Over the last month or so, I have encountered such an attitude of entitlement, of trickery, of untruths from those who have asked for help, from those whose names were shared, from those for whom we were doing a "good deed."
A sign of the times?
I must remind myself that what we do, what I do, I should, I must, do as unto the Lord, just as Paul tells in the book of Ephesians when he wrote, "...rendering service with a good will as to the Lord and not to man." (6:7, ESV)
The Enemy is just working, overtime, to hinder our walk with the Lord. He wants us to become selfish, creating an even enlarged "Me!" world. He wants us to be treated in unGodly ways to discourage our do-good spirits in this world where our lights need to shine, not flicker, but shine.
Is he succeeding?
Today, I learned of a loss of a $150, spent without permission, spent in ways different than we had agreed, not returned as was told. This comes on top of crocodile tears, fake since the family is not in need as we had thought. This comes on top of boxes of food distributed...with not a word of gratitude expressed.
Is he succeeding?
Our van ministry consists of children and youth, all of whose parents drive, choosing simply to not attend church with their children, declining to bring their kids to church if the van does not run, seemingly using us as babysitters, often bearing hurt feelings when routes and timings change.
Is he succeeding?
Giving, sharing, these instances bring me great joy, for I do them as unto the Lord, giving the money back to Him, praying that the money becomes a blessing, a hope for a better tomorrow, a hope in Him spreading throughout our community.
Giving, sharing, theses times spent with children...remember how Jesus loved children?...learning from them, teaching them to pray, watching their faith build as prayers are answered, witnessing their maturation as they attend church service after service.
No, he is not succeeding. He may attempt to knock me around, push me back, stomp on our attempts to further spread The Word.
No. Just no.
Today, I dropped off a strawberry milkshake to a sickly friend.
Today, I visited two in the hospital, one with a just diagnosed cancer, another with heart concerns and attacks.
Today, I ordered two books for a student who needs me to order books for him because he must have books in his life, for they offer an escape when life is just too real.
Tomorrow, I will take dinner to a friend upon being released from the hospital because I am his family in Christ.
All these encounters make me happy, bringing peace and contentment to my soul, a soul owned by Him and in service to Him.
No, that enemy will not succeed.
Just no.
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