“We are Martha’s and Mary’s and Naomi’s and Ruth’s. Women need women! A blessing this book is.” – TammyNow, isn't that just the truth?!
A few years ago, I prayed for God to bless me with girlfriends...and He has. Just thinking back over this week, I have spent quality girl-time on three evenings. I am blessed.
Then, along comes this book. Another way God is answering this prayer of mine.

One day, I noticed this message, asking if I would read and promo this book. Books? Read? Promo? Yes!
Then, the book arrived. So many girls. So many nuggets of encouragement from the gals for Jesus...and from Jesus Himself.
May I share just one?
- Leslie Richards writes of a busy life and a lived-in home that became a barrier between her and lady friends, a barrier eventually broken by a friend who cared more about laundry and dirty dishes. As she notes, we all have messes. Messes that the ol' devil wants to use to keep us from being blessed and a blessing to others.
- Proverbs 17:17 she quotes: "a friend loveth at all times."
- Yes.
As I write this, thoughts of this evening's upcoming social at church flits through my mind, as I look forward to this fellowship with these girlfriends of mine who have worked and played right along beside me and am reminded of author Dawn Camp's chapter about their weekly Wednesday fellowship with friends. With this I agree, "Life is busy. If you don't make time to get together, once-solid friendships can fall victim to neglect."
For years, after I married, I neglected friendships. Through a gentle nudge from the Lord Himself, I prayed the above prayer and am finding "community in...unexpected" places with unexpected children of God...just not unexpected to Him.
As I reflect on this book, a dream is beginning to emerge for our summer Women's Retreat. Picture it: Each lady with a copy of this book. Wouldn't this be an excellent text upon which to explore in mini-sessions and whole-group sessions with a group of ladies seeking friendships with and in each other, only resulting in a closer "community" with Him?
Now that is exciting.
Where may you purchase this book? Here.
Where may you meet the editor and writer? Here.
You. Will. Be. Blessed.
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