Starting a few weeks ago, using the Proverbs scripture chosen as the focus of author Liz Curtis Higg's Bible study (she is awesome! Please visit her page.), we began focusing on a scripture a week. One week, we chose to remain on one scripture for another week. Just going where the Lord led.
Then, this past week, as I pondered which scripture to chose for this past week's focus, I skimmed tomorrow's Sunday School lesson from the book of John, the scriptures of Jesus' resurrection, and these words lifted off the page, three times...
Peace unto you.
Peace unto you.
Peace unto you.
Only because of His Peace can they overcome.
Only because of His Peace will the testimonies continue to be told. Week after week. Text after text. Conversation after conversation.
As we meet weekly, we invite His Presence.
He always join us.
Every time.
For the previous three years, I have participated in the MyOneWord challenge. Peace was my first word. At that time, I was experiencing much turmoil within my career. Looking back, I now know (yes, hindsight is 20/20) the Lord placed that turmoil in my life to teach me lessons that only experience could have taught. Through that word Peace, I overcame that turmoil and began a relationship with God unlike any I had ever had before.
Now, on my fourth word, I continue to embrace all my words: peace, quiet, fit, smile.
Peace unto you. Really. Unto YOU.
Blessings and peace, my friend.