In 48 days, I will be 50. I have had an incredible journey; thus, as the days pass, I am reflecting on 50 highlights with family and friends.
Today, I am thankful for a daughter who can drive. The Girl chose to wait until she was nearly 17 to get her permit. I know...most are so anxious. She just was not.
BUT...now, that she has her license, what a blessing. We still ride together to school 2-3 days a week, as we live about 20 minutes out of town and to save on gas...of course! I enjoy both kind of days. The days she is with we chat about girl stuff...the days she is not with me my brain sparks all over the place!
What is the sweetest, though, yes...sending her to run an errand or driving herself to appointments. The other night I ran out of vegetable oil (I try not to run out of anything...as I am a bit of a hoarder...)...so off she gladly went to run my errand. Hoping that gladness remains...probably will, as teenagers love to go!
PLUS, when she took her driving part of the test, the officer got out of the car and walked towards me...had not done so with the three previous drivers...just to tell me she was one of the best drivers he had ever had...to thank me! Huge smile! Go, me!
I do believe the Bible says to raise them in His ways...thinking and hoping this also applies to driving a car! Maybe?!
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