What a busy year...and so much for blogging more this year, right!? Sooo...let's do a Take Two on that 2023 Goal!
First, Bible Study...I meet with the best group of ladies, a meeting I look forward to and miss much should we not be able to meet. Now, that is a good sign that you are in the Lord's Will. His Sweet Peace meets us there, always ensuring a grand time of fellowship with the gals!
We just finished our study of Esther, my second time to walk through Beth Moore's study of this amazing book of the Bible. During the study, we traveled to Branson and watched Sight and Sound's version of Esther...just amazing! Probably the best production I have ever watched. Very seriously.
Traveling with me...ten other ladies who seemed to really enjoy the three-hour trip there...and back. Isn't fellowship just a gracious gift? I am so appreciative of the gift of these friendships.
Now, our Bible Study group has begun Experiencing God...may this title be answered in each of us. My goal is that, during this very busy season of my life, I will take the time and purposefully place Him actively in every day. In every encounter. In every friendship. In every relationship.
I shared with my principal yesterday, on our eighth day of school, that this year's group of students seem better than last year's? Or...as I shared with him...could it be because I am praying that He helps me to love these kiddos as He loves them? I am going to keep praying that prayer! AND...think I might add that my students love me as He loves me. What a win-win! Just cannot help but be an amazing school year!
May I share and end with my verse (Ecclesiastes 5:18, NLT) for August?
Even so, I have noticed one thing, at least, that is good.
It is good for people to eat, drink, and enjoy their work under the sun
during the short life God has given them,
and to accept their lot in life.
As this last weekend in August continues (defrosted a freezer this morning...yes, a win!) and as the last week of August begins, may I enjoy my work even more...and graciously accept where I am in my career, for my nature is to always want more...or to have what I do not. But! Through Him, this scripture can and will be lived through me!
Happy Saturday! Happy weekend! Happy August!