Sunday, March 27, 2016

A, with, and for Him

This evening concludes my 25th Spring Break as a high school teacher, one I have enjoyed very much, one over which I accomplished not nearly enough...or maybe just enough?

Yes, I did the usual bits of housecleaning, read two books (I highly recommend The Centurion's Wife...loved that book), spent a girl day with The Girl, enjoyed time with The Husband, prepared for several church functions.

The timing of this break was much needed.  Interesting how God arranges a "rest" just when we need one, isn't it? "Come unto Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest."  He meant it when He said, and He still means it now.

Yesterday was such a busy day, but as it came to a close, those with me, continued to comment about what a good day it had been, one even saying, the best he had had in a long time.  From hosting an Easter Outing at the local park to journeying out of town to watch an Easter drama and concluding with our eating dinner together...then the ride back as we fellowshipped and reflected on His accompanying us throughout the day, as we witnessed, as we shared, as we developed relationships with those in our community and with each other...the day was just full of Him.

As I reflect, one special moment stands out just a bit more than the others.  Standing in the middle of our little town park, I led about 35 children through two devotions (very cute ones that used jellybeans and M & M' "sweet"!).  As I concluded, I shared with the kids that today Jesus, who loves children, was very pleased to see them worshiping Him.  I kinda think He was pleased with our church's efforts yesterday.  My hope, my prayer is that we planted a seed, cultivated a seed.  Praises!

This morning consisted of another few busy hours:  Sunday School with an Easter focus from Philipians powerful!..prayer time, united as one for there were more than two or three of us gathered together.  What a crowd...yes, one of the two largest we'll have this year...enjoying as we remembered what Jesus did for each of us, then singing a medley of songs all about the blood of Christ.

May I share?  Several weeks ago, sitting in church, this group of songs came to me.  Just like that. One title after of six.  Then, as I began preparing the presentation, it was so interesting seeing how those songs so flowed, all supporting the message of the cross.  Working the half dozen singers was also inspirational also...what a group of strong Christians.

As I sit here now, I see that all totaled, these days added up to a tremendous time of rest. "In peace, I will both lie down and sleep, for You alone, O Lord, make me to dwell in safety." Psalm 4:8.

Now, to take this with me in this very busy upcoming days as we begin the closing of another school year...


Saturday, March 19, 2016

Another Book Club...for Him!

The most interesting turn of events has occurred at school...we now have a teacher-led, teacher-supported Bible Study in process within our building.  Yes!  AND two men have joined what some would consider a women's Bible study.  Cool!  (Does that word age me?!)

Led by the Spirit, one of our high school counselors, after reading Keep It Shut, invited several to be a part of a discussion of this book...and we have met twice so far.  May I just add one more "cool!" here?

Several years ago for the My One Word Challenge, I chose the word quiet...and learned that is what I needed, as that was the year my mom passed.  Then, this year, again I felt pressed to talk less be quieter.  Oh, the lessons we can learn when we are quiet enough to hear.

Remember this scripture:  Be still and know that I am the Lord.

Now, doesn't that this just sound so easy?  Unless you are one who talks...a lot.  Thus, this year's challenge has been...yes, to be redundant, challenging.  A failure I have been most times as I yacked away when I should have bottled it up to the Lord, but a success I have been based on what I would like to have said.

Then, along comes this book...another reminder to be quiet...or quieter.  Our God chooses the most interesting of ways to maintain an open line of communication.  Sometimes, His Voice is quiet, a mere whisper.  Sometimes, He grabs your attention in a quite the loud way...more about that coming in the next post.

How is God speaking to you?  What testimonies for Him might you share?
