Sunday, April 5, 2015

Good Times UPdate

Isn't this a busy time of the year?  Don't I say that about every season?

First, may I backtrack?  To last weekend and my first Women of Joy conference?  Oh, my!  What a blessing!  My friend Rose contacted me in January to see if I might be interested in an extra ticket she had.  Yes!  Just a few highlights from the no certain order...

  • I so enjoyed visiting with former schoolmate Rose.  We graduated in the same year, our birthdays are days a part...yes, we may be twinkies!  Definitely soul sisters!
  • I also enjoyed spending time with the third lady who went with us...a lady from my church.  Always so good to have fellowship.
  • The speakers were wonderful:  Margaret Feinberg, Lysa Terkeurst, Liz Curtis Higgs, Angela Thomas.  I know!  Isn't that an exciting line-up?!  Such powerful women of God, all with wonderful testimonies. I appreciated all they had to say...took home something from each woman.  
  • The most special time for me was when Angela Thomas asked those not saved to raise their hands.  Based on her verbal response as we all stood with eyes closed, 50...or 60 ..or more admitted, believed, and confessed.  I suppose I assumed too much...that everyone going there was saved.  That was the most humbling stand  and know God was performing the most dramatic change that can ever happen to a person, sharing the most precious gift that one will ever receive...salvation.  What a might moment!
  • Another outcome was that two of us continued to plot and plan a Women's Retreat for our area...with the third being invited...then maybe our going to help her have one at her church.  God wants to fill these women up with be all they can be for Him.  He wants strong women for Him.
  • Find a conference!  Go!
Then, yesterday, our church hosted our Easter Outing at the local park...and the people did come! Many more than I had planned!  Just love it when God shows up!  We had the best time...good fellowship, fun games, grilled hotdogs...did I mention God showed up!  I truly believe He did, for several of those people that I had never seen before...came to church this morning!  Wow!  

Our Making Choices Bible Study Group is Breaking Free...entering week three of Beth Moore's study.  I am already hearing testimonies from women in need who are finding answers, whose chains are breaking.  I really look forward to this two hours each week.  Please let me tell you:  fellowship is a must, for He says, "Where two or three are gathered in my name, I will be there, too."  He is always faithful. 

My reading of the Bible chronologically remains such a blessing. Sometimes, I get behind and then spend an extended time diving into the stories and commentary.  Guess what?  I learn something every time I read His Word.  Every time!  Imagine that!  As I have read the book of Judges, I noted several of them are listed in Hebrews' Hall of Fame.  Now, wouldn't that be an interesting become immersed in those who earned rank in that chapter?

God is working in our community; He is working in me.  Very excited to be a part of that movement.

Several upcoming activities planned...a Spring Fling Social, Youth Lock-in, VBS, that above-mentioned Women's Retreat, Bible studies. God is stirring souls.  That is a good thing!

Blessings this week...I am sure your life remains busy, also.  Find that time, though, for Him.  He will meet you there.  Together...He will teach you.  There, He will speak life into you.  

Please enjoy this song:

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