Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Scripture Challenge: Verses 2-3

This year is flying by!  Already time for Memory Verse 3...and I have yet to post Memory Verse 2 for the Beth Moore Memory Verse Challenge!  So....here goes...

First, though, let me explain my verse choice rationale.  My husband and I are reading the Bible through in a year, and I am allowing this reading to guide my verse selection.  Thus, as I read, I choose one of the verses that "spoke" to me over the previous two weeks.

Memory Verse 2:  January 15-31 (From my January 10 reading)

Proverbs 3:5-6 (New Living Translation)
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
do not depend on your own understanding.

6 Seek his will in all you do,
and he will show you which path to take.
Career-wise, this is such an unsure time in my life.  Not a spot that I ever would have thought I would be in having now nearly completed 20 years of teaching.  Thus, resting in the Blessed Assurance, I know that He will guide my footsteps further, which just supports my chosen word for the "One Word Challenge" for 2011...peace.

As I sit here typing this, down in my soul, I have peace.  The war is won.  I now how it ends.  Thank you, Lord, for the peace to endure the battles until the victory flag flies.

Memory Verse 3:  February 1-14 (From my January 31 reading)

Matthew 21:21 (New Living Translation)

21 Then Jesus told them, “I tell you the truth, if you have faith and don’t doubt, you can do things like this and much more. You can even say to this mountain, ‘May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and it will happen.
With this verse, I claim my sister Janet's healing from the severe psoriasis she suffers. Because of her, I now know another reason my daughter was born with her heart/lung condition...God knew that one day Janet would need Holly's testimony to increase her faith.  And faith she has.  And so do I.  In my heart of hearts, way down deep in my soul, Janet is healed.  Again, the war is won.

As I told her, to claim a testimony, she has to live the root word of testimony:  test. 

What mountain do you need moved?  All it takes is faith.

What I have  realized, though, is that only God can give the gift of faith...then He rewards you for accepting that faith as you claim that mountain.

Just ask me sometime, I will tell you all about my daughter Holly's mountain, entitled Pulmonary Atresia.

Nothing is impossible.  Nothing.


Interested in such a challenge as this?  Then, I challenge you to accept it, face it, begin it.  Your life can only be enriched for having taken the challenge.