Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Connecting: Online Bible Study

Image of Nehemiah: A Heart That Can Break (Study)

One day, while perusing my Google Reader, I learned about Beth Moore's summer book study of Kelly Minter's Nehemiah:  A Heart that Can Break.  I shared the idea at church, and another lady friend purchased the workbook also.  (We will "officially" sign up as soon as we meet and choose a name.) Beth Moore Launch and Registration here at the Living Proof Ministries.

Beth Moore will create a video and release every two weeks and release on the above mentioned blog and the first one is now available there.  I truly appreciate videos, especially when I help coordinate studies.  For instance, I lead our church's Sunday evening Discipleship Training class, and so far, the Lord tends to direct me to studies that include videos, for which I am so thankful, for I am learning right along with the class.  Plus, that's right...videos take up chunks of time!  :)

Then, I discovered Bible Cafe for Women, and they, too, are studying this book. Yes, I signed up there, also!  I am in Group 10; still learning about this and am beginning to receive emails with greetings from the leader and another group member (discovered her blog...A Quiet Place...see link to the right...AND more importantly, please pray for her as she is completing chemo...she has endured her test and her testimony is growing!).

I know our local group is small...just two so far...(still inviting friends to join), but the Word says "where two or three are gathered, I am there in their midst."  So, yes, I am excited and looking forward to my upcoming spiritual blessing.

I purchased my workbook here on author Kelly Minter's site (while there, I also purchased her workbook on Ruth...a book of the Bible to which I feel drawn).  Then, I discovered (on one of these sites!) that I could purchase Kelly Minter's videos to the Nehemiah for $2.99 each on Lifeway's site, so I purchased two to see if we might be interested in these (thinking that we will!).

This study is meant for me.  Here is an example of how God works:  In Discipleship Training, we have been working through a study of Andy Stanley's entitled Discovering God's Will.  The last two weeks' of that study were based on Nehemiah 6:3. So powerful!  "I am doing a great work, and I can not come down."  Just be still and content where God has placed you...and say "no" when encouraged to leave that place.  Talk about perfect timing!

Interested in such a study as this?  Please join us...women across this nation coming together to study God's Word.  A true blessing!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

M & M Blessings

This morning, I hosted the annual brunch for my church lady friends.  This year's theme centered around M & M's:  Mentors and Mentees.

I had hoped to use this theme for a ladies' retreat (and will in time), but the timing is just not right for our church right now, so I borrowed my own theme!  This theme came from one of the books Face-to-Face with Naomi and Ruth:  Together for the Journey that  I purchased as I originally began working on the ladies' retreat theme.

Then, I journeyed over to Creative Ladies Ministry and discovered  many ideas to support this very theme also.  From there, I borrowed the following poem (made a few minor additions to personalize for this brunch).

M&M Ladies’ Brunch Poem 
(Originally titled "M & M Christmas Poem)

As you hold these candies in your hand,
And turn them, you will see.
The M becomes a W,
An E, and then a 3. 

They tell an awesome story,
It's one I'm sure you know.
It took place in a stable,
A long, long, time ago.

The E is for the East,
Where the star shone so bright.
The M is for the Manger,
Where Baby Jesus slept that night.

The 3 is for the Wise men,
Bearing gifts, from afar they came.
W is for Worship.
Hallelujah! Praise His name!

So as you eat these candies,
Or share them with a friend,
Remember the meaning of Christmas,
and friendship of the M & M’s,
It's a love story that never ends.

Author Unknown

Nice!  No one in attendance had ever read/heard this.  So interesting!

I wonder if the ladies noticed that after we discussed the importance of mentors and mentees and the roles we play in each...then, one of the ladies began to share some of her personal concerns, and several of us began to offer support and Biblical teaching for this fairly new Christian?  God is good!

Before everyone left, we chose a song that began with m to sing for special music...so in the morning, the M & M's will perform "More About Jesus."  Now, that is just very sweet!

As shown above, I created a M & M tablescape...yes, of course, centered around M & M's  This was fun...and unique, I do believe!  Several years ago, my husband blessed me with an original creation of his...an eight-foot dining table...that I enjoy decorating...very much...for such occasions as this one.

During the brunch, I promoted Beth Moore's Summer Book Club study of Kelly Minter's Nehemiah:  A Heart That Can Break.  So far, one other friend has committed to this study...I am excited.  Looking forward to delving into this book with lady Christians across the nation, across the world.

I pray the Lord is blessing your gender group in your church, for these groups are an important support group for the many mountains and molehills that we will inevitably encounter.
