April is National Poetry Month; thus, I am attempting to write a poem a day throughout this month. Interestingly (at least to me!), two of them relate to faith. May I share (both first published here at Treasure Chest of Thoughts)?
Taking a Stand
Have you heard?
I am woman.
Respect I deserve.
Respect I expect.
Respect I obtain.
Have you heard?
My friend? She is woman.
Respect she deserves.
Respect she expects.
Respect she obtains.
Have you heard?
We are Jesus Girls.
We pray,
knowing His Peace,
following His Lead,
heeding His Will,
accepting His Answer.
I wrote this one today as I ponder and pray for a girlfriend of mine who experiencing some tribulation on her job. As I tell her, God's got this. In His time.
This friend? She is a Jesus Girl, one who welcoming our Lord and Savior within her soul. I just know He is going to honor her.
Then They Remembered
A few women,
Scurrying to arrive.
In time?
An opened-entry tomb.
Scurrying to arrive.
No time.
Alarmed they are.
Angels they see.
What? Out of time?
How could they have forgotten?
One day spent accepting.
The next spent grieving.
How could they have forgotten?
Handed to sinners.
Then they remembered.
He's alive!
No need for expensive spices.
No need for visitors this day.
No need to keep quiet.
He's alive!
They had remembered.
He's alive!
Spread the Good News.
Quell back disbelief.
Spread the Good News.
Tell to one and all.
He's alive!
This day we remember.
May we always remember.
Yes, He's alive!
This poem I wrote last evening, following a day spent celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Yesterday's Sunday School lesson took us to Luke 24, to the women, the caring women, who went on the first day of the week to bring their precious spices to one who more than deserved them...only to find Him gone. That's right...you know how this one ends! He had risen! Praise the Lord!
Happy National Poetry Month...are you a poet?!
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