Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Just One Word for 2025

Since 2011, I have chosen...no, one word has chosen me. What a journey.  Some words I wanted; some words I questioned; some words I dreaded...but!...all of these words were meant for me.

Last year, my one word was more.  Not a word that I wanted as I have a fairly busy schedule, but, sometimes, more is not more busyness. Or it may be more!  For example, I took on a brand new class just two weeks before school started, and, while I stressed much about situations, this class has been quite rewarding.  Very much.

For several years, asking my students to choose a theme word (aka one word) has been an assigned Writer's Notebook topic when we return after Christmas Break. This year, I shared this assignment so they might choose to ponder on a word...or maybe let a word choose them?

When I shared this assignment with them, I had to tell them that, at that point, I had no idea what my one word would be for 2025, as my word had not chosen me.  Then, that weekend, in our Sunday evening Bible study, the word renew nudged me...and would not leave; therefore, this word became my one word for 2025.

Along with the word, on the same page of this study, two scriptures supported this word and are two of the scriptures on which I will study as I focus on the word renew.

  • Proverbs 17:3 - The crucible for silver and the furnace for gold, but the LORD tests the heart.
  • Romans 12:2 - Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

I am a bit excited about this word, as I know I want and need to renew relationships, studies, intentions...maybe, I just need to renew my commitment to each word all the way back to 2011...to all 15 words.  Hummm...maybe?

Monday, December 30, 2024

Bible Studies and 2025

After some discussion and prayer and quiet time, the following will be our studies for 2025:

  1. Jesus and Women:  This will be the second time for for this study...just that good!  The author Kristi McLellend focuses on studying the Bible thru an Eastern lens...learning about the time thru a historical focus.  
  2. David:  Sight and Sound will host David this year, so we wanted to read and go see and study all at the same time.  I appreciate Beth Moore's earlier studies.  Very in-depth.  As a teacher, summer is a good time to host one of her studies!  More time...with Moore!
  3. The Women of Christmas:  I so appreciate Liz Curtis Higgs and read this one some years ago and think the ladies will enjoy diving into this study as we approach the Christmas season.
I always look forward to our bi-monthly meetings.  This group of ladies bless me so.  Just a group of women wanting to ever learn more about Jesus.  

I usually choose studies that are video-based, since my time to full as I am still a full-time teacher.  Maybe when I retire I will take a different focus?  

The Women of Christmas does not have author videos, but since I read/studied it last time, the author has added a movie that coincides with the women discussed.


Just for the record, we sure did enjoy last year's studies.  Always a very good thing to fellowship and study and focus on The Word.

These all were amazing and timely and needed.  Isn't that just like God?  To give what you need in ways you might not even know you needed?  To give more!  Yes, more was My One Word in '24.  Turned out to be a very good work...although I was a bit concerned about that word in the beginning as I thought I had no more time for more!  Re-learned that sometimes less can be more.  Also, I discovered that He had more in mind for me...more classes, more books, more friends.  just more.

This year, renew is my new one word.  This word found me during our focus on the heart during our Sunday evening Bible study.

Early in December, I began encouraging my students to ponder on one word that each might choose in 2025, as this will be one of our first Writer Notebook topics when we return on January 2.  At that time, I did not have any inkling of a word.  Nothing.  Not even a small hint.

Then, that Sunday evening as we read and studied that word jumped off the page, and I felt that gentle nudge...and the word renew would not leave me.  Yes, my word had chosen me.  I like!

Whatever you do...just stay in The Word...even when you do not want to do so.  Just stay.

Happy New Year!

Monday, August 5, 2024

Choosing the Right Bible Studies

How should one go about choosing a new Bible study?  Why, through prayer, of course. 

This year's studies have been amazing...very!  We have just completed the second...much food for thought in that book.  I agreed with much of what the author presented...and what I did not really does not matter but did make for some great discussion.

Just this evening the UPS guy delivered my new Kristi McLelland book.  She is simply amazing, one to whom I would refer to as a scholar of studying through the Eastern lens.    Along with Luke in the Land, I will, also be reading her Rediscovering Israel.

When we studied her Jesus and Women, we decided then that we would revisit that study again...thinking 2025 would be a great time!

Just FYI:  if you are looking for a new study, please pray about a McLelland study...and maybe begin with Jesus and Women.  Currently, she is my number one recommended author.   Would love to hear your thinking on her studies!

In 2023, I felt to learn more about Paul, and just today, when I asked a lady in our study group what she might recommend, she mentioned Paul.  Going to pray about that...maybe he will be our second 2025 study?

Learning more about the Word is the greatest outcome of any Bible study.  Definitely.  Another benefit?   The fellowship with women around the Word of God.  I always look forward to this time.  For these two reasons alone, I strongly encourage all women to find a group, find a study...then enjoy what the Lord wants you to learn and become better acquainted with the ladies within your group.  Such a blessing.

Monday, September 4, 2023

Give the Lord No Rest

For September, I chose Isaiah 62:7 as my scripture of the month:

Give the Lord no rest until He completes His work,  until He makes Jerusalem the pride of the earth.

God wants us to pray unceasingly, to pray fervently, yes, until the prayers are answered.   Yes, He wants me to constantly pester him.  To give Him no rest.

  1. For the Pastor Search Committee to find our next pastor.
  2. For our church to not become stagnant during this time...or worse.
  3. For the family who has no running water.
  4. For the mom and dad worried about their child with mental health concerns.
  5. For me to love my students as He does.
  6. For my students to love me as He does.
  7. For that quite long prayer list on the back of our church bulletin.
  8. For the ladies in my Bible Study.
  9. For Jay's feet and knees.
  10. For my kids to have a closer walk with the Lord.
  11. For ME to have a closer walk with the Lord.
  12. For me to know which paths to take.
  13. For revival to continue in me.
  14. For revival to spread across this land.
  15. For our nation.
  16. For our nation's leaders.
  17. And...the list is long and mighty.
And to praise Him during all these storms, during all the work He is bringing to reality, to fruition.
  1. Thank you for my family.
  2. Thank you for My Man.
  3. Thank you for my job.
  4. Thank you for my students.
  5. Thank you for my salvation.
  6. Thank you for this sanctification process.
  7. Thank you for my the friends with whom You have blessed me.
  8. Thank you for the rain we received today.
  9. Thank you for the BER months.
  10. Thank you...and thank you...and thank you!
For what will you give the Lord no rest?  Go ahead!  Be a pest!  :)

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Where Does Time Go?

What a busy year...and so much for blogging more this year, right!?  Sooo...let's do a Take Two on that 2023 Goal!

First, Bible Study...I meet with the best group of ladies, a meeting I look forward to and miss much should we not be able to meet.  Now, that is a good sign that you are in the Lord's Will.  His Sweet Peace meets us there, always ensuring a grand time of fellowship with the gals!

We just finished our study of Esther, my second time to walk through Beth Moore's study of this amazing book of the Bible.  During the study, we traveled to Branson and watched Sight and Sound's version of Esther...just amazing!  Probably the best production I have ever watched.  Very seriously.

Traveling with me...ten other ladies who seemed to really enjoy the three-hour trip there...and back.  Isn't fellowship just a gracious gift?  I am so appreciative of the gift of these friendships.

Now, our Bible Study group has begun Experiencing God...may this title be answered in each of us.  My goal is that, during this very busy season of my life, I will take the time and purposefully place Him actively in every day.  In every encounter.  In every friendship.  In every relationship.

I shared with my principal yesterday, on our eighth day of school, that this year's group of students seem better than last year's?  Or...as I shared with him...could it be because I am praying that He helps me to love these kiddos as He loves them?   I am going to keep praying that prayer!  AND...think I might add that my students love me as He loves me.  What a win-win!  Just cannot help but be an amazing school year!

May I share and end with my verse (Ecclesiastes 5:18, NLT) for August?

Even so, I have noticed one thing, at least, that is good. 

It is good for people to eat, drink, and enjoy their work under the sun 

during the short life God has given them, 

and to accept their lot in life.

As this last weekend in August continues (defrosted a freezer this morning...yes, a win!) and as the last week of August begins, may I enjoy my work even more...and graciously accept where I am in my career, for my nature is to always want more...or to have what I do not.  But!  Through Him, this scripture can and will be lived through me!

Happy Saturday!  Happy weekend!  Happy August!

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Jesus Did

 My week in comments (and observations) as said by others and myself:

  • Asking who would like to serve our mission field…and witnessing the outpouring.
  • Yes, I like seeing a junior so happy she just begins to skip down the hallway. Go, girl, go!
  • “Listen. You are sounding like a teenager. You need to stop,” say I to that teenager standing in front of me imitating me!
  • “Mrs. Gillmore, you sound happier. You are talking more.” 🙄😳
  • What? More? Hummm…not sure that is possible?!
  • Victoria Covington’s book is on pre-sale…and I am told I am in it. What?!?
  • “Julia and I were talking about you singing in the hallway…and right then you began to sing, and we could hear you through door.” (Speaking of the ?!?😳🙄)
  • “Keep selling that Kool-aid.”
  • “Mrs. Gillmore, are you in here singing to yourself?” (No…there’s a kiddo with me who I had just greeted.🎵)
  • “How about Gillmore Brownies?” (As part of a reward for scoring high on the ACT in March.) Alright then. Note to self: Buy stock in brownie mix!
  • Teachers like to read. But…I read the most! 📚
  • “I’ll do that Wal-mart pick up for you.”
  • Asking some to bring a dessert…and seeing the table is spread with more than enough. Of course.
  • Gathering at the table is important. (Jesus did.)
  • Dessert Buffets bring people together.
  • “You are all unique. You all have a gift.”
  • “He is at a 2.75.” - “But…everyone deserves three strikes.” (I am learning to appreciate a good baseball metaphor…and just maybe this time we will get a homerun…or, at least, make it to base!)
  • Singing to Cadence one day and being told she cannot find her singing voice…then, being sung back to from my favorite Cadence in the whole wide world a day later. The music is in there.
  • And…as I noted to my two passengers, my favorite part of a funeral is the drive to the burial…as car after car stops and pays that final respect to a life lived here. This one in particular would have been 95 next week and was a World War II veteran and whose family adopted me many years ago, further proving to me that not all family has to be blood related. Glad I shared those sentiments recently to him…for one is not guaranteed tomorrow. Yes, I am very glad I like to talk.🙃😉😍

Monday, January 2, 2023

Just Plan to Read!

 I began using this chronological Bible reading plan several years ago.  What a blessing this has been in my life...and what a learning experience.

Seriously, I would not know the Bible as much as I do without this guide on the side...and because I purchased a study Bible once upon a time.  Then, another.  Then, maybe a few more...until I also had a chronological study bible to go alont with the above reading plan.

I truly value this hard copy of this reading plan as this reflects that journey over the years, on I so encourage you to begin.  Today, yes, would be a good day!