In 44 days, I will be 50. I have had an incredible journey; thus, as the days pass, I am reflecting on 50 highlights with family and friends.
Today, I am thankful for pigs and husbands who provide for their families...in particular, my husband who has bought a very large pig. For you feint of heart, this pig is being prepared to live in our freezer...not by us, at those places that do such preparations.
Which leads to my next thought...this evening I spent quite a bit of time defrosting a freezer (one of two...I know I am blessed!) in preparation for having room for this bountiful harvest...and was quite dismayed at the amount I had to discard....and quite dismayed at the abundance of frost in that freezer.
In my blessings, sometimes I am wasteful.
In too many areas of my life.
I am more than ever convinced that one day, He is going to say to me,
- "I provided you with time."
- "I provided you with resources."
- "I provided you with health."
- "...all you needed was the want-to."
Just have to wonder, do we become like that freezer of mine, covered with frost which so slowly accumulates that we don't notice it until...until it becomes the job to remove. Picture it: hammer in hand, not so gently tapping the frost, for ice takes longer to melt than I had the time to allow! Tap. Tap. Tap! TAP! TAP!! TAP!!!
Yes, He gently taps away at the frost...sometimes, we might even get a pounding, with bits and pieces flying, dripping, slipping away...until we are back again to where we should have been all along.
As Phillipians 1:6 says, "I am sure of this that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." Yes...sanctifying us daily, helping us chip away that old sin nature.
My freezer? Looks great! Now may I keep it that way...and may I ever stay close to Him by remaining in His Word.
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