Saturday, December 27, 2014

SSMT 2015: The Year Has Arrived

It's back!  Beth Moore's 2015 Siesta Scripture Memory Team Challenge...the instructions are here.

The goal?  Learn a new scripture every other week OR 24 scriptures in twelve months.  Yes.

Interested?  Read the instructions and prepare for a journey that begins January 1.

You will be blessed.  Amen.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Good Gracious! Be Like Him!


These dates  at the right sum up my life!  Two weeks late!

I printed this study before November 10, laid it aside with good intentions (of course), and, well, here I am!

If I focus on two scriptures a day, I can still finish before the end of the week of Thanksgiving...sounds like a good plan (hopefully, obtainable!).  What I truly love about Love God Greatly's plans?  When I get up early, spend that 15-20 minutes with God.  My days, weeks are just even more blessed!

Here Goes...

Week 1:  Day 1

Read Psalm 145: 3-8 and SOAP Psalm 145:8 (not sure what SOAP is?  Read on...I am completing an example of one!)

Write out the Scripture passage for the day.

The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, and rich in love.
How beautiful is that!

Write down 1 or 2 Observations from the passage.

  1. Gracious is one of my words I used in one of my goals for this study.  Wow!  Yes, dear Lord, you have my attention!  I took a moment to consult my Webster app and found these obsolete/archaic (really!?) definitions of gracious:
    • Godly and pleasing, acceptable...ahhhh...yes!
  2. All of these words from the scripture...gracious, compassion, love...and especially, slow to anger...all are characteristics of which I should have and and need much more!  Yes.  I. Really. Do.

Write down 1-2 Applications from the passage.

I like the second part best.  At first, I thought, "Oooohh, that's kinda negative in such a positive verse.  Slow.  Anger.  No, slowness in relation to anger is soooo positive.  Being slow to anger in a "hot" situation would abundantly express one's graciousness in such a time.  

Such times as...
  • when technology refuses to work quickly when I so need it to at church.
  • when students who just "rub" me the wrong way are creating friction in overdrive.
  • when close family members don't move quick enough or have the same kind of want-to that I have for all my many projects and members that are the most precious people to me.

Pray over what you have learned from today's passage.

Dear Lord, please help me...bring this scripture of You to my remembrance in situations when I am just too quick to anger.  May I instead slow down, breathe, think of you, and be just be You would be. Thank you.


Want to do as I did...print your booklet and get ready for the next study?  Here's a link to The Road to Christmas.  I am excited about this one, as I have always wanted to learn more about Advent and to participate in such a study.  Yay!  Join us!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Joseph, the Step-dad?

This week, as I have continued Karen Kingsbury's The Family of God, I have spent some time thinking about Joseph and the man of God he was.

I am sure you know the history, but please consider...

...your betrothed is pregnant...surely, the only answer is that she has been unfaithful. her?  divorce her? her?  be a step-dad? 
...finding confirmation in meeting Anna and Simeon. 
...becoming the protector...the father-figure... 
...listening to your son Jesus say he has been about his "father's" business, knowing he is not referring to you...

Seeing these events through the eyes of Joseph has been interesting, soul-touching, maybe life-changing?  For I, too, have been in the step position.  Looking back, I wished I had studied Joseph about ten years ago.

Considering the roles of men and women during that time, Joseph's being the head of the house-hold remained even more significant, for he insulated Mary from what could have been a death warrant, a stoning, a harsh way to die. Instead, he heeded the voice of the angel, he followed his heart, he loved her...and Jesus as his own.

Karen Kingsbury's liberty with the story-telling of Joseph is so endearing.  I love the orchids.  The artistic renditions of the story are beautiful.

Yesterday, my daughter returned from an outing declaring, "I don't know why, but it's beginning to feel like Christmas."  Maybe the cooler air?  The falling leaves?  The candles burning, sending out fall scents?  For me, it's diving into these stories of the family of Jesus.

Yes, please consider remaining close to the real reason for the season.  Enjoy a blessed fall and Christmas season. Aren't you glad we are a part of that family, also?

Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Family of Jesus

Tonight, we began Karen Kingsbury's Bible study of The Family of Jesus.  My plan is to begin each session with a song featuring the chosen family member.  Tonight, we listened to and discussed "Joseph's Song."  What an absolutely beautiful song.

We began this study a bit early...Halloween is next week!...but we will spend two weeks per family number, resulting in a twelve-week study that should conclude at Christmas.

Throughout the week, each member is encouraged to participate in the five-day study.  I already came across one interesting nugget:  I did not realize that Joseph never spoke a single word in the Bible.  His immense faith just spoke so loudly, didn't it?

My prayer is, as it was tonight during the study, that this study touch each person, bringing us ever closer to the true meaning of this holiday season, the true meaning of Christmas.

So...Merry Christmas...early!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

A Day to Celebrate Life

Today is my birthday.  Since having my daughter 15 years ago, I appreciate birthdays in a different way; thus, I ask:  why aren't birthdays also about the mother?  For she did give birth to the baby dolls and handsome little men, right?

My birthday wish would be to tell my mother how much I appreciate her...and miss her...and thank her.  She eased into heaven nearly three years ago, and I am very HaPpY that she is no longer suffering, residing in peace, resting in the love of our Heavenly Father.

Today, has been about family:

  • Kids I "adopted" were married today, one a former a student from several years ago, both who now attend church with us.
  • My daughter spent a majority of the day getting reading for her first Homecoming Dance.  Yes, she went with A Boy.  No, I was not ready for that.  Yes, he is a good boy.  No, I was not ready for that.  Oh, well...we have raised a beautiful young lady.  I really would not have it any other way.  Well, maybe a bunch of girls going as friends would have been okay...maybe?!
  • The husband bought me three of the most beautiful mums I have ever seen, for he loves me and knows how much I do appreciate flowers, especially the kind that continue to grow and flower year after year!
Today, the Lord blessed me, and I thank Him.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

I Cannot Come Down

Last night, I sat and listened.  As did two others.  The fourth lady?  She talked.  Shared.  Cried.  Hurting.

Once her spirit quieted, another lady expressed her gratitude for having such a group with whom she knew she could share her most personal needs.

Then, we prayed.

When Beth Moore announced her summer study of Children of the Day, a spiritual analysis of I and II Thessalonians, I just felt compelled to host  this study at our church.  Initially, no one seemed interested.  Then, one by one they signed on, and our small group grew to five.  Just the perfect number for us.

A nine-week study, Children of the Day became a four-month study, resulting in our meeting just in God's perfect timing so that the night's focus became just the message that one of the five needed from the Lord. (See above for example!)  It was truly amazing to witness. I this point in my walk with the Lord, nothing that my God does should amaze me, but amazed, excited, humbled, grateful I am.  Every time.

As we neared the end of the study, one of the ladies asked, "What study shall we do next?"

What?  Another study?

After some discussion, the group decided to participate in Beth Moore's study of Esther: It's Tough Being a Woman.  Then, possible Kelly Minter's study of Nehemiah.  I so love both of these books of the Bible.

May I leave you with my very favorite scriptures from Nehemiah...chapter 6...verse 3...?
I am doing a great work, and I cannot come down.  - ESV
Nehemiah refused to listen to his enemies, the distractors who attempted to interrupt his direction, his work for the Lord.  This bible study is a great work for the ladies involved, so no matter how busy my schedule, no matter how tired I may be after a very long day, no matter how some may suggest that this is the one thing I should no longer do, no matter...this is a great work from which I cannot come down.

What great work for the Lord are you doing?  For what work will you not stop, no matter who attempts to interfere or dissuade you?

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Just Fifteen Minutes

I am participating in Lysa TyKeurst's of Proverbs 31 online book study The Best Yes.

I  teach twice on Sunday:  Sunday School the book of Hebrews and Sunday evening MasterWork Fall 2014:  Essential Messages from God's Servants (David Jeremiah's Slaying the Giants in Your Life.)

I assist with the children on Wednesday evenings doing crafts/activities from The Gospel Project.

I participate in a part-time ladies' study of Beth Moore's Children of the Day (finishing the study tomorrow evening and beginning her Esther study).

I am also slowly reading Virelle Kidder's Meet Me at the Well: Take a Month & Water Your Soul (taking me a bit more than a month!).

I also teach English full-time and participate in two other book clubs.

And...yes, that is why I need The Best Yes, as I  resist continuing to say "yes, I'll do that."

Yesterday, as I read about too-busy schedules and finding that soul time to do what is pulling at your heart strings, I realized that while I am so busy with all the above "church" activities, I am not doing what I really feel called to do...more about that as I continue to write here, for I know what I want; just need confirmation from Him.

I enjoy blogging, though, and want to do so daily, yet, day by day, the missed opportunities leave, vanish. This is where that 15 minutes comes in.  I am clearing my schedule 15 minutes for at least four days a week to blog, either here, on my teacher blog, or on my book review blog.
Don't get so locked in to your overwhelming schedule that you haphazardly spend your soul.  It's time to flip that.  Never is a woman so fulfilled as when she chooses to underwhelm her schedule so she can let God overwhelm her soul.

Time's up.  Now, to get ready to discuss that giant called Worry during tonight's Discipleship Training class.  Thinking...Casting Crown's "Thrive" may be a good place to start.

Then, to read for the college-level class I teach tomorrow after school.

AND to finish the last few lessons of Children of the Day.

What are you doing with your 15 minutes of soul time?

Friday, September 12, 2014

In Anticipation...

Tomorrow, thirteen sisters in the Lord are traveling with or meeting me to attend the Beth Moore Simulcast.  I am beyond excited!  Truly!

I attended this event the last two years and was blessed immeasurably...even though I attended solo.  Part of me truly enjoyed that...just a day surrounded by other women, just a day where, at the same time, Jesus and I met.  So blessed.

This year, when I learned the same church would be hosting again, I just began inviting the women, and one by one each began to accept my invitation.  Now, they are coming from all over:  three are traveling over an hour, one from out of state; two are teachers with whom I work; several attend church with me, two from within our community.  All who have needs; some so wounded, one just having lost her four-month-old daughter to SIDS.  All who have needs.

Tonight, on the way from the football game, my fifteen-year-old daughter announced she just felt like she should go tomorrow.  Praise God!

I feel just a bit like Joshua did when he said, "Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you."   Wonders. Miracles.  I am rejoicing already for what He is going to do for these ladies.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

A Gospel Nugget...or two...

I like this one...
It is the Lord who goes before you.  He will be with you; he will not leave your nor forsake you.  Do not fear nor be dismayed. - Deut. 31:8.

Throughout both of the last two evenings, I have sat and listened to two women share tremendous testimonies:  one a newly retired elementary teacher, the other a young adult interviewing this week for a job, both learning to trust Him, to lean on Him, to rest in Him.   As I listened, I was just so blessed and uplifted to witness the growth in faith of both of these women.  These are such powerful times.  God is so mindful.

...the Lord who goes before you...

Earlier today, I received a text from a young Christian wife whose husband is about to fly to Hawaii to work for a while.  Scared, fearful of the many events and troubles in our country and around our world, she asked if I thought he should go.  Oh, my!  The question.  My reply:  "Pray.  Seek His will.  Then, either go...or His name and take a step of faith, either here or there."  Then, I read this, I will share this gospel nugget with her.

He will be with you.

On Sunday morning, I sat and listened to two young women share prayer requests that caused my heart to yearn for answers from God to their prayer requests, both asking for God to intervene in family matters, matters so close that tears filled the eyes as words were sought to explain the dilemmas.

Do not fear nor be dismayed.

I listened through the speaker of my phone as a concerned friend shared a rumor she thought I should know about my daughter.  A lie.  A work of Satan.  This one backfired on him, for through this, both The Daughter and I turned to Him, for comfort, for solace, for answers, for relief.  He was there.  Every time.

I really like this one...
It is the Lord who goes before you.  He will be with you; he will not leave your nor forsake you.  Do not fear nor be dismayed. - Deut. 31:8.

Blessings, my friend.  He is with you.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

What a Week!

This week, our church hosted a God-inspired and God-led Vacation Bible School.  What a great time we had!  I was blessed to participate and am rejuvenated to work even more for Him.

Because our children numbers had declined some in the past years, we planned for 30 children...and scrambled and God provided as the 48 showed up for the sessions we had planned. Truly, what a blessing.

At one point, I stated, "Next year instead of my planning, I just need to ask God how many He's going to send to us.!"  Yes!

We began our VBS on a Sunday afternoon, and at 5:45, I still needed one position to fill so we could begin.  Knowing that I could fill the position myself, I was not stressing, just believing that God would provide, when up walked a junior-high-aged visitor, who wanted to know if she could transport a group.  I wish you could have seen my smile at that exact moment, at that exact moment when God confirmed His Faithfulness to me once again.  Yes, ma'am, you may transport!

Many happy moments came out of this week:
  • Isaac, a fifth grader, living with his grandmother, who became my right-hand little man.  Whatever I asked, he completed.  Now, may I bless his life as he blessed mine.
  • Evan, the 18-year-old, very beautiful, granddaughter, who just recently came to live with her grandparents, who wanted to help in any way she could...put her in the sound room because, of course, she understands technology.  By week's end, I had invited her to my Sunday School class...and she accepted the invitation.
  • Jake and Mallorie...a married couple who are now both living for the Lord as Jake just got saved a couple of weeks ago.  They filled in many spots this week...encouraging kids, hanging signs, taking pics, assisting in crafts...just showing up and seeming to have a good time.  I invited them to Sunday School...Jake is planning to attend (Mallorie has a family baby shower to attend...will see her next week!)...Excited, I am!  Yes!
  • The Kitchen Crew...the first to arrive, the last to leave.  Feeding all, both physically and spiritually. Always dishing up smiles.  My friends.
  • Pastor Kenny, who worked 14 hour days, then came to VBS with a smile on his face every night.  A blessing.  
  • This list of blessings could go on and on...and on...
Tomorrow morning, at the request of Pastor Kenny, our VBS'ers will sing special music as they perform one of the theme songs "We Stand," such a powerful song, made so much more powerful as these words come out of the mouths of babes for Christ.

This energy, this synergy must go on, so, yes, of course, I have another event, or two, planned!


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Patience in the Storm

The last couple of weeks have been a roller coaster ride after my sister, in quite the freak accident, inhaled cleaning chemicals and ended up in ICU for much of that time.  The ride has been much like the one pictured at the by day we had our ups and downs; sometimes, even hour by hour.  For the most part, though, this ride was longer than some roller coaster rides, we have continually made progress, improving, healing.

The response to the prayer requests have been humbling...

Our God who honored those requests has been inspiring...

Through it all, though, I failed a test.  Recently, I was reminded that to be the Christian God wants me to be I should pray for ALL of the fruits of the spirit...yes, that definitely includes patience.  Remember how one obtains patience?
3  And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also:  knowing that tribulation worketh patience;  4  And patience, experience; and experience, hope; (Romans, KJV)
Hummmm....glory in tribulations?  Glory?  In tribulations?  Yes, I may glory after...but in?  Maybe I have...some...  Through this process, I have so appreciated Facebook (even going so far as to create Janet a page for her UPdates); there, I was able to request prayers and praise the answers, remaining humbled by the response from her many friends, humbled by the answered prayer requests when I would post. Yes, that praise is glory.  Maybe I am learning to better glory in tribulations...?

Now, for that next part...that part about tribulation working patience.  That part I failed, when in my bossiness (well, I would like to think it was because of my caring and inquiring about my sister), I upset a person enough that this person had to hang up the phone before exploding on me.  Right there is where I failed.

The part that bothers me the most?  My testimony in that person's eyes may be damaged.  That shames me.
And we desire each one of you to show the same earnestness to have the full assurance of hope until the end, so that you may not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.  (Hebrews 6:11-12)
 At that moment and other moments before, I did not have patience with this person...I was "sluggish." Well, maybe I had some patience (for this occurred  2 1/2 weeks into the roller coaster ride!)...but not with the right attitude.  Maybe that was the problem?  Too tired, too worried, too stressed, I allowed those emotions to override the Christ-like example I should have exuded.

I saw this quote on Facebook this morning...and it spoke to me.  Through the storm, my family has been through the last couple of weeks and during the time to come, during the time of continued healing and plenteous prayers answered, I hope to use the lessons learned, summed up here.  I pulled that above referenced person into my storm...not into my peace.  My prayer is that I be give the opportunity to use that peace more in this storm.

Right now?  I am home.  The storm has lessened, and I need the rest...emotionally and mentally.  Today, I am going to clean my house, doing something "normal" in the lull of this storm just seems important to me.

I pray for you peace...especially in your storms...which are coming...for we need that patience that only He can bestow.  Yes, let's praise Him in the storm.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Sisters Loved by God

Our Children of the Day small group of four is a all of different ways.

We met this past Tuesday and before the session was over, one confided, "I nearly didn't come.  I hadn't kept up with the study."  Another shared, "I had to complete three lessons last night to get caught up."

BUT before we left, we were all so uplifted, and one of the above prayed this in our closing prayer, "Lord, I am so glad I came because I have learned so much tonight."  Praise God!  Me, too!

Here, on Facebook, our group has a page.  Few of the others comment, but I receive such a blessing commenting and creating visuals for the scriptures...see above.  So much is packed within a single scripture.  Please...slow down and spend some time meditating on the above scriptures.

Aren't those inspirational scriptures?  Each has spoken to me, each pricking a part of my heart that needs to change.

Now, read today's...

Don't you think God wants us to share who we are, where we are...who we were, where we have been...with others?  Being personal, sharing ourselves creates that "person" for others to know.  Therein, await our testimonies.
Here's my prayer for me today..."Lord, fill me with your you remove bitterness and discontent from my heart, for I have lacked too much of the first and marinated on too much of the last two.  As a friend states, 'Bloom where God plants you.'  Yes, Lord, may I sprout beautiful leaves and spectacular flowers (maybe zinnias and marigolds?), so colorful and enduring.  Lord, may I share those flowers with others today, as I share my life for you."
I have been in a season of testing.  Since I am obviously a slow learner, this testing period has taken a very long time!  As I reflect, though, God has been ever faithful, even when I was failing those tests.  I have, also, noted that these learned lessons were ones I had to experience to truly understand what all He was teaching me.

In the classroom, I attempt to reach all learner types...auditory, visual, kinesthetic.  I always thought I was a visual learner...have to see it to really learn it.  In my spiritual life, I must be a kinesthetic learner...have to do it, sometimes several times, to master the Lord's Lessons.  Fortunately, He has enduring patience and simply retaught, usually in a different manner, when I failed, scoring a much too low grade, working with me until I mastered the objectives.

One of the slowly learned lessons:  Unless God opens the door, that door will remain shut no matter how I attempt to scratch, kick, beat, gripe, moan, groan (notice all those negative words?!).  Really, though, honestly...why would I want that door to open?!  I see that now.  God has a plan that He will see to fulfillment for my life.  No other plan do I want more.  Not my plans.  His plans.
The Lord will work out his plans for my life - for your faithful love, O Lord, endures forever.  Don't abandon me, for you made me. Psalm 138:8
 I seek just the right doors now, learning to lean ever more on Him, waiting now until the doors open.  Yes, I may knock to see if that's His Will.  I am learning that the kicking, beating, moaning, groaning, griping helps no one, especially myself.  Of course.

I have shared this before:  In 1999, I obtained a degree in secondary administration and curriculum.  At that time, I really felt that God would one day open the door to a principal's job.  That door has never opened.  Not once. Nor has any job in any area within those degrees. I have applied.  I have interviewed.  I have kicked, beat, moaned, groaned, griped all along the way.  Much gnashing of teeth.  Tears of frustration.

Why?  My arrogance?  The wrong attitude?  Faith in myself rather than in Him?  A lesson I needed to learn?

The answer:  Yes to every question.

Up to that point in my life, if a door of opportunity opened, I went through it and was blessed richly with promotions, finances, and personal worth.  That ended in 2005.  Every door shut.  The testing time began.  That's so easy to see now.  Not so easy when I was living it!

That's reason for my above prayer:  "Lord, fill me with your you remove bitterness and discontent from my heart, for I have lacked too much of the first and marinated on too much of the last two.  As a friend states, 'Bloom where God plants you.'  Yes, Lord, may I sprout beautiful leaves and spectacular flowers (maybe zinnias and marigolds?), so colorful and enduring.  Lord, may I share those flowers with others today, as I share my life for you."

I want all those negative emotions gone, for they are not of Him.  May we read this scripture again?

The Lord will work out his plans for my life - for your faithful love, O Lord, endures forever.  Don't abandon me, for you made me. Psalm 138:8
The Lord has The Plan for you and, we rest in Him.

Three years ago, a revival began in me, a zeal to be closer than ever to God, not that I had ever walked completely away from God.  I have always had a relationship with Him.  The hunger to be closer to Him, though, became ravenous.  I have studied His Word more, prayed more, praised more, testified more in the last few years...God is good my friends!  More...that's what I want.  The secret to more?  He opened that very door.  That door I went through.  Yes!

What of your life might you share today?  Blessings!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

That One Second

Last night, after receiving some disturbing news about a family member, The Hubby stated, "Strange how life can change in just a second."  Yes.

A little while later, he commented, "We need to pray about this."  Yes.  Life changed again, for we handed it over to Him.

This morning I continued my study of Beth Moore's Children of the Day and found comfort in 1 Thessalonians 1:3:

Faith.  Love.  Hope.

Work.  Labor.  Endurance.

Produced.  Prompted.  Inspired.

Layered within the verse, all these powerful words.  Wasn't Paul such an inspiring writer?

I also appreciated Beth Moore's statement, "Anything God emphasizes, the Devil seeks to exterminate." That faith, love, hope, he may try to rid us of it, but more powerful, though, is that Holy Spirit which resides within us to help overcome any attempts at extermination.  Remember Romans 5:5 - "Hope does not disappoint us because God had poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us."  Thank you, Jesus!  He gives and gives and gives...if we will just ask.  And today...I am asking.  Today, The Hubby is asking.

So blessed we are to have that Presence. So comforted we are by that Presence.  So empowered we are by that Presence.

I pray your life is filled with that Presence.  If your life is missing that Holy Spirit, the presence of that Great Comforter, it just takes that one second when you ask Him to come into your heart...then your life can be so dramatically changed.


Monday, June 2, 2014

A Change of Plans

The last two studies in our Sunday School material focused on a Godly marriage.   While a great topic..and one that definitely suits my class, the topic was just a bit hard for one young lady involved in a potential divorce.  All last week, I just did not feel led to stick with curriculum.  Kept feeling that spiritual nudge...

As I drove to visit with my family over the weekend, I listened to the music, Selah's song "I Bless Your Name" speaking to me.  So, I do what I do...I played it over and over and was so blessed again by Paul and Silas' testimony.  So powerful!

Later, that evening I studied Acts 16 and prepared to share it with my class.  Were we ever blessed!

God spoke to those young people Sunday morning because...Paul and Silas...

  • ...even though seemingly supported, confronted the demon, allowing God and not the devil to receive credit His Work in their lives.  What a model for us as we, too, face confrontations.
  • ...even though beaten...sang God's praises in the inner dungeon.  What a model for us as we, too, go through tests to remember to praise Him for the trials that He allows to happen to place us within circumstances to do a work for Him.  We have unsaved family, unfaithful husbands, strong-willed children.
  • ..even though free...remained for the sake of that jailer's salvation.  What a model for us as we, too, have people in our lives who need the Lord
Then, we listened to the above song and were blessed again via song, for we are all at times in "a prison of our minds."  Often, the mind has such strong walls, refusing freedom...until we speak His Name.

Please, consider spending some time in this will be blessed!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

An Inspiring Must-Read...Please!

This blog post is just beautiful.

Please read "How to Keep Hoping for Things That Seem Impossible" by Ann Voskamp at A Holy Experience.  Voskamp is the author of the best-seller One Thousand Gifts.

Just beautiful.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Summer Sister Siesta

I'm committed.  My book is ordered...for Beth Moore's study of her book Children of the Day.  Am praying about...and do open the doors of the church the evening I plan to watch the video.  Maybe some with come?  I believe they will, for this is what I really feel to do.  When I was discussing this with my Sunday School class, I explained there's just nothing like sitting quietly in the sanctuary.  God is in that place.  I like to meet him there.

For more information about this study, please visit her blog post explaining the details here.  This one is an eight-week study of I and II Thessalonians.  Besides my two studies for church (Sunday School the book of Ezekiel and Discipleship Training Using Your Spiritual Gifts), this is the only study I am committing to this summer.  This past spring, I committed to too much and did not do as well as I had hoped.  Better than if I had not attempted at all but still not what I had hoped to accomplish.  (Plus, my father-in-law became very ill and eased on into Heaven...a blessing for him...even though we miss him.)

The study begins next is over this week.  Perfect timing...just as God's timing always is.

Happy reading!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Slowing Down...Verse by Verse

This week...thanks to the time provided by Spring Break...I have been working through a few days' of  Beth Moore's David:  Seeking a Heart Like His, a study recently hosted by Women's Bible Cafe.

The more I study, this I know, that if one does not slow down when reading, then the verses just fly by, and much is missed!   Would you ponder with me for a minute (or two)?

When Saul becomes jealous of David, he fled for his life to Nob, where hungry, Ahimelech offered him the bread of the Presence.  My first reaction to David's requesting food (actually five loaves...remember how many loaves Jesus used to feed the hungry?) and then taking this bread of the Presence as...well, as arrogant, even callous, for the bread was placed before God "as a reminder or symbol of the everlasting covenant."  

Moore suggests, though, that this was not by accident, that God used it to reaffirm His presence in David's life, "pledging His presence to David and promising to be his complete sustainer," just as He will sustain us.  He is the Bread of Life.

David must have been feeling a bit out of sorts, having left home, killing a giant, gaining a friend in Jonathan, then...being blasted with Saul's jealousy.  That is much for a young man to handle.  David needed a reminder of who was in charge of his destiny.

I can recall several times in my life when His Presence calmed me, reminding me of the Covenant I have with Him, for "he who believes in me has everlasting life."

  • When the doctors revealed my daughter's heart/lung defect...
  • When my parents passed...
  • When my job became a pit, one I needed, to teach me lessons I could have learned in no other way...
God used the bread to symbolize a continued covenant with David, on which David reflects in Psalm 31:16:  "Let your face shine on your servant; save me in your unfailing love."  Now, please reread that scripture replacing face with the Hebrew word paneh, which also means presence..."Let your presence shine on your servant; save me in your unfailing love."  Ahhhh...he is ever present, isn't he?  

Consider Moore's admonition:  "Keep praying for a hunger and thirst for His Word.  Like David, God doesn't want you feeding from common loaves.  He desires to feed you with the bread of His Presence.  His table is always set." (pg 55)

Yes, I, too, have eaten of the bread of the Presence, and it is nourishing, filling, calming.  I love that He loves me...even me.  Then, that Presence later serves as reminders He will leave nor forsake me.

Yes, verse by verse...and studying commentary and studies such as the one above as I go...results in my being fed.  

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Time to Study!

Over the last few weeks, I have come across two studies in which I plan to participate that are centered around the topic of Easter, the first of which I promo-ed in my previous post.   Please take a moment to check out these studies and determine if any might be of interest or be timely in your life right now.

  1. Good Morning Girls' Why Easter Matters:  a four-week study that begins Sunday, March 30 and utilizes what they refer to as the S.O.A.P. Reading Plan.  You may subscribe here and then will receive an email with all the online materials and videos...for free!  Did I mention free?!
  2. Ann Voskamp's An Easter Devotional:  Trail to the Tree:  Voskamp, author of the best-selling of One Thousand Gifts, offers the study for free (yes, free!) here on her website.  Embedded within the printout are Easter Tree ornaments...yes, lovely.  Her posts are full of beautiful pictures.  You might consider allowing additional time to absorb the message and the beauty of the photos.  This is a 17-day study, so with Easter falling on April 20, I will begin this one on April 1...allowing for a few days when life is just too real.  For several years, I have created an Easter Egg tree, but I look forward to the creation of the addition of these ornaments and the discussion each may cause with family and friends.  Perfect.
I love this time of the year.  New growth.  New life.  New reminders.  Same love.  Same Jesus.  Yes.

Now, info on just one more study...If you enjoy such online studies, please consider Women Bible Cafe's next study that begins on April 7 of He Is My All.  The book is required and may be purchased at any number of sites, including Amazon.

I appreciate the ladies so much who give of themselves, especially of their time, to women from all across the land, the world, who are in need of a closer walk with our Lord and Savior.  What an example each is!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Upcoming Study for Easter

Please consider this online Easter study...just four weeks long...and hosted by Good Morning Girls located here.

Easter blog graphic

I shared this study with my Sunday evening Discipleship Training class AND was so PLEASED to see a youth pick up a packet.  Praise God!  That excites me.  I told HIM (yes, a young adult male) that I, too, would be participating in this study and that we would have to get together and chat.

Yes, praise God!

Lent This Year?

Never have I observed Lent...because this time was not celebrated in the churches with whom I associated.  This year, though, the thought would just not leave me, especially as several of the blogs/websites I followed are hosting, leading, encouraging others to consider giving something for 40 days.

First, what is lent? 
Lent is a time when many Christians prepare for Easter by observing a period of fastingrepentance, moderation and spiritual discipline. The purpose is to set aside time for reflection on Jesus Christ - his suffering and his sacrifice, his life, death, burial and resurrection. (Source)

Setting Aside

I spent some time pondering from what to fast.  Chocolate?  Sweets?  Diet Coke?  Yes, all dealt with food. That probably does not say much for me that my first three choices have to do with addictions!  NOR did any of these achieve the sort of reflection on Jesus that I hoped to obtain.

A few weeks ago, I attended a ladies Inspire Conference and was blessed to listen to Debbie Stuart of Women of Faith who shared her "20 Minutes a Day for the Rest of Your Life."  As we left the conference that afternoon, I told my two lady friends that I was sent to the conference just to hear this speaker.  In every session I attended of hers, God used her to speak to my soul.  A blessing.  So motivating.


A few days later, I came across this Prayer Journal at Good Morning Girls, and the idea began to solidify.  Twenty minutes every morning...yes, get up early...and spend it with the Lord.

Sitting my alarm for 5:20, giving myself a 10-minute snooze, I began a new routine, spending time with several inlets with our Lord via the following:
  • Joanna Weaver's Word of God Speak 2014 on Facebook:  Right now, we are in Mark.  Last week, I spend four mornings on the story of the fig tree.  Loved what I learned there.  May I ever be a fruit-bearing fig tree.
  • Our church's Sunday School weekly materials...instead of waiting and studying the night before, I study a section of scripture per day.  Never, will I not study the literature before a I did for years when I was just a participant in a class.  This saddens me that I missed so much by not immersing myself in this weekly study.
  • Virelle Kidder's Meet Me at the Well...actually, thought I was grabbing another book by an author that focuses on this same topic of a well.  See how God works?  He knew which book I needed right now.  Love this lady's writer's voice.  
  • My Sunday evening Discipleship Training study materials Using Your Spiritual Gifts...this is the first time I have participated in an in-depth study on this topic.  As I told my class, I am there to learn from them.
No, I do not use all of these during that 20 minutes, for I find myself immersed in one and too quickly the time passes.  Every time, though, every time, God gives me something on which to marinate throughout the day.


The sacrifice of that 20 minutes will be immeasurable, for my days have a new emphasis.  I have always been a night person, studying often when the house gets quiet, even getting up when I cannot sleep to continue a study. 

Why morning time?  Jesus is our example: 
"And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed.  Mark 1:35
The Lord GOD has given Me the tongue of disciples, that I may know how to sustain the weary one with a word. He awakens Me morning by morning. He awakens My ear to listen as a disciple. (Isa 50:4)
Honestly?  The Lord wants to hear from us anytime, anywhere, anyhow.  You know your schedule.  You know you and when you are most receptive to Him. Time spent with Him is what remains important.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

My Vision, My Dream...The Answer

God is good, isn't He?

Here's some background for you...I have taught high school English for 23 year in three different schools.  Over those years, I have been blessed to meet many young adults, some of whom weigh heavy on my heart for they are unchurched.

Over the last few years, I have been burdened for them and believe that the Lord is going to lead...and is leading...some of them back to our church, where many attended VBS as a child, where many received Bibles at the Baccalaureate services we hosted for each graduating class.

Sometimes, you just plant the seeds.

Notice what Paul says in I Corinthians 3:
6 My job was to plant the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God, not we, who made it grow. 7 The ones who do the planting or watering aren't important, but God is important because he is the one who makes the seed grow. 8 The one who plants and the one who waters work as a team with the same purpose. Yet they will be rewarded individually, according to their own hard work.
This, we have been discussing in my Sunday School class (actually, I did not realize how much until one repeated it back to me!).  Unfortunately, for us who want all things to occur yesterday, some seeds grow very sloooooooowly.  We have the very same tree planted at the very same time in our front yard...and they are different sizes.

When we started my Sunday School class last September, two of my former students arrived for it.  Then, another began coming to church.  Then another.  Today, the pastor reminded us about the prodigal son.  I am the parent who is sooooooo excited about her children/students returning.

Then, last Wednesday, one contacted me about church times and stated the Lord had told her to get in touch with me and to attend our church.  Now, that, my friends, is 
          a God Thing
.  In his time, in His growing.

Right now, as I ponder on this, I can see more faces.  One, God is placing them there for me so I will pray for them.  Two, with each face that appears at church, oh, the faith continues to grow.

In Philemon, faith is discussed this way:  "I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith."  Let's do it!   All it takes is faith the size of a mustard seed.

God is working.  He is cultivating.  He is growing.  The seeds are there.  What's growing in your life? In your churches?  In your community?

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Peace unto You

Since September, I have been leading a new Sunday School class for what we refer to as College and Career.  This class has been such a blessing.  Truly.

Starting a few weeks ago, using the Proverbs scripture chosen as the focus of author Liz Curtis Higg's Bible study (she is awesome!  Please visit her page.), we began focusing on a scripture a week.  One week, we chose to remain on one scripture for another week.  Just going where the Lord led.

Then, this past week, as I pondered which scripture to chose for this past week's focus, I skimmed tomorrow's Sunday School lesson from the book of John, the scriptures of Jesus' resurrection, and these words lifted off the page, three times...

Peace unto you.
                      Peace unto you.
                                            Peace unto you. what each and every one of the people in my class need.  As I have gotten to know them over the last few months, each have shared his/her story.  These people are dealing with real life.  Very real life.  Children.  Marriages.  Heartache.  Celebrations.  Love.  Christ.

Only because of His Peace can they overcome.

Only because of His Peace will the testimonies continue to be told.  Week after week.  Text after text.  Conversation after conversation.

As we meet weekly, we invite His Presence.  
He always join us.
Every time.

For the previous three years, I have participated in the MyOneWord challenge.  Peace was my first word.  At that time, I was experiencing much turmoil within my career.  Looking back, I now know (yes, hindsight is 20/20) the Lord placed that turmoil in my life to teach me lessons that only experience could have taught.  Through that word Peace, I overcame that turmoil and began a relationship with God unlike any I had ever had before.

Now, on my fourth word, I continue to embrace all  my words:  peace, quiet, fit, smile.

Peace unto you.  Really.  Unto YOU.

Blessings and peace, my friend.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Book Talk: Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World

This was originally posted on my book review blog.

Just call me Martha...or a Mary-Wanna-Be...or a Martha Mary-ily.  Just not there, am I?  When I asked my Sunday evening Discipleship Training class which they thought I am...they smiled first. 

I knew what they were going to say.  "I'm a Martha, aren't I?"

Heads shook up and down. 


Joanna Weaver's Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World spoke to me. She delves deeply into the relationships among Mary, Martha, Lazarus, Jesus, and herself.  Full of references to other writers and stories that solidify each chapter's topic.

I read this one because the Women's Bible Cafe Book Club via Facebook had chosen it for their nonfiction selection of the month.  Upon posting, the hostess stated she had read this one for the third time.  Now I understand why.  The book is just full, page after page, of wonderful words promoting our Lord and Savior.  I wish you could see the copy of this book that has become mine...annotations on nearly every page.

I so enjoy such books, for they encourage me to spend time...days, even weeks with characters of the Bible.  I keep hearing myself telling my classes that often we read the Bible too much often happens within even just a few verses.  Don't you wish the Bible was a much longer work with so many of those details added?  That is what Heaven is all about.

Okay...the Martha in me can check off reading this book from my to-do list.  The Mary in me hopes to revisit pages and marinate on the many nuggets that lie within them and share a story or anecdote with either  my Sunday School or the above mentioned Discipleship Training class.  Yes, a nice blend of service and devotion.  Maybe, just maybe, I will eventually be a blend of these two ladies of the Bible.

Click here for Joanna Weaver's blog, where she is hosting Word of God Speak 2014.  She is also the author of two other books, which I hope to soon add to my collection.

Happy reading!  Blessings!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Yes, I'm a Mary Wanna-Be


This month, I am reading Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World by Joanna Weaver, as part of the Women's Bible Cafe Book Club, hosted on Facebook. While sharing a few nuggets with my Sunday evening class, I asked who they thought I might be more like.  I saw a few tiny smiles.  I knew they knew.

I told them I could handle it.  Yes, I am a Martha.  Yes, I am a Mary Wanna-Be.

AND I love this book.  The more I read, the more I enjoy it.  When I began the study, one of the leaders commented she had read this book three times.  Now, my understanding grows.  I already know I will read this one again.

Lines such as these force me to pause.  Literally.

While the world applauds achievement, God desires companionship.
...Christ wants to spend quality time with me...He looks forward to our time together and misses me when I don't show up.
What a goal!  To be so in tune with the presence of God that washing dishes becomes an act of worship.
I hope...that reading this book means that I am more of a Mary than I was when I once would have chosen a current popular fiction novel.  Maybe?

I Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed.  Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her." (Luke 10)

Thank you, Jesus, for what is better can never be taken away from me.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Christian Book Challenges: Are You Ready?

I read for pure enjoyment...and to learn more about a topic or myself.  This year, I have chosen more Christian and author-chosen read-alongs than I have in the previous years, and for that choice?  I have six books to read this month!  Thus far, I have completed two for these challenges...will I make it?!

May I introduce you to the challenges?

Women's Bible Cafe:  This group always has three books being read and this discussed.

  1. Bible Study:  David:  Seeking a Heart Like His by Beth Moore (this one is in the mail)
  2. Fiction:  Fifteen Minutes by Karen Kingsbury
  3. Non-Fiction:  Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World by Joanna Weaver
The Happiness Project:  Here, she has three books, but due to all my other commitments, I chose this one, which I will also count in my goal to read more classics (maybe a modern classic, for it was written in 1951):
  • January - Eccentric Pick:  The End of the Affair by Graham Greene.  
The Paper Chase Book Club:  our only locally owned book store's book club.  Please note that two of these are either Biblically related or by authors who have written Christian books.
  • January - Miss Julia Takes Over by Ann B. Ross...this is the second in a series of 14 novels, so,yes, I had to read the first one, also.  Awesome and so very funny series!
  • February - Still Alice by Lisa Genova...this is about a lady with Alzheimer's.  Because of the subject, I almost dread reading it as this is the disease that claimed and took my mother from me.  Maybe, though, it will be a form of continued healing...hope so!
  • March - Book of Esther from the Bible
  • April - Crossroads by William Paul Young, also author of The Shack.
BHS Reads:  our high school faculty book club...
  • January - The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown...learned so much about the Masons and Washington, DC, in this one.  Interesting!
  • February - The Fallen Snow by John J. Kelley
  • March - Caleb's Crossing by Geraldine Brooks
Here's where I keep up with my reading throughout and over the years.  This year, I have chosen a different format for record keeping.  Instead of adding the books I as I read them, I am creating a list to-be-read and linking them to the book's review as I read.  Should I not read, I will remove the book from the list.  I like success; therefore, I do not want to have to remove a book!

What books are you reading?  Joined any challenges?  And, of course, you are invited to join any of the above challenges.  I have teachers that read the books for BHS Reads and never join our monthly meetings.  I would love for them to join us, though; that's just more to add to our discussions!

Happy Reading!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Favorite 50 Proverbs: Week 1

Author Liz Curtis Higgs is hosting this Bible focus on the Book of Proverbs, and I hope to follow along. Please check out this post and read along.

Week 1's scripture is Proverbs 3:3 -
Never let loyalty and kindness leave you!
Tie them around your neck as a reminder.
Write them deep within your heart

Isn't that beautiful and just so peaceful? Just imagine those exhibiting those two qualities daily. In case the words "tie them around your neck" bothered you, I picture a cute necklace, which I usually always have on one.

This scripture challenges me to be...yes, be...better to one of my classes, one that is nearly full of boys, boys who would probably rather be anywhere than English class. In my classes I like to have lots of discussion, but with this class, I seem to have to be on guard with every comment, for they are so quick to cut each other down, to become loud, and then be totally off topic. At that precise second, I can just feel myself getting so "uptight" with them.  The kindness just leaves! Part of me wants to call it tough love...the other just does not feel very kind at all!  

My goal: take this scripture into the classroom and live it.  Live it.  Every kind moment of it.  

They really are just good kids.  I...yes, I...need to work on funneling that energy in the directions I need it to flow.  

This scripture also reminds me of how often I have heard my husband acknowledge how important loyalty in family should hurtful those moments are.  We have lived several examples of family seemingly being more loyal those to have hurt us.

Christian love?  Maybe.
Straddling the fence?  Probably.
Hurting the ones that are biologically related?  Yes.

Truly, we should hide this very powerful attribute in our hearts and live it. 

Never let loyalty and kindness leave me...
