From The Faith Dare...To come and follow is a daily call of surrender to the God who made us. When we do this, we approach him each new day and mover toward Him in fresh relationship. (page 55)
From Experiencing God...To live a God-centered life requires "a daily death to self."What does this mean to me? Is God saying, "Tammy, I need less of you and more of me in you?" As I continue to develop my relationship with God, hearing things repeated is one the ways that I know God speaks to me. (Please check out these posts on this topic: "The Pit: Digging In or Lifted Out?" and "Echoing Themes: Yes, Lord, I Am Listening.")
Living loved. May I share a testimony? God has demonstrated his faithfulness to me and to others this week, and I have been blessed to be a part this...all because I went to Sunday School last Sunday and read the Bible.
While in class, I began to read the verses that fell before our selected text, and my eyes fell on these scriptures, while my soul began to stir. Here is the PowerPoint slide I created to share my with class just this evening as I shared this past week's experience:

Maybe because we return to school in two weeks, maybe because of my prayer request to return to me the love I once had for teaching, which has been both my vocation and job and my hobby, maybe that is why this scripture spoke to me? Or maybe I am just living loved, loved by my Heavenly Father? Yes!
Then, as the week progressed, time after time (with two teacher friends, my sister, a young lady from church who stopped by last night), I found myself sharing this scripture either verbally or by sending a text with the scripture embedded and hearing how much that scripture meant to that person. I even shared it on Facebook, receiving 21 likes and one "Amen!"
Tonight, I feel loved. God chose to use me in a way that I could not have foreseen. This is why we must be mindful of Him. Thank goodness I went to Sunday School last Sunday and read my Bible. We should be ever mindful, for one never knows when the Lord will choose YOU to work through.
Did you read the scripture Ecclesiastes 3:12-13? Be happy. Do good. Find satisfaction. All this as we toil, as we do our daily jobs. For this is a gift of God! Yay!
According to author Debbie Alsdorf, "We learn to live loved by taking His Word of truth by faith. In doing so he replaces our fears with a wonderful peace that some of us have heard about but have never experienced firsthand." (page 61) To do this, we must first be in His Word. I am sorry to say that I find this a challenge too much of the time. Life is busy, and when I do have "down time," I often do not make the best choices for my spiritual life. Just another good reason to immerse myself in such studies as this one!
My prayer for you: to live loved, to experience that wonderful peace. Blessings!
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