Choosing One Word has been such a means to spiritual growth for me. Oh, the power of One Word! This word journey I began in 2011, with that list growing and nurturing...
- 2011: Peace
- 2012: Quiet
- 2013; Fit
- 2014: Smile
- 2015: Complete
- 2016: All
- 2017: Diligent
- 2018: Less
- 2019: Birth
- 2020: Restore
- 2021: Ponder
- 2022: Knowledge
This year, I have chosen...or shall I say...a word has chosen me: intentioal. With that word in mind, I have decided to, also, use this year to not leave my other words behind. I am creating a journal (the hard copy kind!) with a doublepage spread for each word and plan to add notes and testimonies for each word throughout 2023. Why? Not sure...I just "feel" to do so...yes, that nudging.
May we pause and reflect on 2022's word: Knowledge
- I knew this was a strange word for me, for, as a teacher, I am always learning (as we all should be). Learn I have, though, as this year began with all my classes having new curriculums! Wow!
- Life, also, taught me more lessons, most of which, at the time, I really just did not want to learn! But...that's life! In all areas of my, work, and church, yes, I had lessons to learn.
- This I know...raising kids is just so much easier when they are younger.
- This I gatherings are imporant.
- This I can be place where people do not like you.
- This I know...studying the Bible always leads to more knowledge.
- This I know...teaching to students who want to learn needs to be my focus.
- Am I smarter now? Hummm...still not smart enough. Just another reason I need a doublepage spread for the word knowledge in My One Word journal. As a matter of fact, I may need to give each word more than just the two pages!
Looking Ahead: with intention
- This word grabbed my attention while studying Kristi McLelland's The Gospel on the Ground (learning so much knowledge from her!). From that point on, no other word would suffice.
- What are my intentions? At this precise second, I want to focus more on intentionally completing what I find important, for instance, writing here and in my journal (that I have never consistently kept). I, also, hope to be intentional with completing house work, grading papers, reading books, all of which seem to pile up quickly if I am not careful.
- Be present in the moment by listening more, talking less, being visible where I should and need to be.
I hope you choose One Word...or that you allow One Word to choose you. Then, watch for that word. Listen for that word. This word will find you, shift your thinking, encourage you to grow.
May your One Word Journey begin now.
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