought a Captain Jack's  coffee mug and began something new...each time I drank coffee from that mug, I prayed for that mission work.  This is  good thing...and so is the coffee.  
Would you say Philippians 4:13 with me:
I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.