As I work with the children, if I teach them nothing else, I hope they learn to pray. My method is simple: I say the words; they repeat them. We pray praises; we lay requests at His feet; we lift one another up.
This is especially important in groups of kids such as we have...nearly 100% of them coming from broken homes, many coming without their parents. They need us. These kids need us more than the adults do. I believe that. Could that be one of the reasons Jesus Himself focused on the children so much? "Let the little children come unto me." - Matthew 19:14
The older I get...yes, happening every day!...I ever learn the power of prayer. Answered prayers are just a win-win...the answer is sweet, yet more importantly is the faith that He continues to build as these prayers are answered. Yes, definitely, a win-win.
I want our children to experience the headiness of answered prayers. I want them to experience the building of faith through answered prayers. How else can that occur unless we teach them to pray? We must teach them to pray.
How do you teach your children in church to pray?
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