First, though, may we backtrack just a it has been a while since I reflected here?
This year, I have focused on going to events for me; just felt driven to take this sort of time for me. So far, this is where I have been...
- Inspire Conference in Little Rock with three others
- Evening with Karen Kingsbury with three others
- Women of Joy in Branson with three others
- Casting Crowns Concert n Jonesboro with our youth
- Revival at our church with Bro. Herb Wilson
- Beth Moore weekend (Springfield, MO) with six others
- Women's Retreat at our church
- FUGE camp (Bolivar, MO) with three youth and another leader
Coming UP
- Children's and Youth Camps with our association's camp
- Rock This House with Laura Ash Flat, AR
- Leadership University in Conway, AR
- Beth Moore Simulcast (Sept. 17), hosted by another local church
All this has added up to a time of revival for me. No, you just cannot out-give God. Ever.
In addition, my Bible Study group has remained active...well, until this month, when June's activities took over our weekly meeting dates! This study group will kick off again on July 12 with Kelly Minter's study of Ruth. Really looking forward to that and beginning to pray that God prepare the hearts of the ladies for what He has for each of us.
I have many thoughts on each of the above topics and hope to share those over the remainder of the summer, as, surely, July will be a bit slower than June! Surely!
How has God been reviving you?