Monday, June 2, 2014

A Change of Plans

The last two studies in our Sunday School material focused on a Godly marriage.   While a great topic..and one that definitely suits my class, the topic was just a bit hard for one young lady involved in a potential divorce.  All last week, I just did not feel led to stick with curriculum.  Kept feeling that spiritual nudge...

As I drove to visit with my family over the weekend, I listened to the music, Selah's song "I Bless Your Name" speaking to me.  So, I do what I do...I played it over and over and was so blessed again by Paul and Silas' testimony.  So powerful!

Later, that evening I studied Acts 16 and prepared to share it with my class.  Were we ever blessed!

God spoke to those young people Sunday morning because...Paul and Silas...

  • ...even though seemingly supported, confronted the demon, allowing God and not the devil to receive credit His Work in their lives.  What a model for us as we, too, face confrontations.
  • ...even though beaten...sang God's praises in the inner dungeon.  What a model for us as we, too, go through tests to remember to praise Him for the trials that He allows to happen to place us within circumstances to do a work for Him.  We have unsaved family, unfaithful husbands, strong-willed children.
  • ..even though free...remained for the sake of that jailer's salvation.  What a model for us as we, too, have people in our lives who need the Lord
Then, we listened to the above song and were blessed again via song, for we are all at times in "a prison of our minds."  Often, the mind has such strong walls, refusing freedom...until we speak His Name.

Please, consider spending some time in this will be blessed!

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