In 37 days, I will be 50. I have had an incredible journey; thus, as the days pass, I am reflecting on 50 highlights with family and friends.
This evening we celebrated our son's turning 22 tomorrow. He entered my life as a ten year old and watching him grow into a young man has been interesting, rewarding, and, at times, challenging. Blending families may be compared to a roller coaster ride. Fun, exhilarating...and windy at times!
The Boy served his time in the Army and is now back home living with us, working and going to college.
The Husband did most of the cooking as he was off today; thus, coming into a prepared dinner after working all day myself was quite the treat within itself.
Raising kids, whether mine, ours, or theirs, comes with some Bible-driven convictions: to raise them up in the ways they should go, so it won't depart from them. Currently, only two of our three are actively attending church. I pray for this to happen, for God to raise them up to be warriors for Him. That is my prayer. I am excited to see the day when this becomes a reality.
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