How do I choose a word? I like to the think the word chooses me...or more specifically, the Lord chooses the word for me. I wait until the word will just not leave me; every time I think ponder on this...that one word is just there.
My Words
- 2011: Peace
- 2012: Quiet
- 2013: Fit
- 2014: Smile
- 2015: Complete
- 2016: All
- 2017: Diligent
- 2018: Less
- 2019: Birth

What an interesting mix of words. Out of all the words in our language, He chose these for me for specific reasons that I could even foresee.
MY WORD: Birth
Just to clear the air...fairly certain this has nothing to do with my birthing any babies! Physically (hysterectomies...had two partials...took care of that!), age-wise (am happy to be 52!), mentally/emotionally (time is full with all my students!)...just not going to happen!
In anticipation of 2019 and this word, how might I encounter this word? I do plan to "birth" new projects: quilts, paintings, flower beds. Maybe other "new" events are to take place?
My scriptures for this year (just could not settle on one...and neither have the word birth, but these work for me!):
John 3:6 - That which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the spirit is spirit.
Philippians 1:21 - For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.I have given birth once; therefore, from experience, while I know birth brings tremendous joy, first come the birthing pains! Oh, my. Thus, here I begin my prayers for wisdom and courage and diligence to endure through whatever is coming my way in 2019.
Please tell me! Have you chosen a word? Better yet...has a word chosen you!?
May you be blessed!
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