Tonight, I met with our group of kids who attend the Wednesday evening service.
Tonight, I was blessed to work with a friend and The Girl who are filling in while two helpers are out after having had surgeries. Bless them...all four of them!
Tonight, I did not have to drive the church bus because one of the ladies and her husband are helping out...giving me a break. Bless them!
Tonight, I am reminded that God answers prayers...for He dearly loves His Chikdren and wants them provided for...and I remain convinced attending church is the best place for them.
Two weeks ago, we had 21 kids. Wow! Our mission field is alive! These numbers, of course, fluctuate, as bus ministeries do. Two weeks ago, I was not sure from where the helpers would come, but several have volunteered. God is so very mighty!
My prayer is that God gives me the love for this ministry that He has for it...until the teachers come along that He is preparing the hearts of, for my calling is not with children. In my day job, I teach grades 10 and 12...I really like the older ones!...but He is training me to fulfil needs, whether it's my "calling" or not. Very powerful lesson!
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