Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Made to Crave...and Crave

Tomorrow evening, a group of ladies and I are beginning a new journey entitled Made to Crave.

I really did not intend to begin anything else (I am really trying to have more Tammy Time).  Anyway, I mentioned it at church because I had just read in the Made to Crave book (that I purchased a year ago...yes, a year ago!) that having friends take the journey is such a rewarding experience. AND...they began to commit.  

Then, Mrs. Dawn and I began to chat. You see...Mrs. Dawn inspires us all!  She lost weight last year and looks absolutely wonderful.  When I asked if she would assist or lead, she said yes!  

I have been attempting to cut back since New Year's...and the cravings are horrible.  Yuck!  Tomorrow is Wednesday, though.  The first day I "have" to weigh in.  So the journey truly begins.

This journey differs, though, from the many previous times I have attempted this journey.  This one is Bible-based, sister-led, and God-inspired.  Please check out Lysa Terkeurst's website and consider learning to crave God instead of food.

Yes, that salad and orange I had for dinner, without the piece of German-chocolate cake, filled me up just fine!

Monday, January 9, 2012

A Fresh Start

Last night, I led the first session in our new Discipleship Training study...oh, my!  I was so blessed!  I felt led to choose Kerry Shook's study Fresh:  Reviving Stale Faith (part of Lifeway's Platform series),which focuses on old spiritual disciplines (meditation, fasting, and silence) to create a revived, newer faith.  Truly amazing!  One of the ladies later sent me a text and said, "It was exhilarating!" and my pastor text today and asked what I thought about having a huge banner made, entitled "Fresh Start in 2012"...absolutely!

For our theme song, I chose...no, the song chose me..."Spirit Wind" by Casting Crowns.  So powerful!  So timely!  The song centers on Ezekiel and the Valley of the Dry Bones (Ezekiel 37: 1-14).  The song is on their new CD Come to the Well (I also ordered lead singer Mark Hall's book The Well:  Why Are So Many Still Thirsty?).  Ever hear a song. and you just have to hear it again...and again...and again? That was what "Spirit Wind" did for/to me.  Again, so powerful!

I have finally found my niche at church.  Over the years, I have taught/led, as the need arose, several children's programs (CIA, AWANA) and two tours of duty with the youth.  There, for a while, I felt my "gift" or calling was to fill in wherever needed. Never, though, did I feel this excitement, this anticipation about teaching/leading at church.  I love it!  The reality?  I am being so much more blessed than the attendees are!

I also shared Made to Crave with the ladies, and we will now be meeting on Wednesday evenings to take off the pounds as we lean on the Lord for strength and cravings in this area of our lives.  I did not want to stretch myself too far (I also teach high school English, have a family, and...well, you know, life!), but then I read the next chapter in the book, and Lysa TerKeurst encouraged finding a friend(s) with whom to share the experience. So I said, "Okay, God, I will put the word out.  If they come, it's your will. From the responses yesterday, several of the ladies will be joining me on this journey, also!

As I have meditated on the above, I believe the Lord is leading me to assist in two other areas in our church, as well...
  1. A ladies' retreat:  This retreat will focus on the relationship between Naomi and Ruth and the new song by Nichole Nordeman and Amy Grant "I'm with You" from the album Music Inspired by the Story.  Based on the emphasis of mentoring, I would like to see our own ladies lead small sessions, all based on this theme.  To assist in creating this curriculum, I have also ordered The Story of Ruth:  Twelve Moments in Every Woman's Life, Ruth:  The Bridegroom's Love for the Church Revealed, and Face-to-Face with Naomi and Ruth:  Together for the Journey.  Doesn't this sound exciting?  A group of Christian ladies learning, committing to mentoring each other for the kingdom of God.
  2. Easter Cantata:  I have been reading about The Story, and I would like for our small music department to focus on some of these songs, maybe an emphasis on Mary's part of the story, as she watches prophecy fulfilling in the loss, yet eternal gain of her son, her baby, her Lord, her Saviour. To further my thinking on this, I ordered The Story and Music Inspired by the Story.
As you can see, I have purchased several resources, which does not help my goal to NOT purchase an many books.  The Lord understands, and He will provide.

How is the Lord working in your life?  I encourage you to read and study His Word, to meditate on Him and with Him.


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Double Whammy

Today, I am still reflecting on my yesterday's Bible reading in Genesis 4 where God says to Cain, "If you do what is right, will you not be accepted?  But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it."

Then below in the study notes, the commentator states, "For Cain to master the sin lurking at the entrance to his desires, he would have to give up his jealous anger so that sin would not find a foothold in his life.  Sin is still crouching at our doors today.  Like Cain, we will be victims of sin if we do not master it."

Jealous anger = the double whammy.  Or is it the triple threat...his coveting led to jealous anger?

A personal application:  I have coveted positions within my school district (positions for which I was more qualified than those who obtained the positions...not bragging, just a fact), yet God has consistently said, "No, Tammy, the timing is not right." 

Yet I rebelled and spent several years in "jealous anger."  Jealous of those who had the spotlights I so coveted, spotlights under which I just knew I could have accomplished so much more...yes, the anger part.  Maybe I was also angry with God?  I voiced this a bit more gently in the hundreds of times I questioned, "Why, Lord?  Why me?  Why not?"  Instead of "why," I am sure to the Lord it sounded more like whining!  Unfortunately, I think I mastered that tone!

Then, came the climax of all that I could handle at school.  Then and only then, did I finally and truly begin to turn all this over to the Lord.  Then my answer began to be revealed. This, too, though, came in steps.  No, few of the lessons I have learned in this Christian walk have been handed to me on a silver platter!

First,  I FINALLY realized that if God does not want a door opened, I could literally nearly beat myself mentally to death and never would that door open. Never.  No one should conquer the age of 40+ and not have a revelation of this!  If a door is sealed shut, I do not have the power to open it!

Second, I attribute my signing up for the My One Word Challenge as part of the healing and acceptance that then followed.  Last year, about this time, on KLOVE radio I heard about this challenge and immediately knew my word...peace.  I needed it so badly, and the Lord gave it to be, sometimes in small doses, sometimes in large amounts.  Thank you, Lord. 

I am not the person I was a year ago...thank you, Lord.

I can sit and peacefully write that I do not covet positions in my school district right now. The jealousy and the anger are gone.  Thanks to the peace that passeth all understanding.  Not thanks to anything I did, but thanks to a gift from my Lord and Saviour, for He truly saved me from that trial in which He placed me, for I have had several opportunities to leave, several job offers, and could never take any of them, for I truly did not believe leaving was the Lord's will.

This year, my chosen word for the My One Word Challenge is quiet.  I need ever more of the quietness of His Spirit.   I want to be totally immersed in His Quietness.

I shared some of this with the ladies in my Sunday School class this past weekend, and teacher Peggy then noted...prepared us for...that as we accept such a goal, then we have to prepare ourselves for what we might encounter as our words are tested.

True.  Last year, my mother nearly died, my daughter had major-open heart surgery, my husband had a severe attack of kidney stones, and then there was that thing called life, all that we just normally encounter.  Through all this, though, I cannot tell you the number of times, I embraced my troubled mind in that, oh, so powerful word...peace.

Yes, I agree with Mrs. Peggy, yet I know that God gave me this year's word of "quiet," and He will meet me there in the quietness of my soul.

Again, I encourage you to take the My One Word Challenge.  Please visit their site for more information, then listen for that still, quiet voice...hear Him?...He will give you the gift of your word...and then prepare yourself for a testimony that you will have one year from today! 

God bless.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Confirmation of God's Will

Next Sunday evening, my Sunday evening discipleship class will begin a Kerry Shook's study of Fresh:  Reviving Stale Faith, a six-week study of some of the spiritual disciplines, including meditation, fasting, and silence.  Now, watch how God works to revive the faith...

This morning as I left our opening service to attend my Sunday School class, I picked up a copy of the latest Journey:  A Woman's Guide to Intimacy with God, (our church provides these for free each month!).  As I read this month's topic, my heart jumped for joy, for it so clearly confirms my choice for our discipleship study topic.  Spiritual Dry Spells....and remember the above title Reviving Stale Faith

I shared this insight with my Sunday School class (all women) and encouraged them to pick up a copy of the magazine and read it throughout this month.  Just had to share my thoughts also on how God is working...in our lives, in our church, always giving us confirmation and blessings as we need them.  I chose the study back in December...the authors of the this month's Journey, no doubt, chose this theme months ago.

God knew, though.  He knew just how to correlate these resources and begin to rebuild our faith.

Today's topic  in Journey is "Increase Your Hunger."  That is what I want in the Lord for myself this year.  Hungry for Jesus Christ!

Have a blessed week!