Monday, January 23, 2017

How Many Million?

According to an e-letter from author Karen Kingsbury...
Yesterday, was the 44th anniversary of Roe v. Wade.  Since then 60 million babies have been killed.
60 million.  Let's say that just one-third of that number would have been female.  Yes, 20 million.

Twenty million is ten times the number of women who marched this past weekend because they are oppressed as they live in the best and most blessed country ever.

No, none of these oppressed women marched for those embryos who would have become young ladies, yes, women, who truly had no voice. Killed, murdered from the worst of bullying situations.

Dear Jesus, have mercy on us all.

Just No

Over the last month or so, I have encountered such an attitude of entitlement, of trickery, of untruths from those who have asked for help, from those whose names were shared, from those for whom we were doing a "good deed."

A sign of the times?

I must remind myself that what we do, what I do, I should, I must, do as unto the Lord, just as Paul tells in the book of Ephesians when he wrote, "...rendering service with a good will as to the Lord and not to man." (6:7, ESV)

The Enemy is just working, overtime, to hinder our walk with the Lord.  He wants us to become selfish, creating an even enlarged "Me!" world.  He wants us to be treated in unGodly ways to discourage our do-good spirits in this world where our lights need to shine, not flicker, but shine.

Is he succeeding?

Today, I learned of a loss of a $150, spent without permission, spent in ways different than we had agreed, not returned as was told.  This comes on top of crocodile tears, fake since the family is not in need as we had thought.  This comes on top of boxes of food distributed...with not a word of gratitude expressed.

Is he succeeding?

Our van ministry consists of children and youth, all of whose parents drive, choosing simply to not attend church with their children, declining to bring their kids to church if the van does not run, seemingly using us as babysitters, often bearing hurt feelings when routes and timings change.

Is he succeeding?


Giving, sharing, these instances bring me great joy, for I do them as unto the Lord, giving the money back to Him, praying that the money becomes a blessing, a hope for a better tomorrow, a hope in Him spreading throughout our community.

Giving, sharing, theses times spent with children...remember how Jesus loved children?...learning from them, teaching them to pray, watching their faith build as prayers are answered, witnessing their maturation as they attend church service after service.

No, he is not succeeding.  He may attempt to knock me around, push me back, stomp on our attempts to further spread The Word.

No.  Just no.

Today, I dropped off a strawberry milkshake to a sickly friend.

Today, I visited two in the hospital, one with a just diagnosed cancer, another with heart concerns and attacks.

Today, I ordered two books for a student who needs me to order books for him because he must have books in his life, for they offer an escape when life is just too real.

Tomorrow, I will take dinner to a friend upon being released from the hospital because I am his family in Christ.

All these encounters make me happy, bringing peace and contentment to my soul, a soul owned by Him and in service to Him.

No, that enemy will not succeed.

Just no.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

He Was There...All the Time

This week has resulted in  God placing me in a path at least three times.  As I ponder on these encounters, I realize that His placing me there...was also for me.

I have been working with a student who will be the first in his family to graduate...just as I was.  When I told my husband about this, his comment was, "This still happens in this day and age?"

Yes, first generation graduates still happen.

The first semester, I dragged, pushed, plodded that kid across the passing line, knowing that at times that kid probably could not stand me!  But.  But this semester he is different.  He's paying attention, completing assignments, talking to others, accepting my offer to buy him more books to read.  He is engaged within the classroom.  What has made the difference?  I truly think he needed success in his life, and passing my class was that success.  Maybe he needs someone in his corner, saying, "You can do this."

He can.  He did.  He will.

Then, I noticed him talking to a football player, encouraging the Football Player to read a book.  Yay!

Then, I decided to ask that Football Player to join what I am calling The Tag Team, for several of us are tag teaming to ensure this boy graduates, as we are already telling him we will stand and cheer when he walks across that stage on graduation night.  The first in his family to graduate. (You may want to make plans to attend, also!)

The Football Player stops by after I asked him to drop in when he had a moment.  Now picture it:  this is a boy whose parents are a doctor and teacher, who has had much success and popularity in school.  As I began to describe Boy 1 and explain some of the situation, noting that he could make a difference in this young man's life, he would say, "I have noticed."  "I want to be a part of this."

I had chill bumps all over me.  God stood there and anointed and blessed that time.

You see...I was born for such a moment as this...and so were both of these young men.

Later in the week, with my senior English classes, we analyzed Baca's poem "A Daily Joy to Be Alive," and, at one point, I shared with them some of my "ruins" from which "new beginnings" came, for as, I explained to them, I have applied for several positions within my district and have never been hired.  No matter the degrees, experience, or test scores.  As a matter of fact, I was not hired for my current position; I came in when my former school was forced to consolidate.

Yet...when other schools called and asked me to apply, I could not.  Spiritually, I could not get permission to leave.

At one point in that discussion, I heard myself say, "You see I am to enter that door right there...every day...until another door opens for me.  I am to teach."

I heard a quiet voice say, "That is so inspiring."

Yes, it was to me, also, for those words were for me, for that was one of those times when you finish talking...and you know that it wasn't really you talking.

God stood there and anointed and blessed that time.

You see...I was born for such a moment as this.

On this same day, another student shared that his mom made him read 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens and "some other book."

Since he was forced to read those books, his mom has since eased into Heaven, and he has such a precious memory.

I told him, "You had a good momma."

You see...I was born for such a moment at this.

I wish I could take back every time I have moaned and groaned and questioned why those doors in my professional life will not open for me.

They will not open, for I am praying that God's Perfect Will be done in my life.

His Will is that I enter my classroom door every day...until He opens another.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

2017's My One Word

For the seventh year, I have chosen a, for the seventh year, a word had chosen me.

Different this time, my word came practically as one year ended and another began.  In the past, the word always came earlier in December, giving me days, if not weeks, to dwell, to linger, to ponder on the word.  Not this year.  Day after day and no word.  I would think of a word.  Pause.  Then nothing.  Not that gentle nudge.  Not that conviction.  Not that sweet peace.

So, I waited.  Then.

On New Year's Eve, as I attempted to finish my first complete read of a chronological read of the Bible, yes, right there in Revelations, as I was writing down word after word that I thought might speak to me, there came My One Word:  diligent.  That gentle nudge.  That conviction.  That sweet peace.

Looking back now, I cannot find the word diligent used in the Revelation, although the word is used elsewhere. Yes, the word just spoke to me!

Thus, to kick off my participation in Beth Moore's Siesta Scripture Memory Team and to begin my focus on My One Word, I am committing to memorize the next five verses in this order, which will take me into March for SSMT:
  • 2 Timothy 2:15 - Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who doesn't need to be ashamed, correctly teaching the word of truth. HCSB
  • 2 Peter 3:14 - Therefore, beloved, since you are waiting for these, be diligent to be found by him without spot or blemish, and at peace. ESV
  • Hebrews 11:6 - But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. KJV
  • 2 Peter 1:10 - Therefore, brothers, be all the more diligent to confirm your calling and election, for if you practice these qualities you will never fall. ESV
  • Hebrews 6:11 - We want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end, so that what you hope for may be fully realized. NIV
As mentioned before, this is my seventh year.  Listed below are my six previous words that I will not be leaving behind, as my growth in these word continues, every year.
  • 2011:  Peace
  • 2012:  Quiet
  • 2013:  Fit
  • 2014:  Smile
  • 2015:  Complete
  • 2016:  All
I simply cannot promote this choosing of a word enough, whether you choose the word...or whether that word chooses you.  I have encouraged it at church and at school.  Honestly, I am never sure if anyone climbs on board, for this seems to be a private step.  Then, later in the year, a student will mention it, maybe never telling me the word.  Maybe the next year...or two years later (as happened last week)...a friend from church will say, "This year, my word is..., and  my previous two words were...."  Fair enough.  I understand private.  

The effect is long-term, life-changing, love-indwelling.  

Won't you join?  

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

The First Complete Read-Through

I finished reading the Bible.

I finished reading the Bible for the first time.

I finished reading the Bible for the first time from cover to cover.

I finished reading the Bible for the first time from cover to cover using a chronological Bible.

Image result for bible read through 2017Am I proud of this?



Yes, because I can now say I have read the entire Bible...from cover to cover.  Yes.

No, because I should have completed this mission years ago and have been finishing that cover to cover read for the umpteenth time.

I have begun reading through again.  This time I hope to read the entire Bible in one year.  This time, I will again us this arrangement here.  I learned so much...sooooooo much...using this method.  The Bible came alive and was much less confusing in the repetitions.

Also, a good study Bible is just priceless.  I love mine.  Should God ever tell me to give mine away (I have heard tell of that!), then, I would just have to buy another.  Right then.

Reading the Bible through gives me such a sense of completeness (that word...that one word...complete...from two years ago...still having an impact even today).

Keep reading!