Friday, March 6, 2015

A Thematic Approach to March

Please take a moment and check out the picture at the right.  Notice a theme amongst the books?  Yes.  Prayer.

He wants my attention.  He is teaching me.

He has my attention.  I am attempting to learn.

Here's the amazing thing:  two of those books are for an online book club; three are for a new discipleship training class beginning this upcoming Sunday evening; one is our Sunday School literature.  Who but God could have known they would all come together at exactly the same time in my life?  Amazing!

Why am I still amazed at how great He his?  I know!  He simply amazes me.  Still!

I hope to share nuggets I am learning throughout this month.  As Michael Catt of The Power of Persistence says...He takes the impossible and makes it HIMpossible.  I really like that.

Here's another amazing thing:  The Prayer Box (my book review here), also, addresses the topic of grace that our Pastor has been preaching for months. They Found the Secret, in the first chapter, centers on the topic of rest, again, a topic on which our Pastor have been preaching for months.

Yes, Lord, I am listening.

Here's another amazing thing:  this past Tuesday, while at Bible study, as we opened in prayer, we brought before the Lord a prayer request for one of the lady's sons, asking Him to have the son call her.  Before finishing the prayer, her phone began to buzz.  She checked it.  Yes, her son was calling.  Amazing, He is.  So ever mindful of His children.

I am in much anticipation of what the Lord is going to do as we begin this new study on prayer at church.  I can feel it.  He is going to do something simply amazing for those, for someone who is attending that study.  I just know it.  He has given me the faith.  Yes, he has.

Thank you, Lord.

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