Friday, September 16, 2016

In 40 Days...

In 40 days, I will be 50.  I have had an incredible journey; thus, as the days pass, I am reflecting on 50 highlights with family and friends.

Fridays in my classes mean coffee...and for one class, those brownies I baked last night!  (All the other classes have already received their brownies.)

I like coffee...with some tasty creamer stirred within. These kids, though, they love coffee. 

Will you keep a secret?  The coffee is decaf, for we are not supposed to serve anything caffeinated before noon. True. 


The obvious perk of all this coffee?  My room smells divine!  Even if it is decaffeinated coffee!

I really like these kids, and I work them bell to bell.  For that cup of coffee, they will work even harder. 

This does to the kids what the Holy Spirit does for me. Just a refilling, a rejuvenation, a resting in Him...keeps me wanting to do more and more for The Good Lord. 

This coffee costs me little compared to what He did for me on The Cross...for that I am eternally grateful.

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