Sunday, February 1, 2015

Something Bigger

This past week our community suffered the loss of two young ladies.  Such sadness.

Every cup, though, is either half empty...or half full. I want to focus on the half full one, for through these gatherings, I have spent some time with former students and peers and have been gently reminded that family is matter how many weeks, months, or years may pass between each visit.

A common thread through the conversations I have had with these former students has been inviting them to church.  Three for three...none currently attend church on a regular basis.  I feel that know...that tug, a vision that my "kids" will one day go to church with me...or somewhere, for fellowship is just so important.

Today, in Sunday School, we studied Nehemiah 11, where once the wall was rebuilt around Jerusalem, Nehemiah's next pull, his next tug was to bring the people back into the walls.  As the commentator noted, the people did not resist, for they seemed to realize they were a part of something bigger.

We, too are a part of something bigger.

Following one of the two funerals I attended last week, I noted a post to one of the young lady's mother.  The writer shared that following the funeral, she left and went to her jail ministry, where she shared the testimony of this family and of the young lady Rachel, where two of those ladies in jail gave their lives to Jesus Christ.  Yes, we are a part of something bigger.  Praise God!

Nehemiah was a part of something bigger.  He was a vessel heeding God's calling, restoring fellowship within the walls of Jerusalem, bringing the people together for praise and worship.

I have just a touch of Nehemiah's dream, his calling.  Do you?

1 John 1:3 that which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ.

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