Thursday, March 26, 2015

Moses: As Strong as Ever

I am still reading the Bible through chronologically and am enjoying this experience...very much.  This method I would recommend to everyone, for most of the Bible is not in chronological order; thus, I am learning much history also.

Today, Moses died.  At the age of 120.  "...yet his eyes were not weak nor his strength gone."  (Deut.  34:7)

That just stands out to me.  Did his eyes not age?  Did being in the presence of the Lord strengthen him?  Was his body preparing for entry into Heaven?

Maybe this is a spiritual reference?  He had spent so much time with the Lord face to face.  His spiritual eyes were strong, as with his spiritual strength.  What a life he had experienced!

Plus, for a man who had to have someone speak for him due to his stuttering, he certainly overcame that challenge, speaking much, continually reiterating the Israelite's history and issuing challenges to continually love the Lord with all their hearts and all their souls.

Did Moses welcome going to Heaven once the Lord foretold him what decisions the Israelites would make?  That had to be a bit discouraging to have gone through all they had to only learn these people would turn their backs again on the Lord.  Surely that made missing out on the land of milk and honey not quite so disappointing, for, after all, he was entering THE land of milk and honey!

Lots of questions about Moses!  One day, yes, one day...we will have time to sit down and have all these questions answered!  Until then, I want those eyes that are not weak, that strength that is not weakened.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Not about Myself

Again, God continues to amaze me...I am sure you can also testify to this!

At church, I am involved in three studies:

  • Sunday School - the minor prophets
  • Sunday Evening - The Persistence of Prayer 
  • Weekly - Beth Moore's Breaking Free
Amazingly, these three seem to support one another in a timely manner, all three for three groups of people wanting simply to be closer to the Lord.  Yes, He is responding.

Focusing on the minor prophets for the first time, I am learning so much about the Day of the Lord and rivalries between the Southern and Northern Kingdoms, realizing that these prophecies could have been written for our day, for our country.  

The study of prayer is a completion of Lifeway's Masterwork study for the Fall 2014.  We had taken a much-needed break during the months of January and February from our Discipleship training class.  Concerned about who would return for this study, I am learning that God had a group whose hearts He had been preparing for just such a time as this, a group who is hungry for revival, a prayer request of mine:  that He break out a revival in each person in my church.  A seemingly impossible request?  That, my friend, is why I am asking, for through Him?  Yes, all things are HIMpossible. 

May I share one nugget?  God wants us to pray alone.  Not too profound, uh?  When I began this study, I thought to myself...I'll begin a little initiative "Fifteen for Fifteen," with my inviting church friends to join me for fifteen minutes before church begins on Sunday morning, praying for 15 new souls.  Isn't that a great idea?  Then, every scripture I read began to point out that my prayer time should be private, alone...just me and Him.  

I shared the above with my class.  I wish you could have seen the initial response to "Fifteen for Fifteen"!  Others liked it also!  Then, I shared...I won't be hosting or leading that endeavor, for this is not about me or any glory I might receive.  This is about Him, to His Glory.  He is going to give us those souls.  This time, though, it will be all to His Glory. 

Then, last week, at our study of Beth Moore's Breaking Free, we began with nine in attendance, with four more planning to attend...and now maybe more.  This is such a God thing.  About a year ago, I felt to begin having such a study when Beth Moore hosted Children of the Day.  Felt strongly to do so and to host at our church...even if it meant meeting by myself.  God is sending those who need these studies, and I need all of them! From teacher friends to former students to those they themselves are beginning to invite...they are coming.  Want to participate online?  I attempt to post somewhat regularly here at a Facebook group entitled Making Choices for Him.  You are welcome to join us!

What a blessing!  One day I will testify about more that God is going here.  Just know...God is good...all the time.

Monday, March 16, 2015

How Inspiring!

Just a week add my reflective thoughts on this year's growing Inspire Conference; numbers were up by 100.  Picture it:  500 women praising and worshiping. Yes, it was inspiring!

This year, again, three of us attended and had such a good time.  Good music, wonderful breakout sessions, and an excellent featured speaker.

Speaker Debbie's Stuart's message still resonates with me today as she explained a "time in the wilderness," a time not meant as punishment, though, a time meant for growth.  

As I ponder on my last few years in my career, this expression "time in the wilderness" so explains it, yet what a different perspective when I remove the punishment factor.  I like this statement from the Word of God Jim Gerrish explains,

In Hebrew, the word for wilderness is midbar.  It is surely interesting that the root ofmidbar has the meaning of “speak” or “word.”  God speaks to us in the wilderness.  God also humbles and proves us in the wilderness (Deut. 8:2).  The wilderness period can last days, or years, depending on how quickly we learn its lessons.

I have said many times that going this "wilderness" was the only way in which I could have learned lessons, ones by experiencing them.  Spouting words of wisdom can come quite easily and sound so sympathetic.  Words of experience, though, come through the voice of empathy.  When I look back, I had several lessons in humility that had to be experienced.  May I say?  Humility is a hard lesson!

I have also learned I am a slow learner!  How long do the wilderness experiences last?  Times vary...remember Abraham? David?  Elijah?  Jesus?  They last as long as it takes.

Isn't the experience more durable, though, when viewed not as a punishment.  A time of spiritual growth.  A precious time.  (Just so you know...I have only been able to call it these nicer names in the last year or so!  Let's face it...those times are hard.)  But...such growth does occur.

Been to, in, through a wilderness?  Have you come out of the wilderness?  Yes, you are about to have a growth spurt...a spiritual growth spurt!

Friday, March 6, 2015

A Thematic Approach to March

Please take a moment and check out the picture at the right.  Notice a theme amongst the books?  Yes.  Prayer.

He wants my attention.  He is teaching me.

He has my attention.  I am attempting to learn.

Here's the amazing thing:  two of those books are for an online book club; three are for a new discipleship training class beginning this upcoming Sunday evening; one is our Sunday School literature.  Who but God could have known they would all come together at exactly the same time in my life?  Amazing!

Why am I still amazed at how great He his?  I know!  He simply amazes me.  Still!

I hope to share nuggets I am learning throughout this month.  As Michael Catt of The Power of Persistence says...He takes the impossible and makes it HIMpossible.  I really like that.

Here's another amazing thing:  The Prayer Box (my book review here), also, addresses the topic of grace that our Pastor has been preaching for months. They Found the Secret, in the first chapter, centers on the topic of rest, again, a topic on which our Pastor have been preaching for months.

Yes, Lord, I am listening.

Here's another amazing thing:  this past Tuesday, while at Bible study, as we opened in prayer, we brought before the Lord a prayer request for one of the lady's sons, asking Him to have the son call her.  Before finishing the prayer, her phone began to buzz.  She checked it.  Yes, her son was calling.  Amazing, He is.  So ever mindful of His children.

I am in much anticipation of what the Lord is going to do as we begin this new study on prayer at church.  I can feel it.  He is going to do something simply amazing for those, for someone who is attending that study.  I just know it.  He has given me the faith.  Yes, he has.

Thank you, Lord.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Pondering on Scripture...and Jealousy...and...

This year, I am attempting...and for the most part reading the Bible through chronologically with a group of ladies online.  Very powerful!

This morning's read (was actually for day behind!) caused me to stop and ponder.  Here's what I posted for the Facebook online discussion:
The Test for an Unfaithful Wife: Numbers! So many lessons there...purity, humility, faithfulness, respect. Certainly a test.

The storyteller in me wonders...a husband could bring the woman before to be tested if he were just jealous with no proof...this then solidified marriages?...because the jealously was unfounded?

It is just so easy for me to put myself in the place of that woman...and wonder how would I feel? Then, again, I would not want my husband to ever be jealous for these kinds of reasons...just as I don't want to live with those jealousies about him in my heart. This all goes back to keeping myself holy...for my husband...for my Lord.

One of the reminders, also, that I am taking away from this passage: God is mindful and takes care of the innocent, removing all doubt from her/his accusers.

Again, I am thankful to live under grace, so thankful for what Jesus Christ did for me...and you.

AND, as the commentary in my Bible noted, "Worshiping our Holy God must not be taken lightly."

PS Please don't think I am "holier than thou"! I had a lot of thoughts on this passage that I had to think through before I typed up the above! So many thoughts! That is the beauty of this study...pausing, thinking, meditating, learning, growing...all so good! Again, thanks Mrs. Joanna Weaver for hosting!
