Last evening, we hosted our annual Friendship Social...and had such a blessed time. (I gauge that by the noise level during game and craft time and by how long everyone took in leaving!)
While the event itself is energizing, I wonderful if what went on before acerbates that fulfilling event. For any given organized function, the ladies and I may spend three-to-four evenings preparing, laughing, creating, snacking, making a mess, creating a work of art (at least in our eyes).
Then, my most favorite time...coming in early and just looking around, searching for details that need to be completed. Standing still. In the quietness of the dawn of the event. God does like to speak to us in the early morning hours of quiet time. (This is another topic...but I am appreciating the perks of waking early and spending time with Him...this coming from a recovering "I. Am. Not.A.Morning.Person" Syndrome!)
Now, may we make a connection to the Old Testament? As my Sunday School class is now studying the building of the Sanctuary, as I prepared my heart and mind for this study by preparing ahead, something clicked. God wants and come to every service with Him prepared, already worshiping, whether that is spending quiet time with Him, attending conferences and Bible studies, or gathering for corporate worship.
I do love this scripture, am camping out here for just a bit, gleaning some nuggets here:
The Lord has gifted Bezalel, Oholiab and the other skilled craftsmen with wisdom and ability to perform any task involved in building the sanctuary. - Exodus 36:1
- First come wisdom and then ability. Very interesting that order. To many times, I have jumped in...and then prayed for wisdom. What a mess of things I can create on my own!
- The Lord "gifts" us. Everyone has a gift. He wants to give us gifts...some wrapped up in pretty packages, some handed to us in a plain shopping bag, some just handed to us, the gift plainly displayed.
- The English teacher in me also appreciates that present tense has. Not in, the future. Not some past gifting. Right now. Present time.
Now, to the New Testament, to I Corinthians 3:16:
Don't you yourselves know that you are God's sanctuary and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
Here, I need to camp and stay. I too often forget that I, yes, I am a sanctuary. You are, too. As such, as His sanctuary, I fail too often in inputting only the best and not nearly enough recognizing the Holy of Holies that lives within.
Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary
Pure and holy, tried and true
With thanksgiving, I'll be a living
Sanctuary for You
That is such a beautiful song, a beautiful prayer.
Too often, though, this is what happens...remember that Friendship Social from above on which we spent several hour preparing? In no more than 30 minutes, we had dismantled and placed the furniture back to its original spots. How easy this happens within our lives, with our quiet times, with our preparation time. That quiet time, where once we spent 30 minutes, becomes 15...then 10...then, oh, where did the time go?
Unless...yes, unless one dismantle means preparing for another event, another gathering, another time of worship, for last night as we stored decorations and removed table cloths, I plotted the new arrangement of tables for this morning's Sunday School and this evening's Discipleship Training classes. Bless their hearts...they never know where they will be sitting, for I am always searching for the arrangement of tables and chairs to better enhance our discussion or activity times.
Today, let's prepare ahead of time. Let's worship now, preparing our hearts ahead for what God has for us.
Just one more time...will you sing with me?
Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary
Pure and holy
Tried and true
With thanksgiving, I'll be a living
Sanctuary for you