Monday, May 29, 2017

Women's Conference...Part 1

Today, the ladies and I begin meeting to plot and plan for our third annual Making Choices Women's Conference.  I have learned over the years that the prepping can be almost as much of a blessing as the events themselves.  Almost.  :)

My hope this year is that we accomplish much over Monday - Wednesday, so we may have some time for rest and prayer before the conference.  We'll see...much to do!

This year's theme is Freedom.  The Lord gave me this word as I was driving to the conference last year. No...I don't know 2018's word yet.  Maybe He is going to give it to someone else to share.  OR maybe it's not time for me to drive to Friday night's event!

As I have begun working on the conference and thinking about this word, I realize that Freedom has two places in my life:

  1. Freedom chains are broken.
  2. Freedom links are chained together.
I have needed both...and I still need both.

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. -  2 Corinthians 3:17
The Lord is there...when the chains need to be broken...and when the links need to be brought together.  The devil wants to bind and put us in chains...the Lord will break those chains, freeing His Daughters of the King to ever more link up with Him and His Kingdom, serving Him, working for Him, worshiping with Him.  The Lord wants us linked in unity and fellowship...the devil wants those chains not just broken...but destroyed.  This week, we loose the chains...and link in fellowship.

See the opposites between the two?  The Lord is freedom.  The devil is bondage.  For the two cannot...nor will they ever...mix.

Every lady attending this weekend is at some point in this chain...some need freed from chains that bind; some need the links strengthened and lengthened.  All need more of Him.  He will be there.

Even now, we are praying for those attending this event.  Some of the ladies may not even know they are attending...but they are...and we are praying for them even now.

How may I pray for you?  Will you join us in prayer?

Sunday, May 28, 2017

He Has Anointed Me...and You

This morning, we studied the following scripture in Sunday School class:
17 And the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to him. He unrolled the scroll and found the place where it was written,
18 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
    because he has anointed me
    to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives
    and recovering of sight to the blind,
    to set at liberty those who are oppressed,
19 to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor.”
20 And he rolled up the scroll and gave it back to the attendant and sat down. And the eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on him. 21 And he began to say to them, “Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.”

Verse 18 still continues to speak to me of the four reasons He was anointed.

  1. proclaim good news to the poor
  2. proclaim liberty to the captives
  3. recover the sight to the blind
  4. liberate the oppressed
He was sent for whom?
  1. the poor
  2. the captives
  3. the blind
  4. the oppressed
Who are we?  Who am I?
  1. the poor
  2. the captive
  3. the blind
  4. the oppressed
Yes, sometimes, I am physically poor, a captive, blind, and oppressed; sometimes, I fight these areas spiritually. 

May I share how I have been ways that had nothing to do with $$$.
  1. One way that I have been physically poor...few female friends.  No one would have ever said this about me, yet I was.  I had been married for several years and had drifted from my close girl friends.  I missed these relationships, this girl time.  So I prayed.  This prayer he has answered in a mighty and special way.  From book clubs to professional organizations to Bible study groups to women's conferences.  Everywhere, the Lord has enriched my life with female friends.  May I also note?  This answered prayer I do not take lightly.  I thank Him much for all my lady friends.  I pray for I know they pray for me.  Blessed I am.
  2. During the time of the above prayer request, I experienced the renewal of the joy of the gift of His Salvation to me.  Days went by...maybe weeks?...during which the only time I read His Word was when the preacher directed me to do so in church.  But I was enriched.  I began to dive into Bible studies, both in the Bible and in written studies.  I never, ever want to go back to that poor spiritual state, for this joy of salvation is such a sweet place to reside.
Have I been a captive?  Blind?  Oppressed?  Yes, both physically and spiritually.  Have you?

I realize that He came for me.    Just for me.  He died for me.  He rose for me.  Because He did and I accepted this gift of His Salvation, I am anointed.

For whom are we anointed?
  1. the poor
  2. the captives
  3. the blind
  4. the oppressed
That's right.  Living for Him, we are here to fulfill John 3:16; we are to go into the world for the poor, the captives, the blind, the oppressed, sometimes for their physical needs, sometimes for their spiritual needs.

This is now my prayer:
Dear Lord, please use me to assist Your Children:  that I may either plant, cultivate...maybe even help harvest...for Your Kingdom.  Open my eyes that I may see the need of the poor, the captives, the blind, the oppressed.  Please allow the Holy Spirit that resides in me be helpful to someone in need of You.  Amen.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Graduation Week 2017

Below are the six days of posts I placed on Facebook, celebrating The Girl's graduation week.  This has been a fun week for her...and for myself.  This is exactly how this week should feel! may want to begin at the bottom of this post and read each day in reverse!  

Graduation Day!

Pic 6 of 6: From here through tonight, you have come a long ways, Holly Gayle Gillmore!
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing and hatWe are proud of you

To be continued = more pics later! Yay!

One day to G-Day = Graduation!

Image may contain: 4 peoplePic 5.1 and 5.2 of 6: Holly is who she is because of her Friel heritage, a family full of faith. We are soooo thankful for the aunts and uncle on this side of the fam who love Holly unconditionally, who laugh with her, who encourage her, and who have prayed many prayers for The Girl. When I have needed prayers, the Three J's get a message...and I know the prayers are immediately sent. This is a blessing...beyond measure.

Because my parents raised "two sets of kids," I grew up with nieces and nephews who were more more like brothers and sisters...precious memories...then that extended into our kids being raised together. Thanks Leah and Mike and Melanie and Brian...who took Holly in and loved on her as one of theirs!
Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, sky and outdoor
Two summers ago, we all shared more time together than we really wanted when Janet spent some time in the, Janet is having surgery again, and I would ask that you join my family of faith and pray for her this morning and throughout the next few days. Janet's words to me last night, "I believe." What a testimony she now has...just ask her!

My anthem song through the years has been "Only Believe"...many with whom I grew up know this song. There's a line in that song about the doors being shut...I lived this one night in ICU with Holly when they shut our glass paneled our little neighbor eased into Heaven. He surrounded that family and mine...because we only have to believe. From there years ago to here today...because we believed.

The girls tell me dad "would have loved Holly," who she has yet to meet. I agree. She would have been one of his "pride and joys."

Tonight, is Vespers...the church service for our seniors. This is my favorite event of this week (yes, even more so than graduation), for tonight is REALLY what it is all about. 7:30 at First Baptist. Love seeing how they believe.

Two Days to G-Day = Graduation!
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Pic 4 of 6: Today is all about the G. First, becoming a Gillmore...what a blessing and a gift in both our lives, changing us, empowering us, loving us
Holly has also been blessed with other names also through the Gillmores...she became a sister, a cousin, a niece, a granddaughter, a sister-in-law...later an aunt to three. Yay!

Holly's life has been forever changed because of Gillmore Farm: she obtained a dad, another family, a home, hayrides, bonfires, shooting guns, deer hunting, and several dogs (and rabbits and horses...and few critters that The Man ensures I do not see!)

Second...Holly's middle name Gayle is spelled exactly like Gayle Ross for a reason...her namesake. Gayle, a friend, a strength, a mentor, a "focal point," just there, always giving to us, a gift from God when Holly and I so needed her...all the way through surgery four (well, she and Johnnie might have learned more about kidney stones on that trip...amongst other things!)

Holly and the G's...goodness all summed up...

Three days to G-Day...Graduation!

NOTE: this is such a fun week! Hope everyone is having as much fun as I am...this is how it should feel!

Image may contain: 2 people, people smilingPic 3 of 6: Holly has always been my sidekick (and Johnnie's) when it comes to school. Dressing up and trying out clubs and activities and attending events...that's just who we were and are.

This began long before she was ever in school...or even preschool. Holly spent her first Valentine's and St. Patrick's Day in ACH (that was our longest stay...six weeks to the day). Johnnie just thought she needed to she bought the outfit, and we dressed up best as one can with tubes and such also being our friends.

Holly has run more errands, bought more Sonic drinks (thanks, Holly!), sat and waited on me "to finish" whatever I was working on, "volunteered" to help (or was firmly persuaded), adopted family and attended many baseball games watching "my little cousin," grew up, in part, at Keely's house with another teacher mom...then went to church and did this all over again...all because she was blessed to be a teacher's kid and live in that environment...often our home away from home.

To all who have had a part in the "fun" of being a student the last 13+ years...the trips, the events...the molding and shaping of the person living within...thank YOU!

Holly would not be The Holly we know...without YOU!

As for Holly's bangs, I like to think we got better with time. :) Maybe?

Four Days to G-Day = Graduation!

Image may contain: one or more people, tree, plant and outdoorPic 2 of 6: This one was taken a few days before Holly Gayle Gillmore had her fourth heart/lung surgery. Here on earth, I may never know all the answers to the "why?" Holly has gone through what she has...BUT as Jeremiah tell us, "He knows the plans..." I could share several of those answers, for He was and certainly has been with us every step, set-back, ride (ambulances), flight (ACH jet), and miracle along the way, ever increasing our faith because of the gift of His Faith and His Faithfulness. This was grounded into me by my we have attempted to ground faith into Holly. May we continue to have the grace to raise her up in His Ways.

To ALL...and there are so many...who have prayed for us, assisted us, laughed and cried with part of Holly's Journey...thank YOU! To family who are blood...and to friends who became family along the way...thank YOU! for those earrings...well, if you have ever raised know...sometimes, you pick your battles! :)

Image may contain: 1 person, sittingFive days until G-Day (Graduation!)

Part 1 of 6 days of bear with me?

Picture 1: Even back then, maybe she knew that one day she would leave the baby phase of her life...enter 13 years of public enter the next begin the phase of obtaining her degree in education...maybe?

To all of you who have had an impact on Holly Gayle Gillmore's education...we thank YOU!