This will be our fourth study, having now completed three of Beth Moore's studies: I and II Thessalonians, Esther, and Breaking Free. All very powerful. May I just pause and reflect here? I went into Breaking Free, thinking this one, while full of great reminders, was probably not for me, for over the last few years, I have experienced such a time of rejuvenation in my spiritual life...and felt that way until about week nine. Then, the Lord began dealing with me about some more...yes, more!...strongholds over me...and, sadly, where I might be the stronghold to or against others. Amazing how alive His Word remains, speaking to me, even when the brain exudes too many topics, thoughts, and theories.

Yes, Lord, speak Life!
For our next study, we have chosen Angela Thomas' Stronger, based on two of us having attended the Women of Joy Conference in March and having listened to her speak during that conference. So far, twelve ladies have purchased the book. What does that say? One, ladies are seeking girl-time and God-time. Two, some feel the pull of weaknesses...yet that gentle sweet Spirit saying, "Come unto me." He is the strong one.
I so encourage you to become involved in a Bible study. About a year ago, when Beth Moore's study of I and II Thessalonians came out, I just "felt" know, that nudge you get from the Lord?...that I should host this study at our church and invite all my friends, just in hopes that one, maybe two, would join me, for I felt the need. I wasn't sure if the timing was for me or for the other ladies whose hearts God was preparing, nurturing, healing.
Amazing testimonies have come out of this group: we prayed a son would call his mom...the phone rang just as we finished praying...yes, the son was calling his mom; another lady asked for prayer, for she was just about ready to give up...that evening's message was on the topic rest. The Spirit was so strong that evening, for we all knew He had shown up and was speaking directly to this precious lady. All through Him. Amen.
This study, as the ones before were, are video-based. When we gather (around that iced tea, of course) we share prayer requests and prayer, comment on the study, and then dive right into the video and what the Lord has to say to us. I arrive just as everyone else does...ready to listen and learn.
Looking forward to this day that our Lord has made for our Bible Study.
Be blessed!
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