Want to read along?
Women's Bible Cafe hosts at least two reads a month, and I am in anticipation of March's choices, for I am seeing a theme in my life: Prayer.
- Nonfiction: A Busy Woman's Guide to Prayer by Cheri Fuller (author of 42 books!)
- Fiction: The Prayer Box by Lisa Wingate
- A prequel to The Prayer Box, The Seaside Sisters is available here for $2.51. Yes, I just bought it.
- February's Fiction: The County Fair...I actually checked this book out at our county library. I am sooooo proud of myself, as I may be addicted to books. I am enjoying in participating in the online discussion..fun! (Yes, I have purchased all three books pictured here. Woe...and happy...is I!)

Also, I am enjoying reading the Bible chronologically along with a group led by author Joanne Weaver here on Facebook. Reading the other's comments is so interesting, for without a doubt, we each walk away with something different. How is that for inspired word? Currently, we are in Leviticus...love all the nuggets hidden in all these reminders of the importance of worship.
Lent began yesterday. Last year, I attempted to participate in an online study and doing so again. (Attempt is the word...I have decided to never be too harsh on myself over what I do not complete...for whatever I do absorb is so good.) This time...I am joining Margaret Feinberg's reading of the gospels...in a very colorful way! I even purchased new pens just for this study. Due to our snow/ice days and not being able to get to a printer, I am a day behind annotating, for I need to print the scriptures.
What is God leading you to read these cold winter days?
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