I was so blessed tonight through a conversation I had at church with a former student of mine...about music (not English...which is what I attempted to teach him!).
Our song leader was a bit late getting to church, so I jokingly said, "Jarrod, you may have to lead us in some songs." Then, in a bit he admitted that he played the guitar...everyday...and is teaching himself, in, what I call, "playing by ear," which is how I play the piano.
Then, the song leader arrives, and the service begins. Church ends.
Jarrod immediately turns around and begins talking again about playing and maybe playing music with us at church, that this is something he would like, so I began to testify!
When I initially began playing the piano, I banged the piano keys in an attempt to mock the musicians at church, as I pretended to be those ladies, my heroines. I dreamed of the day I would sit on that bench and play for church services. (God is a giving God...keep reading!)
To save her sanity, my mom taught me what she knew about chording. As time went on, I "picked out" one song...I think it was "Jesus Loves Me." (Thank you, Lord, for this gift of love!) Then, I picked out another. Over time, a piano-playing friend here and there would show me a trick or two, and the Lord played the piano via my fingers.
I cannot read music, and I have never had any professional training. Yet I have played at weddings, funerals, various special events...and many, many church services. God granted the desire of my heart to sit on that bench and play the piano at church. God is good. All the time.
As I shared with Jarrod, this is a gift from God, and I do my best to use it for God, hardly ever play anything but gospel music. When I do perchance play something besides gospel, it's only something that edifies, which is what I encouraged Jarrod. God has given...is giving...him a gift, and if Jarod will use it for Him, the Lord will so greatly bless that gift, and his gift will bless others. A very wonderful cycle of blessing.
Now, this is true of all God-given gifts. Use them for God. Reserve those gifts for God. Then, watch, feel, allow that gift to be utilized via you for Him. See how that works? The more you get out of the way...the more God can work through you!
As I told Jarrod, the more I remove myself from playing, the more I do not think about what I am going to play, the better it sounds, the more the Lord takes over. I truly believe that.
Surely, this must be how a gifted preacher or speaker feels. Just remove the self and let God take over. I often hear them say in a prayer, "Lord, let me get out of the way, and you take over." For my God-given talent, I am very grateful. May I ever use this gift for Him. May it bless someone in some small way to draw someone closer to Him.
Please share! In what area has God gifted you? How does He use this gift via you?
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