Friday, July 26, 2013

The Faith Dare: I Dare You!

The Faith Dare - Newly Released

Women's Bible Cafe's next book study is  Debbie Alsdorf's The Faith Dare, which is a 30-day study, 30 days to new habits.

Please follow this link to become involved in Women's Bible Cafe Chat Room on Facebook.

Alsdorf encourages participants to find quiet time for each day's reading...preferably in the mornings.  I am going to try that, but I am not a morning person, and with school beginning mid-August, I may have to modify my reading pattern:  read/study at night and spend the next day marinating on that day's focus.

I am soooo good at beginning studies and not completing them in a timely manner (still working on Breaking Free!).  This one, I truly intend to adhere to daily.  As I read the introduction, I found my self re-reading paragraphs, thinking that sounded like myself.

I want this study for myself, a gift to me as I get ready to return to school and to a busy schedule. 

As Alsdorf encourages blogging, I am sure you will hear more about this 30-Day Faith Dare as I "power down from self -- come to Christ daily."


Monday, July 22, 2013

VBS = Revival

I love VBS!  We started ours on Saturday in our local park and then continued at church last night (Sunday) through Tuesday, with Family Night on Wednesday.  After skipping VBS for a year, our church was ready for this event to return.

While our numbers have been low (total numbers about 40...we have had a 150+), I am not discouraged.  I have felt such a sense of anticipation for this event.  I am not sure if the event is for the children, for the workers, or just for our church in general...but the Lord is going to bless someone(s) mightily because of our endeavors.

Currently, I am enjoying reading Teri Lynne Underwood's Prayers from the Pews.  She notes, "Revival, in the Greek, is the word anazao, meaning 'to recover life."  VBS does this for me, for our church, and hopefully, for our visitors.  We had as more church members working our VBS this time than we had VBS enrollees:  total enrollment of 48, of which 25 were workers.  In the many years, that I have either worked or directed our VBS, I have always enjoyed most the excitement, the renewal that this event brings to our church.  The building so alive during those days.  Alive!  Praise God!  See...I get excited just writing about what revival has come to me!

More good news!  We have a family of four attending!  They are just the sweetest people!  I just hope we are blessing them as much as they are blessing us.

More good news!  The VBS workers are already excited about next year's VBS!  Yay!

Happy VBS!