Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Slowing Down...Verse by Verse

This week...thanks to the time provided by Spring Break...I have been working through a few days' of  Beth Moore's David:  Seeking a Heart Like His, a study recently hosted by Women's Bible Cafe.

The more I study, this I know, that if one does not slow down when reading, then the verses just fly by, and much is missed!   Would you ponder with me for a minute (or two)?

When Saul becomes jealous of David, he fled for his life to Nob, where hungry, Ahimelech offered him the bread of the Presence.  My first reaction to David's requesting food (actually five loaves...remember how many loaves Jesus used to feed the hungry?) and then taking this bread of the Presence as...well, as arrogant, even callous, for the bread was placed before God "as a reminder or symbol of the everlasting covenant."  

Moore suggests, though, that this was not by accident, that God used it to reaffirm His presence in David's life, "pledging His presence to David and promising to be his complete sustainer," just as He will sustain us.  He is the Bread of Life.

David must have been feeling a bit out of sorts, having left home, killing a giant, gaining a friend in Jonathan, then...being blasted with Saul's jealousy.  That is much for a young man to handle.  David needed a reminder of who was in charge of his destiny.

I can recall several times in my life when His Presence calmed me, reminding me of the Covenant I have with Him, for "he who believes in me has everlasting life."

  • When the doctors revealed my daughter's heart/lung defect...
  • When my parents passed...
  • When my job became a pit, one I needed, to teach me lessons I could have learned in no other way...
God used the bread to symbolize a continued covenant with David, on which David reflects in Psalm 31:16:  "Let your face shine on your servant; save me in your unfailing love."  Now, please reread that scripture replacing face with the Hebrew word paneh, which also means presence..."Let your presence shine on your servant; save me in your unfailing love."  Ahhhh...he is ever present, isn't he?  

Consider Moore's admonition:  "Keep praying for a hunger and thirst for His Word.  Like David, God doesn't want you feeding from common loaves.  He desires to feed you with the bread of His Presence.  His table is always set." (pg 55)

Yes, I, too, have eaten of the bread of the Presence, and it is nourishing, filling, calming.  I love that He loves me...even me.  Then, that Presence later serves as reminders He will leave nor forsake me.

Yes, verse by verse...and studying commentary and studies such as the one above as I go...results in my being fed.  

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Time to Study!

Over the last few weeks, I have come across two studies in which I plan to participate that are centered around the topic of Easter, the first of which I promo-ed in my previous post.   Please take a moment to check out these studies and determine if any might be of interest or be timely in your life right now.

  1. Good Morning Girls' Why Easter Matters:  a four-week study that begins Sunday, March 30 and utilizes what they refer to as the S.O.A.P. Reading Plan.  You may subscribe here and then will receive an email with all the online materials and videos...for free!  Did I mention free?!
  2. Ann Voskamp's An Easter Devotional:  Trail to the Tree:  Voskamp, author of the best-selling of One Thousand Gifts, offers the study for free (yes, free!) here on her website.  Embedded within the printout are Easter Tree ornaments...yes, lovely.  Her posts are full of beautiful pictures.  You might consider allowing additional time to absorb the message and the beauty of the photos.  This is a 17-day study, so with Easter falling on April 20, I will begin this one on April 1...allowing for a few days when life is just too real.  For several years, I have created an Easter Egg tree, but I look forward to the creation of the addition of these ornaments and the discussion each may cause with family and friends.  Perfect.
I love this time of the year.  New growth.  New life.  New reminders.  Same love.  Same Jesus.  Yes.

Now, info on just one more study...If you enjoy such online studies, please consider Women Bible Cafe's next study that begins on April 7 of He Is My All.  The book is required and may be purchased at any number of sites, including Amazon.

I appreciate the ladies so much who give of themselves, especially of their time, to women from all across the land, the world, who are in need of a closer walk with our Lord and Savior.  What an example each is!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Upcoming Study for Easter

Please consider this online Easter study...just four weeks long...and hosted by Good Morning Girls located here.

Easter blog graphic

I shared this study with my Sunday evening Discipleship Training class AND was so PLEASED to see a youth pick up a packet.  Praise God!  That excites me.  I told HIM (yes, a young adult male) that I, too, would be participating in this study and that we would have to get together and chat.

Yes, praise God!

Lent This Year?

Never have I observed Lent...because this time was not celebrated in the churches with whom I associated.  This year, though, the thought would just not leave me, especially as several of the blogs/websites I followed are hosting, leading, encouraging others to consider giving something for 40 days.

First, what is lent? 
Lent is a time when many Christians prepare for Easter by observing a period of fastingrepentance, moderation and spiritual discipline. The purpose is to set aside time for reflection on Jesus Christ - his suffering and his sacrifice, his life, death, burial and resurrection. (Source)

Setting Aside

I spent some time pondering from what to fast.  Chocolate?  Sweets?  Diet Coke?  Yes, all dealt with food. That probably does not say much for me that my first three choices have to do with addictions!  NOR did any of these achieve the sort of reflection on Jesus that I hoped to obtain.

A few weeks ago, I attended a ladies Inspire Conference and was blessed to listen to Debbie Stuart of Women of Faith who shared her "20 Minutes a Day for the Rest of Your Life."  As we left the conference that afternoon, I told my two lady friends that I was sent to the conference just to hear this speaker.  In every session I attended of hers, God used her to speak to my soul.  A blessing.  So motivating.


A few days later, I came across this Prayer Journal at Good Morning Girls, and the idea began to solidify.  Twenty minutes every morning...yes, get up early...and spend it with the Lord.

Sitting my alarm for 5:20, giving myself a 10-minute snooze, I began a new routine, spending time with several inlets with our Lord via the following:
  • Joanna Weaver's Word of God Speak 2014 on Facebook:  Right now, we are in Mark.  Last week, I spend four mornings on the story of the fig tree.  Loved what I learned there.  May I ever be a fruit-bearing fig tree.
  • Our church's Sunday School weekly materials...instead of waiting and studying the night before, I study a section of scripture per day.  Never, will I not study the literature before a I did for years when I was just a participant in a class.  This saddens me that I missed so much by not immersing myself in this weekly study.
  • Virelle Kidder's Meet Me at the Well...actually, thought I was grabbing another book by an author that focuses on this same topic of a well.  See how God works?  He knew which book I needed right now.  Love this lady's writer's voice.  
  • My Sunday evening Discipleship Training study materials Using Your Spiritual Gifts...this is the first time I have participated in an in-depth study on this topic.  As I told my class, I am there to learn from them.
No, I do not use all of these during that 20 minutes, for I find myself immersed in one and too quickly the time passes.  Every time, though, every time, God gives me something on which to marinate throughout the day.


The sacrifice of that 20 minutes will be immeasurable, for my days have a new emphasis.  I have always been a night person, studying often when the house gets quiet, even getting up when I cannot sleep to continue a study. 

Why morning time?  Jesus is our example: 
"And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed.  Mark 1:35
The Lord GOD has given Me the tongue of disciples, that I may know how to sustain the weary one with a word. He awakens Me morning by morning. He awakens My ear to listen as a disciple. (Isa 50:4)
Honestly?  The Lord wants to hear from us anytime, anywhere, anyhow.  You know your schedule.  You know you and when you are most receptive to Him. Time spent with Him is what remains important.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

My Vision, My Dream...The Answer

God is good, isn't He?

Here's some background for you...I have taught high school English for 23 year in three different schools.  Over those years, I have been blessed to meet many young adults, some of whom weigh heavy on my heart for they are unchurched.

Over the last few years, I have been burdened for them and believe that the Lord is going to lead...and is leading...some of them back to our church, where many attended VBS as a child, where many received Bibles at the Baccalaureate services we hosted for each graduating class.

Sometimes, you just plant the seeds.

Notice what Paul says in I Corinthians 3:
6 My job was to plant the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God, not we, who made it grow. 7 The ones who do the planting or watering aren't important, but God is important because he is the one who makes the seed grow. 8 The one who plants and the one who waters work as a team with the same purpose. Yet they will be rewarded individually, according to their own hard work.
This, we have been discussing in my Sunday School class (actually, I did not realize how much until one repeated it back to me!).  Unfortunately, for us who want all things to occur yesterday, some seeds grow very sloooooooowly.  We have the very same tree planted at the very same time in our front yard...and they are different sizes.

When we started my Sunday School class last September, two of my former students arrived for it.  Then, another began coming to church.  Then another.  Today, the pastor reminded us about the prodigal son.  I am the parent who is sooooooo excited about her children/students returning.

Then, last Wednesday, one contacted me about church times and stated the Lord had told her to get in touch with me and to attend our church.  Now, that, my friends, is 
          a God Thing
.  In his time, in His growing.

Right now, as I ponder on this, I can see more faces.  One, God is placing them there for me so I will pray for them.  Two, with each face that appears at church, oh, the faith continues to grow.

In Philemon, faith is discussed this way:  "I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith."  Let's do it!   All it takes is faith the size of a mustard seed.

God is working.  He is cultivating.  He is growing.  The seeds are there.  What's growing in your life? In your churches?  In your community?