Monday, December 31, 2018

Plans for 2019

As the final minutes of 2018 pass, I sit pondering on where the Lord seems to be directing me for 2019.

Our Bible Study group has chosen Oswald Chamber's My Utmost for His Highest for our one-year study, a collection of 365 devotions.  Throughout 2018, as I read the book, I continually referenced it, acknowledging that, besides the Bible, this was the most powerful book I had ever read.  Truly.

Today, I finished my one-year read and ready to begin again in just a few short hours.  Yay!  I am looking forward to discussing the nuggets each of the ladies glean from the book.

Additionally, I feel the tug, the pull to study Paul.  I just finished reading Acts and Paul's letters and find myself wanting to get to know him better, to have more of what he had.  

For this study, I have chosen two of Beth Moore's books - 1) Paul:  90 Days on His Journey of Faith and 2) To Live Is Christ (this one I just ordered today).  Not sure that I will complete the first in 90 days...nor the second in 11 weeks!  Just going to dive in and take my time...and get to know Paul.

I have also decided to read the Bible in chronological order again this year.  I think I need this again, for I have learned much, yet I still have so much to learn about the chronology of the Bible.  This year, though, I want to watch specifically how Jesus is present on every page of the Old Testament.

Four books = my goal (so far) for 2019.  I am ready for the journeys of faith they will each take me on.

What journey do you have planned for 2019 to ever draw closer to Jesus Christ?  A verse a day?  A chapter a day?  Book by book?  Whatever the journey...just take the journey!  This is the way to draw closer to Him.  


Saturday, December 29, 2018

Sweet Season

Image result for cranberry christmas cake

Here's praying you have had a blessed season!  

Related imageDuring the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons, my sister-in-law Kim made this cake; neither time I tried it.  But.  I just knew my husband would like it, so yesterday, I found the recipe, baked it, and sampled a corner piece, and instantly declared this sweet treat a new family favorite.  As a matter of fact, I took the blogger's recommendation and had The Daughter pick us up several bags of cranberries to place in the freezer to use throughout the year.  Yum!

This cake represents one of My Intentions (not resolutions...just a goal I "intend" to attempt to keep for 2019)...try new recipes!  I have become my mother, baking and making the old tried-and-true recipes, ones for which I do not even need a recipe, for I have made them so many times that they are committed to memory!

I am already looking forward to taking this sweet treat with me to my ladies' Bible fellowships.  Just that good...and what better way to bond even closer with brothers and sisters in Christ...than around a "new" recipe!

What new recipes have you attempted lately?  Please share!

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Day 1: 25 Days of Kindness

Peer Leigh Keller challenged friends/peers to this 25 Days of Kindness.  Yes, I accepted the challenge.

Need more info?

Check out the Facebook page where this explanation resides:  We are a group of families who do acts of kindness for others from December 1-25. The purpose is not only to spread joy in the holiday season, but also to teach our children - and remind ourselves - that the season is not about STUFF.

You might consider purchasing these 25 cards with 25 ideas.  Cute.  Organized.

Another idea...focus on Advent...Advent Acts of, they have links to several years of ideas.  Interesting.

Enjoy Pinterest?  Then check out these cool calendars!  Life made easy!

I would like to be this together, but, alas, I am not.  These next three weeks will be so busy, with many deadlines, grades, grades, grades...yes, and just a few more papers to grade.

Therefore, this method chose me:  my prayer is that the Lord plant in my path a person upon whom I may display an act of kindness.
  1. Along with my Beta Club, we sang Christmas carols at two of our local nursing homes.  This always blesses me so.  Especially one lady.  She sang every word of "Joy to the World."  When I suggested she sing a solo, I saw the hope.  I then suggested we sing together.  And we did.  One day, I will meet that lady in Heaven, and she and I will sing "Joy to Heaven."  That song has not been written, but she and I will sing it. Yes, we will!
  2. Between caroling events, I played piano for a couple in our church who chose today to marry.  God blessed me with this gift to play the piano, and, when asked, I use it for Him.  Or...He uses the gift to His Glory.
Already I am learning...that these acts of kindness are really just a blessing for me, for we simply cannot outgive God.

Would love to hear about your act of kindness!  Please share!

October Arrives!

This continues what my husband calls the "ber"....or burrrrrrr...months.  :)

This also continues my selecting a verse on which to focus for a month.  Thanks to my friend Amanda I began this last month...she posts on the first day of each month a verse to which the Lord has directed her...and then listens as the Lord speaks to her throughout the month.  Powerful.

Last month's verse John 15:16.  So needed.

This month's verse will be Psalm 46:10:  "Be still, and know that I am God.  I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!"  (ESV)

I remember this verse being on a sign that hung across the front of the church.  For most of my years, I thought this was a message to be to mind my manners in church!  Maybe it, for this journey is not about me.  This journey is about my being still and allowing God to use this vessel for His Will.  Notice the pronouns? the I Am.  All about him.

All about Him.