Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Yes, I'm a Mary Wanna-Be


This month, I am reading Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World by Joanna Weaver, as part of the Women's Bible Cafe Book Club, hosted on Facebook. While sharing a few nuggets with my Sunday evening class, I asked who they thought I might be more like.  I saw a few tiny smiles.  I knew they knew.

I told them I could handle it.  Yes, I am a Martha.  Yes, I am a Mary Wanna-Be.

AND I love this book.  The more I read, the more I enjoy it.  When I began the study, one of the leaders commented she had read this book three times.  Now, my understanding grows.  I already know I will read this one again.

Lines such as these force me to pause.  Literally.

While the world applauds achievement, God desires companionship.
...Christ wants to spend quality time with me...He looks forward to our time together and misses me when I don't show up.
What a goal!  To be so in tune with the presence of God that washing dishes becomes an act of worship.
I hope...that reading this book means that I am more of a Mary than I was when I once would have chosen a current popular fiction novel.  Maybe?

I Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed.  Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her." (Luke 10)

Thank you, Jesus, for what is better can never be taken away from me.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Christian Book Challenges: Are You Ready?

I read for pure enjoyment...and to learn more about a topic or myself.  This year, I have chosen more Christian and author-chosen read-alongs than I have in the previous years, and for that choice?  I have six books to read this month!  Thus far, I have completed two for these challenges...will I make it?!

May I introduce you to the challenges?

Women's Bible Cafe:  This group always has three books being read and this discussed.

  1. Bible Study:  David:  Seeking a Heart Like His by Beth Moore (this one is in the mail)
  2. Fiction:  Fifteen Minutes by Karen Kingsbury
  3. Non-Fiction:  Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World by Joanna Weaver
The Happiness Project:  Here, she has three books, but due to all my other commitments, I chose this one, which I will also count in my goal to read more classics (maybe a modern classic, for it was written in 1951):
  • January - Eccentric Pick:  The End of the Affair by Graham Greene.  
The Paper Chase Book Club:  our only locally owned book store's book club.  Please note that two of these are either Biblically related or by authors who have written Christian books.
  • January - Miss Julia Takes Over by Ann B. Ross...this is the second in a series of 14 novels, so,yes, I had to read the first one, also.  Awesome and so very funny series!
  • February - Still Alice by Lisa Genova...this is about a lady with Alzheimer's.  Because of the subject, I almost dread reading it as this is the disease that claimed and took my mother from me.  Maybe, though, it will be a form of continued healing...hope so!
  • March - Book of Esther from the Bible
  • April - Crossroads by William Paul Young, also author of The Shack.
BHS Reads:  our high school faculty book club...
  • January - The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown...learned so much about the Masons and Washington, DC, in this one.  Interesting!
  • February - The Fallen Snow by John J. Kelley
  • March - Caleb's Crossing by Geraldine Brooks
Here's where I keep up with my reading throughout and over the years.  This year, I have chosen a different format for record keeping.  Instead of adding the books I as I read them, I am creating a list to-be-read and linking them to the book's review as I read.  Should I not read, I will remove the book from the list.  I like success; therefore, I do not want to have to remove a book!

What books are you reading?  Joined any challenges?  And, of course, you are invited to join any of the above challenges.  I have teachers that read the books for BHS Reads and never join our monthly meetings.  I would love for them to join us, though; that's just more to add to our discussions!

Happy Reading!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Favorite 50 Proverbs: Week 1

Author Liz Curtis Higgs is hosting this Bible focus on the Book of Proverbs, and I hope to follow along. Please check out this post and read along.

Week 1's scripture is Proverbs 3:3 -
Never let loyalty and kindness leave you!
Tie them around your neck as a reminder.
Write them deep within your heart

Isn't that beautiful and just so peaceful? Just imagine those exhibiting those two qualities daily. In case the words "tie them around your neck" bothered you, I picture a cute necklace, which I usually always have on one.

This scripture challenges me to be...yes, be...better to one of my classes, one that is nearly full of boys, boys who would probably rather be anywhere than English class. In my classes I like to have lots of discussion, but with this class, I seem to have to be on guard with every comment, for they are so quick to cut each other down, to become loud, and then be totally off topic. At that precise second, I can just feel myself getting so "uptight" with them.  The kindness just leaves! Part of me wants to call it tough love...the other just does not feel very kind at all!  

My goal: take this scripture into the classroom and live it.  Live it.  Every kind moment of it.  

They really are just good kids.  I...yes, I...need to work on funneling that energy in the directions I need it to flow.  

This scripture also reminds me of how often I have heard my husband acknowledge how important loyalty in family should hurtful those moments are.  We have lived several examples of family seemingly being more loyal those to have hurt us.

Christian love?  Maybe.
Straddling the fence?  Probably.
Hurting the ones that are biologically related?  Yes.

Truly, we should hide this very powerful attribute in our hearts and live it. 

Never let loyalty and kindness leave me...
