Monday, August 5, 2024

Choosing the Right Bible Studies

How should one go about choosing a new Bible study?  Why, through prayer, of course. 

This year's studies have been amazing...very!  We have just completed the second...much food for thought in that book.  I agreed with much of what the author presented...and what I did not really does not matter but did make for some great discussion.

Just this evening the UPS guy delivered my new Kristi McLelland book.  She is simply amazing, one to whom I would refer to as a scholar of studying through the Eastern lens.    Along with Luke in the Land, I will, also be reading her Rediscovering Israel.

When we studied her Jesus and Women, we decided then that we would revisit that study again...thinking 2025 would be a great time!

Just FYI:  if you are looking for a new study, please pray about a McLelland study...and maybe begin with Jesus and Women.  Currently, she is my number one recommended author.   Would love to hear your thinking on her studies!

In 2023, I felt to learn more about Paul, and just today, when I asked a lady in our study group what she might recommend, she mentioned Paul.  Going to pray about that...maybe he will be our second 2025 study?

Learning more about the Word is the greatest outcome of any Bible study.  Definitely.  Another benefit?   The fellowship with women around the Word of God.  I always look forward to this time.  For these two reasons alone, I strongly encourage all women to find a group, find a study...then enjoy what the Lord wants you to learn and become better acquainted with the ladies within your group.  Such a blessing.