Tomorrow, thirteen sisters in the Lord are traveling with or meeting me to attend the Beth Moore Simulcast. I am beyond excited! Truly!
I attended this event the last two years and was blessed immeasurably...even though I attended solo. Part of me truly enjoyed that...just a day surrounded by other women, just a day where, at the same time, Jesus and I met. So blessed.
This year, when I learned the same church would be hosting again, I just began inviting the women, and one by one each began to accept my invitation. Now, they are coming from all over: three are traveling over an hour, one from out of state; two are teachers with whom I work; several attend church with me, two from within our community. All who have needs; some so wounded, one just having lost her four-month-old daughter to SIDS. All who have needs.
Tonight, on the way from the football game, my fifteen-year-old daughter announced she just felt like she should go tomorrow. Praise God!
I feel just a bit like Joshua did when he said, "Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you." Wonders. Miracles. I am rejoicing already for what He is going to do for these ladies.
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