Monday, March 24, 2014

Lent This Year?

Never have I observed Lent...because this time was not celebrated in the churches with whom I associated.  This year, though, the thought would just not leave me, especially as several of the blogs/websites I followed are hosting, leading, encouraging others to consider giving something for 40 days.

First, what is lent? 
Lent is a time when many Christians prepare for Easter by observing a period of fastingrepentance, moderation and spiritual discipline. The purpose is to set aside time for reflection on Jesus Christ - his suffering and his sacrifice, his life, death, burial and resurrection. (Source)

Setting Aside

I spent some time pondering from what to fast.  Chocolate?  Sweets?  Diet Coke?  Yes, all dealt with food. That probably does not say much for me that my first three choices have to do with addictions!  NOR did any of these achieve the sort of reflection on Jesus that I hoped to obtain.

A few weeks ago, I attended a ladies Inspire Conference and was blessed to listen to Debbie Stuart of Women of Faith who shared her "20 Minutes a Day for the Rest of Your Life."  As we left the conference that afternoon, I told my two lady friends that I was sent to the conference just to hear this speaker.  In every session I attended of hers, God used her to speak to my soul.  A blessing.  So motivating.


A few days later, I came across this Prayer Journal at Good Morning Girls, and the idea began to solidify.  Twenty minutes every morning...yes, get up early...and spend it with the Lord.

Sitting my alarm for 5:20, giving myself a 10-minute snooze, I began a new routine, spending time with several inlets with our Lord via the following:
  • Joanna Weaver's Word of God Speak 2014 on Facebook:  Right now, we are in Mark.  Last week, I spend four mornings on the story of the fig tree.  Loved what I learned there.  May I ever be a fruit-bearing fig tree.
  • Our church's Sunday School weekly materials...instead of waiting and studying the night before, I study a section of scripture per day.  Never, will I not study the literature before a I did for years when I was just a participant in a class.  This saddens me that I missed so much by not immersing myself in this weekly study.
  • Virelle Kidder's Meet Me at the Well...actually, thought I was grabbing another book by an author that focuses on this same topic of a well.  See how God works?  He knew which book I needed right now.  Love this lady's writer's voice.  
  • My Sunday evening Discipleship Training study materials Using Your Spiritual Gifts...this is the first time I have participated in an in-depth study on this topic.  As I told my class, I am there to learn from them.
No, I do not use all of these during that 20 minutes, for I find myself immersed in one and too quickly the time passes.  Every time, though, every time, God gives me something on which to marinate throughout the day.


The sacrifice of that 20 minutes will be immeasurable, for my days have a new emphasis.  I have always been a night person, studying often when the house gets quiet, even getting up when I cannot sleep to continue a study. 

Why morning time?  Jesus is our example: 
"And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed.  Mark 1:35
The Lord GOD has given Me the tongue of disciples, that I may know how to sustain the weary one with a word. He awakens Me morning by morning. He awakens My ear to listen as a disciple. (Isa 50:4)
Honestly?  The Lord wants to hear from us anytime, anywhere, anyhow.  You know your schedule.  You know you and when you are most receptive to Him. Time spent with Him is what remains important.

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