Thursday, March 8, 2018

He REALLY Knows What He's Doing

Really.  He does.

As I type this, I am in Arlington, VA at a National Board Advisory Panel meeting.  Get this:  I was chosen because I am still in the classroom teaching.

This morning as introductions continued, I realized...quickly...that I was the only in-the-classroom teacher.  Then, a bit later, the organizer explained this team was chosen strategically so that a plethora of ideas would come to the table.  I was chosen because I am a teacher.  Not an admin.  Not an academic coach.  Not...

Then.  Again, He confirmed what I already knew.  He really does know what is He doing.  Every time.  All the time.  Past.  Present.  Future.

For years, I have whined, moaned, groaned, "Lord, why will you not allow me to use my masters degree to the extent that I just knew you were leading.  Why?"  Ever since 1999, I have asked this question...with some degree of stress embedded. (He has answered along the way with more than one answer.  I am just a slow learner.  Really, I am.   Slow-mo!)

Until, just over the last few years...when He also began to change my want-to.  Our God is just so very good at that, isn't He?
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Today, has been such a grand day of validation...on several levels; all of which, He knew exactly what He was...and is...doing.  I no longer desire what I thought I wanted so badly.  I ever want His will.  There, I am the most happy.  There, I am the most peaceful.  There, I am resting.  Yes.

No matter where He has you right now...maybe you, too, are whining, moaning, and groaning...or maybe you are have days that are grand, He has this plan just for you.  He is connecting all the pieces just that you might be made progressively perfect.

I often think that God pats me on the head and says, "Tammy, if you could see things through my eyes, you would see things differently" (words from a song...not mine!).  Yes, I would!

In the meantime, I will take the head pats and will attempt to not whine, moan, and groan...too much...too loudly as He continues to work on me, making me what He would have me be (yes, words from another song!).
