Tonight, I sat down to work on some upcoming events for my church: women's retreat, Bible studies, Sunday School,...and in the midst of all that, I remembered this book I had purchased in the spring of 2014 and began reading on April 8 -- I know because I dated it.
I had also bought a copy of this book for The Girl...that study then hardly started before we quit. Busy lives. Busy. Busy. Busy.
Tonight, I could have said, "No." So many studies going on already:
- Breaking Free...then begin Stronger
- What Love Is
- Seamless
- Sunday School: I, II, III John and Revelation
- Late in July...Not I, But Christ
But, no, I said, "Yes."
I got up to look for this book.
There, it sat...right on top. Yes.
I then asked The Girl if she still had her copy. No, she could not even remember our beginning the book.
There, it sat...in plain view...in her bookcase. Yes.
She, too, said, "Yes." She wants to do the study to "fill up her time this summer."
We agreed to read to page 15 and meet for coffee at our dining table,,,in the morning.
Loved Lysa' story about giving away her Bible. Amazing. Extraordinary. How hard...in an easy sort of way...that must have been to give her own precious Bible away.
Today, The Girl wanted me to buy her a new Bible.
No, I did not buy her one. She has a very nice study Bible...still practically brand new.
She wants another one because she has seen all the Bibles I have. She wants to be like me.
I want her to be like me...ever more actively involved in The Word. Yes!
Praise You, Jesus!
I love you, too.
PS This post? I typed it from my journal. Yes, The Girl wants us to journal as we read this book. This is an extraordinary story, and I am excited!
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