I do know this:
- God is love.
- God is strong.
- God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
- God is never wrong.
- God is love.
Yes, I believe my Bible speaks rather strong against the Supreme Court's decision yesterday. Very strongly...in the Old Testament and the New Testament.
Salvation, though, comes down to this: you and God. No one else.
When I first heard this announcement yesterday, my soul tensed just a bit, for as our country continues to turn its back on the Bible Truths, so will He turn against our country, not against the Christians within the country, but, yes, against this country.
Then, my next thought, "Yes, He really is coming soon." This is just another indicator of that. I know we have heard this all our lives, but He is coming soon. Thus, no, we cannot hate, for God is love. We can pray, love, pray, love...and take that stand for those Biblical Truths with love as needed.
Never have I wanted to hang out with people who do not like me, nor would I think do others. Therefore, to those who say "Love Conquers Hate," I do not hate you. I cannot.
This hate word is a work of Satan, who wants Christians to act out with hate, to be seen as hypocrites who cannot live up to His Word. Thus, we as Christians are being tried...we have to be careful to show God's love. I can completely disagree with a person and feel no hate. I can feel sorry for them for their lack of revelation and feel no hate. I can pray for them without any hate.
Love conquers hate. Yes, God, who is love, will conquer hate. He will. We already know how this story ends.