Thursday, November 1, 2018

November's Verse: A Few Directives for Me

My verse of the month for November is Luke 6:27-28.  Why?
27 “But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.
Shall we break down the verse?

Am I listening? 
Love your enemies. 
Do good to those who hate you. 
Bless those who curse you. 
Pray for those who mistreat you.

Listen.  Love.  Do.  Bless.  Pray.

A bit of background:  At the beginning of the school year, I unintentionally offended a peer.  Privately, I apologized to this person.  Then, I apologized to the group (without mentioning any names.)  But.  I was not forgiven.

When I read this scripture, I chose this one with the above situation in mind.  Not that this is a poor, poor me scenario.  This is not about my obtaining forgiveness.  This is about this peer seeing Jesus Christ alive in me.

This is about my learning to listen. choosing to love, doing good, blessing others, and praying especially for those who are hurting.

This is about allowing Jesus to use this vessel...somehow, some time, in some way.
Am I listening? 
Love your enemies. 
Do good to those who hate you. 
Bless those who curse you. 
Pray for those who mistreat you.
Yes, I am listening.