Monday, January 21, 2013

A New Word?

On Saturday, with a peer/friend teacher, I attended the Arkansas Teachers for National Board Certification Conference.  One of the guest speakers was the Arkansas Milken Award winner (very interesting lady, originally from Hungary).  She shared a new word with us:  frienemies, as is a friend who is also your enemy.  Sounds like an oxymoron. 

This word gave me pause. Am I a frienemy?  Do I have frienemies?

A frienemy is one who, when you are exceeding, is jealous.  A frienemy is one who would keep one from excelling, again due to jealousy. (I just googled this are the results.)

The presenter shared that she had peers that did not like her because her principal often used her work as an example.  She admitted, "I probably would not like it if I kept hearing another teacher's name over and over, either.  So part of me understands."  That other part of her had to be hurt.

Maybe my conscience was pricked.  Maybe the Christian in me perked up.  I do not want to be a frienemy, nor do I want to associate with such people.

But...can such people really be avoided?  No.  The lesson, thus, to myself is to be more aware of such instances, both when my old nature insists that this characteristic attempt to emerge its ugly head and when other friends adopt that split personality.

This might be an interesting word to share with my students, although chances are they have already heard of this trendy word!  Empowerment comes with understanding (education), though;  this might save some of them some heartache down life's road.

This reminds me of a quote my husband has often shared with me:  The enemy of my enemy is my friend.  
This term, then, is not a new concept, even going back to Bible times.  Consider this from Psalms  55:
If an enemy were insulting me,
    I could endure it;
if a foe were rising against me,
    I could hide.
13 But it is you, a man like myself,
    my companion, my close friend,
14 with whom I once enjoyed sweet fellowship
    at the house of God,
as we walked about
    among the worshipers.
Thus, as I sit here and reflect, a frienemy is a hurtful person, one I am sure I have been, one I will attempt to not be.  No, I do not want to share personal examples!  

Here's to friends and to a new saying:  A friend of my friend is not enemy of mine.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

SSMT: Verse 2

One day late, I am for selecting my verse for the Siesta Scripture Memory Team's Week 2 Sign-up.  I have been looking, thinking, reading, but scripture was THE one. Until today.  When after reading several scriptures and studying various Christian books and then praying (which I should have done first!), I found the scripture...well, actually, scriptures...for the next two weeks' focus:  James 1:25.

Some background...I began Kelly Minter's study of the book of Nehemiah last summer and did not finish it.  Then, over the last few days, this book came back on my mind, so today I finally picked it up and began right where I left off.  Amazing! Amazing grace!  Only God knows the very thoughts that I was having just this very evening and right here on the pages, as I began to read, it was as if Kelly was sitting in my living room chatting with me about my very concerns!  God is good, and, oh, so mindful.

My scripture emphasis for the next two weeks are these, with verse 25 my chosen one to memorize (maybe all of them?  I will have to get back with you about that in a couple of weeks...):  
James 1   22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. 23 Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror 24 and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. 25 But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do.
The Personal Response for the above scripture was this:  If you need to make changes in you life, write about them below.  Know that, in the name of James, you will be blessed.

This, then, reminded me of  MyOneWord for 2013: fit.  Here are the changes I want to make...

  • Spiritually fit:  read the Bible more and ever learn more about Him
  • Physically fit:  loose weight, exercise, get that cardio up
  • Mentally fit:  memorize scriptures, keep learning
  • Emotionally fit:obtain peace at work and let the anger issues go
Becoming fit would allow me to be an even better Christian, a better wife, mom, teacher, friend.  I really believe that the scriptures that God will lead me to for the SSMT will also be the ones that assist in my becoming more fit for Him.  That, my friends, is just how He works, or, in the words of James, that is just how He will bless.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Pit: Digging In or Lifted Out?

Throughout the Christmas season, I was involved in two events that centered around Joseph from the Old Testament.  First, we took our church youth to see Joseph in Branson (so good!), and then our school book club chose Richard Paul Evan's novel A Winter Dream as its December read.  I remember commenting then to a friend that God must surely be wanting be to learn something from this story.

Then, last night as I was driving home after dropping off The Daughter at play practice, Beth Moore's book Get out of the Pit came on my mind.  I had purchased this book some time ago, started it, then put it aside...for a season, I suppose.  For a reason, I know.

When I got home, I pulled it off shelf and began reading it.  The season is my life is now right for the message of this book, and now I will read it for a reason.

One, of several, statements that spoke to me so specifically was..."On any path we can spin our wheels and throw mud until we dig a ditch right in the middle of an otherwise decent job or relationship."  So true.
Has it occurred to you that maybe a pit is one place where you're not supposed to be content?  Maybe you thank God you're not.  Some things weren't meant to be accepted. (page 8)
Last night was just an epiphany for me.  One hates admitting defeat and conceding this pit of mine seemed like another failure.  Paradoxically, it also felt so liberating, especially as the words on this page began to speak to my soul.

More on this to come...

On another note, I wrote last week and asked God,  "Lord, please help me to help myself to become fit in all areas of my life to be a better Christian, a better mom, a better wife, a better teacher, better in all areas for You. Amen."

He is already answering that prayer!  Not in the way I had planned. On two nights, I sat and felt flutters in my chest area; then, on Sunday morning, my heart began beating at a much faster pace, thumping loudly in my ears.  Scared me!  As I began to get ready for church, the reason came to me.  The Lord was answering my prayer!  What better motive for me to get in shape, to get more fit than to scare me with physical  heart concerns?   Lord, I am listening!  Now eating better, drinking more water, going to bed earlier.  Now, just got to get this body moving down that road outside my house...the very inspiration for this blog!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

SSMT: Year 2

I participated in the Siesta Scripture Memory Team last year...well, kind of, sort of.  I had great intentions, so here I go again, whether I memorize one verse or 24, any is better than I know now.

This challenge is hosted by Living Proof Ministries and Beth Moore and her team. For more information, you may go here, read the directions, and sign up!

My Verse #1:  

  • So teach us to number our days, that we may present to you a heart of wisdom. Psalms 90:12  (NASB)
What does this verse mean to me?  We are to appreciate, respect, live each hour, day, week, for no matter how many we have, they should all be lived for Him, for in living in such a manner, I may develop wisdom, a gift I so earnestly seek.

Wisdom.  I specifically prayed for wisdom the other day in raising my children.  These teenage years are much more difficult than babyhood!

Honestly?  I have not prayed enough for wisdom.  With this scripture, I begin to pray more for it in all aspects of my life:  work, family, church, friends.  If any of you is deficient in wisdom, let him ask of the giving God [Who gives] to everyone liberally and ungrudgingly, without reproaching or faultfinding, and it will be given him. James 1: 5  

What else might I obtain from this memory verse?  A teacher, I become the student in this verse, for I ask Him to "teach" me.  As I look back over 2012, I realize that He has been teaching me to number my days.  My mom eased into Heaven last January.  A close friend moved four hours away.  The year ended with my father-in-law in the hospital recovering from a minor stroke.  I am learning, Lord.

Part of me wants to say, "Lord, I just want to be present.  I am not looking for stars in my crown, a mansion on the hilltop, or a heart that is better than anyone else's.  I just want to be there."

Then, another part of me says, "Lord, I want to present to You whatever You ask.  If David says this important, then this is important."

One way I want to become more aware of my numbered days in my life is by becoming more "fit," which is MyOneWord for 2013, fit spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally, for myself, for my family, for my students, for my Christian walk.

Here is my prayer:  "Lord, please help me to help myself to become fit in all areas of my life to be a better Christian, a better mom, a better wife, a better teacher, better in all areas for You. Amen."

Simply Amazing

Where to begin?  Today, I have several topics on my mind that relate to this blog's purpose.  Maybe just a list...then more in-depth thoughts later...

  • Miss Mollie.  The pet of a dear church friend, this little dog went to a better place, and in hoping help a friend, I  assisted in her funeral this week.  She had been the pet, friend, confidant, family to Ms. Betty for 14 years, and I felt so helpless, for there is little one can do to help with the grieving process, other than to allow time and prayers to bring the comfort needed.  My husband and son dug the grave.  We assisted in placing Ms. Mollie in a box that Ms. Betty's father had built 50 years ago.  Then, Ms. Betty asked me to say a few words.  Now, this, I had not planned.  The amazing result is, that as always, God provides the words.  We just need to allow Him to use our vessels.
  • Kisses from Katie.  PLEASE read this book.  Purchase it and place in your own library or, better yet, share it and spread the good news of the amazing power of God's Love.  Katie, now a mother to 13 Ugandan girls...yes, 13...shares her experiences and will bless your heart and inspire you to love more than you ever have. 
  • Women's Retreat:  I felt to have a retreat last year and allowed myself to be talked out this project.  Please pray that God will open the doors and open the hearts in such amazing ways.  He has such a blessing in store for the ladies in our church.  Lord, please use me here.  Naomi and Ruth will be our focus...M&M...mentor and mentee.  I already have the resources; I even have a theme song ("I'm with You" from The Story cd); just need to develop the curriculum and begin to plant the seed in several ladies that I know will help, and then watch this idea bloom.
  • Summer Backyard VBS:  As I was on Lifeway's website yesterday, I noticed this link to a new VBS curriculum choice, the Colossal Coaster World Backyard Kids' Club, and the Lord spoke to my heart.  This is what we need to have in our community park early this summer...then maybe move to the church for a more extended VBS.  Last year, our church did not host a VBS.  I did not feel good about that decision at all, but so many things have changed, and this year we will once again revive during the time of VBS.  Wouldn't that just be amazing to reach just one more soul?
  • The Perfect Will.  There is no better place to be than in the Perfect Will of the Lord.  I am soooooo excited about all that our Lord in doing in and for our church.  We are enjoying the Intentional Interim Program through our state's associational ministry via Dr. Charles and Mrs. Lavelle.  Oh, my!  They are such examples and blessings to every person in our church.  Amazing, the good news God brings in just the time we need it.
Yes, amazing.  God is so good.  His grace is sufficient and simply amazing.  Should you have time, please take a moment and listen to this song and pray for His amazing grace on the above situations even more.  Thank you...and God bless you.