Sunday, October 21, 2012

Study by Study

Too long since I have posted!  Busy time serving in church...may I tell you about this?

First, our church just celebrated its 125th Anniversary!  Yes, 125 years!  What I enjoyed most was working with church friends and getting to know them and our church history all the more.  A blessing!  We had an outstanding day with much recognition and, what I hope will be, much re-dedication.

Next...I have been learning more through several studies we have completed this fall.

  1. The Magnificent Obsession: Embracing the God-filled Life by Ann Graham Lotz:  In this study, we were introduced to a Abraham I had never known, an Abraham who embraced the Magnificient Obsession.  I was once again reminded that time flies by much faster in the Bible when years may pass from chapter to chapter or even verse to verse.  In essence, Abraham had to wait years...and years...for his prayers and promises to be answered.
  2. The Prayer of Jabez by Bruce Wilkinson:  This study we just completed last weekend...what a powerful prayer, still so applicable to today's world. I have asked the Lord to bless me, to enlarge my territory, to keep his hand with me, to keep me from evil so that I will not cause pain.

    And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, "Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain." So God granted him what he requested.   I Chronicles 4:10 NKJV
    Image of Nehemiah: A Heart That Can Break (Study)As I have prayed this prayer, I have noticed a few differences already with my life:  I add to "enlarge my territory" for You.  This prayer is not about me; this prayer is about all those I come in contact with.  Also, I am learning that if I say less, I will cause less pain.  The tongue is such a sharpened sword.  This knowledge, coincidentally, parallels what I am learning about my One Word quiet.  So interesting how God ties all these spiritual emphases!
  3. Beth Moore Simulcast in September:  I spent the day with about 100 Christian women at a nearby church singing, praying, studying, listening, learning about the widow and the Shunammite woman in 2 Kings 4.  I was so blessed to attend, so very, very blessed.  This is why fellowship is so important.  I have friends and family who believe they do not have to attend church to be good Christian.  Fellowship is partially why we should not forsake to assemble ourselves together. (Hebrews 10:25)
  4. Nehemiah:  A Heart That Can Break by Kelly Minter (still have two lessons in this study...hope to complete tomorrow).  This study was hosted by Beth Moore....loved it!  Learned so much.  My favorite verse?  Nehemiah would not allow others to distract him from God's mission:  "I am doing a great work, and I will not come down."  When God sends us on a mission, we are to stay focused, devoted to His cause.
True Woman 101: Divine Design: An Eight-Week Study on Biblical Womanhood
Up Next:
  1. True Woman 101's Divine Design:  An Eight-Week Study on Biblical Womanhood - Hosted by Women's Cafe, they are advancing a bit faster that I!  I should be on week three...I am on week one.  More about this one later!
  2. Unconditional (a movie-based study):  This will be our next four-week study for Discipleship Training.  One evening last week, I spent about two hours searching for a study that would coincide with the Thanksgiving season.  About to give up, I found this one when the word generosity caught my eye.  Based on a book and a movie released this fall (which I hope our church will watch upon completion of the study), the study focuses on several characters and the problems that each face, culminating in a project that the groups chooses.  I am very excited about this; I look forward to seeing what good works come out of this one!
  3. Purpose of Christmas by Rick Warren:  I am also excited and in anticipation of this year's three-week Christmas study.  This study focuses on Christmas as a time of celebration, salvation, and reconciliation.  Please, expect my sharing of the grand outcomes of this study.
I am discovering ever more that the more time I spend in His Word the more I want to remain there.  I am so blessed to live in this grand nation and be afforded the many opportunities and the freedom to engage in such studies as those listed here in this post.

Please share!  What do you do to stay close to our Heavenly Father?  What is a favorite Bible study of yours?

My prayer for you:  As this year comes to a close and we celebrate some very meaningful holidays, may you find the true meaning of these seasons and may you be even more blessed.

Monday, August 20, 2012

An Instant Answer

Today, we returned to the 2012-13 school year, and it was a really good day. A really good day.

Within my classroom, I have access to an LCD projector, to which I had misplaced the remote, which allows me, in part, to freeze or blacken the screen, which is really helpful, as I may work on my teacher computer when the screen is frozen.

I had looked all over my room.  In every place in which I thought I might have placed it.  In my desk drawers, in my storage area, in all the places that I might have just placed it for safe-keeping.

Today, needing that remote, I paused to pray.  Just a quick, quiet prayer.  Then, instantly, I knew where that remote was.  I went to my desk, removed the lower right desk drawer, got down on my knees and knelt, and there in that space in the back of the drawers lay my remote. It had fallen out of the back of the drawer and sat waiting on me to find it.  Right beside the remote, lay several jump drives for which I had also been looking.  Thus, my prayer was answered in abundance!

This was such a blessing to me.  God answered that prayer so quickly.  He place on my mind, right then,  where that remote was. He might as well have spoken audibly to me. That just blessed my entire day!

Such a great reminder that God answers prayers in His time.  I truly needed that remote to help my class run more smoothly.  Sometimes, His timing is instantly!  Praise God!

Such a great reminder, too, that we should ask in abundance, for He wants to bless us.
You do not have, because you do not ask God. James 4:2
This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask - we know that we have what we ask of Him. 1 John 5:14-15
Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them and you will have them. Mark 11:24
Trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all you ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your path. Proverbs 3:5
What did I do next?  I testified!  Of course!  During lunch to those in my English department.  After school to another teacher friend.  Tonight to you on this blog post.  Later this week at church.

As I type and reflect, I now realize that the answered prayer is also confirmation that I am right where I need to be.  I have struggled much with my career, wanting to use my degree in administration, knowing that the timing is not right, that God wants me right where I am.  I pray I that I continue to ever be more mindful of remaining where God wants His perfect will.

God is good.  All the time!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

On a Musical Note

I was so blessed tonight through a conversation I had at church with a former student of mine...about music (not English...which is what I attempted to teach him!).

Our song leader was a bit late getting to church, so I jokingly said, "Jarrod, you may have to lead us in some songs."  Then, in a bit he admitted that he played the guitar...everyday...and is teaching himself, in, what I call, "playing by ear," which is how I play the piano.

Then, the song leader arrives, and the service begins.  Church ends.

Jarrod immediately turns around and begins talking again about playing and maybe playing music with us at church, that this is something he would like, so I began to testify!

When I initially began playing the piano, I banged the piano keys in an attempt to mock the musicians at church, as I pretended to be those ladies, my heroines.  I dreamed of the day I would sit on that bench and play for church services.  (God is a giving God...keep reading!)

To save her sanity, my mom taught me what she knew about chording.  As time went on, I "picked out" one song...I think it was "Jesus Loves Me."  (Thank you, Lord, for this gift of love!)   Then, I picked out another.   Over time, a piano-playing friend here and there would show me a trick or two, and the Lord played the piano via my fingers.

I cannot read music, and I have never had any professional training.  Yet I have played at weddings, funerals, various special events...and many, many church services.  God granted the desire of my heart to sit on that bench and play the piano at church.  God is good.  All the time.

As I shared with Jarrod, this is a gift from God, and I do my best to use it for God, hardly ever play anything but gospel music.  When I do perchance play something besides gospel, it's only something that edifies, which is what I encouraged Jarrod.  God has giving...him a gift, and if Jarod will use it for Him, the Lord will so greatly bless that gift, and his gift will bless others.  A very wonderful cycle of blessing.

Now, this is true of all God-given gifts.  Use them for God.  Reserve those gifts for God.  Then, watch, feel, allow that gift to be utilized via you for Him.  See how that works?  The more you get out of the way...the more God can work through you!

As I told Jarrod, the more I remove myself from playing, the more I do not think about what I am going to play, the better it sounds, the more the Lord takes over.  I truly believe that.

Surely, this must be how a gifted preacher or speaker feels.  Just remove the self and let God take over.  I often hear them say in a prayer, "Lord, let me get out of the way, and you take over."  For my God-given talent, I am very grateful.  May I ever use this gift for Him.  May it bless someone in some small way to draw  someone closer to Him.

Please share!  In what area has God gifted you?  How does He use this gift via you?

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Time for a Feast?

This past month I have been working through Kelly Minter's study of Nehemiah:  A Heart That Can Break.  Here's what I got out of this past week's lessons...get's exciting!

In Nehemiah 8, we read that the people are participating in a Feast of the Trumpets ("a special day for God's people to begin anew and remember the grace God had poured out on their lives," p 106), yet the people are in mourning.  Crying.  A celebration that equates to our New Year's Day.  I cannot ever remember our people crying, mourning throughout this holiday. (No, this is not the exciting part...wait, though, it's coming!)

Why such depths of spirit?  The Israelites now realize how far short they have fallen from where they should have been.  On second thought, yes, maybe this country should be crying on such a holiday.

Back to the Israelites and Ezra and the Levites and Nehemiah, though.  In verses 9-11, they tell the people three times that this is a sacred day and to not grieve, for, as Minter points out, holiness and gloom just do not, cannot, go together.

Then, as I was working through the scriptures in Leviticus, Deuteronomy, and Nehemiah, it clicked. The Feast of the Trumpets was held on the first day of the seventh month, so I actually read the chart going across the pages of Leviticus, and this holiday's timing equates to the modern Sept/Oct.  Get this...our church's 125th Anniversary is scheduled for October 7.  This is just what we need...a Feast of the Trumpets!  "...a special day for God's people to begin anew and remember the grace God had poured out on their lives."  Yes, absolutely!

Then, as I continued to read,  Kelly Minter stated, "God loves celebration, community, feasting, and lightness of heart." Again, just what our church needs as we are currently between pastors and are working through this process, also.

Nehemiah says in 8:10, "Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared.  This day is sacred to our Lord.  Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength."  What a tremendous theme scripture for our 125th birthday!

I just met with the 125th Anniversary Committee last evening.  Then, as I worked through the study, I felt such a sense of joy, exactly what Minter said would happen.  God is good!

I encourage your committing to such a study.  Oh, the wealth of joy you will receive.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Verse by Verse

Currently, the discipleship training class I lead is studying Anne Graham Lotz's The Magnificent Obsession. So very interesting!

Lotz's bible study time focuses on just a few verses that are analyzed by completing three steps:

  1. List the facts in each paraphrasing. 
  2. Learn the lesson from each fact.  This may differ from person to person depending on life's lessons.
  3. Listen to what the Lord is telling you in each verse and respond to that in the form of a question.
I have learned so much about Abraham and Lot that I did not ever catch/learn before when reading their narratives and lessons in Genesis.  Abram should not have taken his father nor Lot with him.  Abram failed to pray when confronted with a famine and made some very poor decisions, including giving his wife Sarai to Pharaoh to be a part of his harem.  Horrible!  Bad Abram!  To return to God, Abram had to...literally...return to the spot where he left God.  Lot was selfish.  Very selfish.  To the max.

What a difference this method has made and is making in my comprehension of the facts within the verses and the lessons that the Lord wants me to learn.

One thing that really stood out to me in this week's five-day selections of verse study was the differences between Abram and Lot.  I had never noted before that the Bible makes no note of Lot ever praying.  Quite the contrast to Abram, who builds several altars to the Lord.  Oh, the power of prayer!  And the rewards of of that prayer are wondrous.  Powerful!

May we pray...on this day of loss of so much life in Theater 9?

Lord, we come to you, not ever wanting to be a Lot, who did not turn to you.  Lord, for the families of the victims, may you surround them with a peace and a sense of comfort that only You can give.  Please place the people in their lives, the angels such as the ones you sent to Lot to warn him and his family, may you take care of those families.

Lord, for those injured, please guide the hands of the doctors and nurses and bring them such healing, both physically and mentally.

Lord, for the family and close friends of the shooter, I pray for them comfort also as the endure the anguish that is a result of such a horrific act against humanity.

Lord, for our country, may you forgive the sins our country, for her many misdeeds and her conduct, conduct that so not pleasing to you.  Lord, may you bring healing to our country.


Another way in which I feel God is leading is how I spend my time in the mornings. Currently, I get up check out Facebook, my email, and update my Smurfville, a game I play on the iPad.  What if I spent that time studying His word?  I would not be so far behind in my attempt to read the Bible through in a year!
I am also reading Lotz's book by the same name, reading the chapters as we study that focus in discipleship training.  In this week's chapter, Lotz shares how God had her get up early to study and listen.  "'s better to be sleep deprived than God deprived." (pg. 55)

Right now, I have time the time to read study, but what about when school starts, and class work dominates my time, and I am, oh, so tired in the evenings...what about that?  If I sat my alarm for 5 AM, that would give me an hour to study and listen.  Can I do it?

I really would rather be sleep deprived than God deprived!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Sister to Sister

This past week, Mrs. Dawn and I had our first meeting for our study of Nehemiah.  What a blessing for me!

We met in my home and shared a dinner consisting in part of the enchilada recipe provided within the workbook.  So good!

Then we watched videos and discussed scripture.  This is the first such Bible study in which I have been involved.  This is a learning experience!  Not quite sure I am dong this right!  Then, Mrs. Dawn suggested we study the scripture using the model we are learning on Sunday evenings in Discipleship Training as encouraged by Anne Graham Lotz in her study of The Magnificent Obsession.  Interesting!

Following this, I have been working through the daily sessions in the workbook and am truly appreciating studying God's word verse by verse.  I get in such a hurry to read so much a day...or worse, I get behind in my attempt to read the Bible through in a year, and I read too fast, not comprehending even a fraction of what is embedded within each book, each chapter, each verse.

I praise the Lord for opening my eyes and finding my way to both of these studies...Nehemiah through Kelly Winter's book Nehemiah:  A Heart That Can Break and Abraham through Anne Graham Lotz's The Magnificent Obsession.  An added bonus is the opportunity to get to know all three of these ladies better...authors Kelly and Anne and my friend Dawn as we study together.  Truly empowering...sisters studying together.

Today's Nugget:

In Nehemiah 2:3-15, the phrase "put its doors and bolts and bars in place."  Nehemiah paid very close attention to detail, making sure that the wall would be very secure, doing his best work for his God.  I fail in this area of my life.  I need to check more diligently the doors, bolts, and bars of my life, tightening up here and there, better securing my walk with Him.

For instance, I love to read, and in this love of reading, I do not always censor my selections closely enough, yet the Lord is working in my life in this area as "we" have chosen to not read two series:  1) Fifty Shades of Grey and 2) Diana Gibaldon's Lord John series.

According to this blog post "Fifty Shades of Magic Mike"  (and a follow-up post here) that I came across via link on Facebook, author Melissa Jenna had made the decision to NOT read Fifty Shades of Grey due to God's convicting power.

  • UPDATE:  Just came across this link via Facebook to another blogger similar belief on this topic who wrote this post entitled "Magic Mike Who?" 

I have struggled with this choice, even went several times to and placed them in my shopping cart, yet I could not bring myself to purchase them.  Another series that I am choosing not to read is Diana Gibaldon's Lord John series...Lord John is a homosexual and promotes that lifestyle.  I purchased the books before realizing the topic.

Also in watching Kelly Minter's video for week two, she comments on watching movies because "it's just so funny," never-minding what other inappropriate topics might be involved.  Yes, I have given that very explanation myself.  Once when dealing with this, though, she heard the Lord say to her, "Because I went to the cross, then it's not funny."  We should not feed our minds on topics that contradict our Christian walk.

Now, let's just clarify something here:  I am NOT perfect! The Lord "is still working on me to make me what I ought to be."  Every day He works on me!

It's does feel good, though, to make this decision, to decide for spiritual reasons that I will not read these series.  Making such decisions with music also...I listen to more and more gospel KLOVE!

I like to think that God is breaking my heart and putting it together to be more like Him.  You see...that is just the kind of God I serve.  He loves me enough to die on the cross just for me AND then to continually work to make me, to guide me to live more and more in his image.

How are you and God doing today?

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Connecting: Online Bible Study

Image of Nehemiah: A Heart That Can Break (Study)

One day, while perusing my Google Reader, I learned about Beth Moore's summer book study of Kelly Minter's Nehemiah:  A Heart that Can Break.  I shared the idea at church, and another lady friend purchased the workbook also.  (We will "officially" sign up as soon as we meet and choose a name.) Beth Moore Launch and Registration here at the Living Proof Ministries.

Beth Moore will create a video and release every two weeks and release on the above mentioned blog and the first one is now available there.  I truly appreciate videos, especially when I help coordinate studies.  For instance, I lead our church's Sunday evening Discipleship Training class, and so far, the Lord tends to direct me to studies that include videos, for which I am so thankful, for I am learning right along with the class.  Plus, that's right...videos take up chunks of time!  :)

Then, I discovered Bible Cafe for Women, and they, too, are studying this book. Yes, I signed up there, also!  I am in Group 10; still learning about this and am beginning to receive emails with greetings from the leader and another group member (discovered her blog...A Quiet Place...see link to the right...AND more importantly, please pray for her as she is completing chemo...she has endured her test and her testimony is growing!).

I know our local group is small...just two so far...(still inviting friends to join), but the Word says "where two or three are gathered, I am there in their midst."  So, yes, I am excited and looking forward to my upcoming spiritual blessing.

I purchased my workbook here on author Kelly Minter's site (while there, I also purchased her workbook on Ruth...a book of the Bible to which I feel drawn).  Then, I discovered (on one of these sites!) that I could purchase Kelly Minter's videos to the Nehemiah for $2.99 each on Lifeway's site, so I purchased two to see if we might be interested in these (thinking that we will!).

This study is meant for me.  Here is an example of how God works:  In Discipleship Training, we have been working through a study of Andy Stanley's entitled Discovering God's Will.  The last two weeks' of that study were based on Nehemiah 6:3. So powerful!  "I am doing a great work, and I can not come down."  Just be still and content where God has placed you...and say "no" when encouraged to leave that place.  Talk about perfect timing!

Interested in such a study as this?  Please join us...women across this nation coming together to study God's Word.  A true blessing!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

M & M Blessings

This morning, I hosted the annual brunch for my church lady friends.  This year's theme centered around M & M's:  Mentors and Mentees.

I had hoped to use this theme for a ladies' retreat (and will in time), but the timing is just not right for our church right now, so I borrowed my own theme!  This theme came from one of the books Face-to-Face with Naomi and Ruth:  Together for the Journey that  I purchased as I originally began working on the ladies' retreat theme.

Then, I journeyed over to Creative Ladies Ministry and discovered  many ideas to support this very theme also.  From there, I borrowed the following poem (made a few minor additions to personalize for this brunch).

M&M Ladies’ Brunch Poem 
(Originally titled "M & M Christmas Poem)

As you hold these candies in your hand,
And turn them, you will see.
The M becomes a W,
An E, and then a 3. 

They tell an awesome story,
It's one I'm sure you know.
It took place in a stable,
A long, long, time ago.

The E is for the East,
Where the star shone so bright.
The M is for the Manger,
Where Baby Jesus slept that night.

The 3 is for the Wise men,
Bearing gifts, from afar they came.
W is for Worship.
Hallelujah! Praise His name!

So as you eat these candies,
Or share them with a friend,
Remember the meaning of Christmas,
and friendship of the M & M’s,
It's a love story that never ends.

Author Unknown

Nice!  No one in attendance had ever read/heard this.  So interesting!

I wonder if the ladies noticed that after we discussed the importance of mentors and mentees and the roles we play in each...then, one of the ladies began to share some of her personal concerns, and several of us began to offer support and Biblical teaching for this fairly new Christian?  God is good!

Before everyone left, we chose a song that began with m to sing for special in the morning, the M & M's will perform "More About Jesus."  Now, that is just very sweet!

As shown above, I created a M & M tablescape...yes, of course, centered around M & M's  This was fun...and unique, I do believe!  Several years ago, my husband blessed me with an original creation of eight-foot dining table...that I enjoy decorating...very much...for such occasions as this one.

During the brunch, I promoted Beth Moore's Summer Book Club study of Kelly Minter's Nehemiah:  A Heart That Can Break.  So far, one other friend has committed to this study...I am excited.  Looking forward to delving into this book with lady Christians across the nation, across the world.

I pray the Lord is blessing your gender group in your church, for these groups are an important support group for the many mountains and molehills that we will inevitably encounter.


Friday, March 30, 2012

I purchased Lysa TerKeurst's Made to Crave in January 2011 in hopes of finally beginning a diet plan that would this time really work. December (yes, eleven months later) I came across her website and remembered the book and determined then to finally read the book, solo. I would loose the weight in secret.  Just myself.

Until....I read the chapter three, page 39:  "...think and pray for some friends to join you on this journey.  I have to tell you, having friends to walk through the same healthy eating plan as me has been such a help.  Getting a plan is the first crucial step; getting a friend or two to join you is the next."

I resisted.  I was doing enough at church.  Life was busy.  My plate was full.

Then, I followed the Lord's leading and shared at church that I was reading this book, and if anyone was interested, I would be glad to meet on Wednesdays.  The group eight!  And what a blessing it has been...getting to know other ladies, other "Jesus girls" (as Lysa refers to us), ladies I have known for years...or thought I had.  Jesus Girls, ones who are attempting to loose weight together, the spiritual growth of these relationships has been invaluable.

Have we lost weight?  Yes.  As much as we wanted?  No.  But we are learning and growing and sticking with it.

Now...back to the book!  I really appreciate Lysa' writing style, her voice.  Because we are also using her video series within our study (yes, inspired by the synergy within the group, I then purchased Made to Crave Action Planfor us), I could almost hear her voice as I read.  She is such a sincere, down-to-earth, Christian lady.  An inspiration.

As I completed the book this evening, I became re-inspired, touched by several of the Biblical scriptures, and gained new insight to my battle with weight.  As Lysa says, "Having a weight issue is not God's curse on us.  It is an external manifestation of an internal struggle."  Honestly, I struggled (so to speak!) with that expression.  Then, the revelation came! As I reflected upon reading the chapter entitled "Emotional Emptiness," I could pinpoint when I began gaining weight and the reason for the weight gain, and I am now praying that I can begin "parking my mind in a better spot."  Time to let that go, begin to heal, and move to a healthier parking spot. 

This is a book that I plan to begin a re-read of...soon.  The book is packed full of spiritual nuggets that I need...again and again. 

Involved in a struggle with your weight and want a plan that does not involve a diet plan?  Then, please consider this book as one of your resources...below is the book trailer.

Also posted at Mrs. G's Book Reviews.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

My Christ Closet


I borrowed this from KLOVE's Facebook post this morning...‎"Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience." Colossians 3:12 

With a closet full of clothes, all of a sudden, I feel too revealing!

I can list several personal situations in which I need to enact this scripture:  yesterday, I wrote about my church face; today, I picture other "faces" on which I should display all the attributes listed above.

First, right now, I find myself fairly content to hole up in my nest called home.  Throughout this Spring Break, I have thought much about and missed my mother who eased into Heaven in late January.  Fairly certain, that my busy life has delayed such think-time.

My mom was a Christian who loved her family above all else, after God, that is. For the last couple of years, the disease from which she suffered had removed most, if not all, memories of me from her mind.  I really thought I had already grieved enough before she died, but that grieving process is simply that:  a process.  A process that takes time.

My mom was clothed in mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience, for she loved her family.  That woman also had tough love, also!  Yes, I do remember going out to that peach tree in our backyard and removing my own limb for the punishment that I was about to receive!  No, I was not beaten...honestly, I do not even remember the spanking; I just remember hand-picking that peach tree limb!

She was our example of mercy.  After my dad passed, many people, even friends, owed my dad money, yet she allowed those debts go unpaid, allowing God to take over in that area.

She was our example in kindness.  I recall the bags of goodies and supplies that we delivered to my sister when she was going through some very tough times.  The many glasses if iced tea I had to deliver to the men working in our family-owned business on those very hot Arkansas summer days.

She was our example as she literally wore humility.  She taught me that one could wear home-made clothes and items purchased at the many yard sales that she and I went to...btw, I was voted "Best Dressed" in high school wearing such items!  Those clothes kept me humble in many ways, though, for I wore others' cast offs, but because of that, I also probably had more clothes that three or four other kids combined...for we always were looking for those bargains!  And we found many!

She was our example of gentleness as she cared for us all when we were sick, cooking for us whatever we craved.  Yes, fried chicken for me when I would come home on weekends from college.  No one can cook friend chicken like my mother did!

She was our example of patience as we had company for Sunday lunch for months and months as our church transitioned from one building to another and peopled traveled miles to attend these services.  I look back now and wonder how she tolerated my teenage years (for I am beginning to re-live them through my soon-to-be thirteen year old!).

I miss her, yet I am so appreciative of where she is today.  May I live by her to clothe myself with these attributes as I go to Wal-Mart today, to church later this evening, and as I spend time with family and friends.

And, did you notice, these clothes do not come from yard sales, they are God-made...what an honor to wear them!


Monday, March 19, 2012

My Church Face

I receive a daily e-newsletter from Daughters of's today's.  Interesting topic...the face we wear to church.

Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Romans 12:9
Our God is an awesome God...yet I continue to be amazed at how He ties all the pieces I am reading together...all written at different times by different people in different situations: my daily Bible readings, my Sunday school lessons and the curriculum for our discipleship training class, our Made to Crave study on Wednesday evenings, Journey:  A Woman's Guide to Intimacy with God (a monthly mini-magazine, compliments of our church), such newsletters as the one above.

When the Lord wants us to learn a lesson, He certainly can immerse in just the right places in His Word.

Last night, our church had a "discussion," and I was so proud of all the sides that came together in just the right spirit.  As with any division, there are usually three sides:  right and left...and those in the middle who just did not realize that a division was occurring.  Everyone that wanted to speak spoke, and two sides left chatting.

I like to believe that others in my church are immersing themselves in God's Word, and because of that, His Spirit hovered there with us, for "real" church faces were present there...during and afterwards.  May we continue to stay close to His leading.

I encourage you to take some time to immerse yourself in various Godly readings and see if God just might have an answer, a leading there for you.  He does work in all kinds of ways His wonders to perform...

Monday, February 27, 2012

One by One

Last night as I prepared for class church, I was just a bit disappointed at the number in attendance.  With five minutes until starting time, only five people sat, waiting, chatting.    Please do not get me wrong...I firmly believe that where two or three are gathered in His name, there He is with us (Matthew 18:20).  Truly, it is not about the number but about the Holy Spirit that is there.  But still...we usually average 15 or so.

Then, they began to arrive.  One. Two. Three at at time.  My last count = 23.  (Plus, we were missing several that are normally there.)  I wish you could have been there!  Some of my final words:  "I so love this sweet spirit I feel here.  I sure hope you can feel it, too."  From their expressions, they were feeling it, too! The Lord met us during our concluding study on the three of the ancient disciplines in the Bible:  meditating, fasting, and having quiet time.  Blessed we were.  Blessed we are.

I shared earlier that our theme song for this unit has been Casting Crown's song "Spirit Wind," and that as the song encourages, God is raising an army in our church.  I believe it...and I plan to testify about it right please keeping visiting me as I share our growth.

These past two months have been about each member and God...getting closer, being selfish.  Now, we begin a study of The Controversial Jesus.  As I shared with the group last night, the Lord has a plan, I believe, to activate.  This may have already started...for before our class, several gathered to write notes to church members who need to hear from us.  Seven ladies doing a work for the Lord...with such a sweet, sweet spirit.

God is good...all the time, and all the time, God is good.  How is God blessing you?  Please leave a comment.  I would so appreciate hearing your testimonies!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Craving Fish Oil?

Fish Oil Caps
Our weekly study and previewing of the Made to Crave video series continued last Wednesday night (just had short thirty minute meetings due to business meeting and WMU nights).  One focused discussion on the video was the very many benefits of fish oil.

As I prepared the night before for this class, I became the next morning following breakfast, I swallowed two vitamins and a fish oil capsule.  Ugh...yes, that's right...ugh!  Within an hour, I was so nauseated!  Thanks to the input from a student-teacher observer in my classroom, I soon learned that fish oil pills should be taken at night, for the often cause indigestion.  Oh, my! 

Learned a few lessons:

  1. One cannot get fit in three pills. I was disgustingly reminded how quickly medicine can also make me sick!  Double ugh!
  2. Moderation is the key.  Steady is the pace.
  3. I wish I had this same "get-it-done-right-now" attitude in all areas of my life.  (Yes, that includes dusting that furniture that this morning's sunlight is proudly displaying!  Praying, meditating on the so many areas!)
Now, unfortunately, I have still have yet to recover from my day spent with the Fish Oil Capsule and have yet to take another one.  Tonight, I will.  I think I can.  I think I can...for the benefits of this supplement are tremendous (my husband does not like fish; therefore, I will never cook enough to not need this supplement.)

The oil in certain kinds of fish is highly enriched with cardio-protective and anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats.  This is one instance when consuming large amounts of fat is equated to dramatic benefits in health.
Unless you're going to eat a serving of oily fish every day, or a lot of oily fish every other day, you probably need a supplement.   It's very difficult to eat a Western diet - like we have in North America - and get enough omega-3s from food alone.
If every American consumed sufficient omega-3s, the research indicates we would cut the rate of cardiovascular disease by about 40%.
I want to be a part of that 40%!  Heart disease is so prevalent in my family.  This is definitely one of the messages that God wants me to take from this week's study.  Take fish oil; just remember, though, that all things good for me are not always pleasant to the spiritual palette.

Staying healthy, getting healthy, maintaining a healthy state of being takes work and a committed frame of mind, just as staying spiritually healthy also demands such stamina.  Reading the Bible.  Praying.  Listening to the Lord.

The scripture from this week's book study of Made to Crave (chapter 9, page 91, "But Exercise Makes Me Want to Cry") comes from 1 Corinthians 6:19:  "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?  You are not your own; you were bought at a price.  Therefore honor God with your body."

Oh, my!  Much too often I do not measure up to this ideal, this expectation, this request.  My body...Tammy's a temple of the Holy Spirit.  I am blessed that God placed this study of Made to Crave in my life, for it has been much too long since I meditated on what a "temple of the Holy Spirit" means to me, what it means to this physical body of mine.  This humbles me, to that state of being where I should always stay.

If fish oil helps me take care of this temple, then I will take night, though!

I encourage you to roam around Lysa TerKeurst's website, watch her video clips.  You will be blessed...and inspired.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Walk Continues

With the encouragement of the hubby, I am again walking the walk...down the drive, up a very steep hill, and down the road and back.  We both need this for the cardio, our health.  This evening for the first time, I finally began to enjoy this endeavor to exercise.  I just do not enjoy sweating, pushing muscles to their max.  Yes, I would rather be blogging, reading!

As I type this, though, I am reminding myself of the another reason I began this walk (thus, this blog) last pray, to meditate, to have time with my Lord.  Even though I am walking with the hubby, time still abounds for that...during all that time when I am breathing, quite quickly breathing.  I am amazed at how many people, homes, families that God has placed right here on this walk...just for me to pray for!

I encourage you...yes, walk and pray.  The Lord will place those who need your prayers in your walk. Try it out!

Concerning another walk...

I am attempting to read the Bible through this year (three days mother eased into Heaven last week...just got behind during her final days and the following few days).

As I read this year, I am praying, asking the Lord to speak to me directly through His word.  What is it that I need to internalize for myself?

  • I appreciate Joseph's 20/20 vision when he can honestly, spiritually say to his brothers when he reveals his true identity to them:  "And now, do not  be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you...So then, it was not you who sent me here, but God." - Genesis 45:5, 8
    • Now, let's slow these events down...into slow-motion:  Joseph probably did not have this perfect vision, this perfect understanding of God's will while in the cistern, when sold for twenty shekels, then sold to Potiphar, when falsely accused by Potiphar's wife, then later when he spent years in jail...all that time without his family.  I suspect he had many "human" days, don't you?  Yet the revelation came.  All this happened because God allowed it to happen so that Joseph would be in just the right place, so that Joseph would be placed in charge of Egypt to save all these people during the years of famine to come.
    • Personal Insight:  When things do not go the way  I want them to (all those unanswered prayers...), yes, that is God saying, "Tammy, all these circumstances are not the fault of you or others.  I am delaying because the time is not right."  
      • That's right, I should not get mad or disappointed in others or discouraged, mad, sad, depressed with myself when my career does not progress as I had planned and worked so hard to obtain.  God has a plan.
  • I also appreciate Moses' faith and his continued verbal support of the children of Israel when they were terrified as Pharaoh and Egyptians gained on them.  Listen to these words:  "The Lord will fight for you; you need only be still." - Exodus 14:14.
    • Beautiful words...especially the first part. "The Lord will fight for you." They had just witnessed all the plagues that God brought upon Pharaoh and his people.
    • Hard-to-accomplish words...the last part.  " need only be still."  The enemy was coming!
    • Personal Insight:  Being still is soooo hard, especially for a hard-headed, very verbal red-head (myself!).  That lesson took me nearly six years to learn!  I really thought I was more intelligent than that, but obviously not.  This year, I am trying to sit still.  I still fail at this, but I am trying.
I encourage you to take this walk your Bible and ask the Lord to speak to you through His own words.  Get ready to listen...the Lord is ready to speak.

BTW:  Richard Paul Evan's next installment in his The Walk series (The Walk, Miles to Go, and now The Road to Grace) will be released on May 8, 2012.  Awesome series...awesome!    Get started!  You have three months to read the first two will be blessed!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Made to Crave...and Crave

Tomorrow evening, a group of ladies and I are beginning a new journey entitled Made to Crave.

I really did not intend to begin anything else (I am really trying to have more Tammy Time).  Anyway, I mentioned it at church because I had just read in the Made to Crave book (that I purchased a year ago...yes, a year ago!) that having friends take the journey is such a rewarding experience. AND...they began to commit.  

Then, Mrs. Dawn and I began to chat. You see...Mrs. Dawn inspires us all!  She lost weight last year and looks absolutely wonderful.  When I asked if she would assist or lead, she said yes!  

I have been attempting to cut back since New Year's...and the cravings are horrible.  Yuck!  Tomorrow is Wednesday, though.  The first day I "have" to weigh in.  So the journey truly begins.

This journey differs, though, from the many previous times I have attempted this journey.  This one is Bible-based, sister-led, and God-inspired.  Please check out Lysa Terkeurst's website and consider learning to crave God instead of food.

Yes, that salad and orange I had for dinner, without the piece of German-chocolate cake, filled me up just fine!

Monday, January 9, 2012

A Fresh Start

Last night, I led the first session in our new Discipleship Training study...oh, my!  I was so blessed!  I felt led to choose Kerry Shook's study Fresh:  Reviving Stale Faith (part of Lifeway's Platform series),which focuses on old spiritual disciplines (meditation, fasting, and silence) to create a revived, newer faith.  Truly amazing!  One of the ladies later sent me a text and said, "It was exhilarating!" and my pastor text today and asked what I thought about having a huge banner made, entitled "Fresh Start in 2012"...absolutely!

For our theme song, I, the song chose me..."Spirit Wind" by Casting Crowns.  So powerful!  So timely!  The song centers on Ezekiel and the Valley of the Dry Bones (Ezekiel 37: 1-14).  The song is on their new CD Come to the Well (I also ordered lead singer Mark Hall's book The Well:  Why Are So Many Still Thirsty?).  Ever hear a song. and you just have to hear it again...and again...and again? That was what "Spirit Wind" did for/to me.  Again, so powerful!

I have finally found my niche at church.  Over the years, I have taught/led, as the need arose, several children's programs (CIA, AWANA) and two tours of duty with the youth.  There, for a while, I felt my "gift" or calling was to fill in wherever needed. Never, though, did I feel this excitement, this anticipation about teaching/leading at church.  I love it!  The reality?  I am being so much more blessed than the attendees are!

I also shared Made to Crave with the ladies, and we will now be meeting on Wednesday evenings to take off the pounds as we lean on the Lord for strength and cravings in this area of our lives.  I did not want to stretch myself too far (I also teach high school English, have a family, and...well, you know, life!), but then I read the next chapter in the book, and Lysa TerKeurst encouraged finding a friend(s) with whom to share the experience. So I said, "Okay, God, I will put the word out.  If they come, it's your will. From the responses yesterday, several of the ladies will be joining me on this journey, also!

As I have meditated on the above, I believe the Lord is leading me to assist in two other areas in our church, as well...
  1. A ladies' retreat:  This retreat will focus on the relationship between Naomi and Ruth and the new song by Nichole Nordeman and Amy Grant "I'm with You" from the album Music Inspired by the Story.  Based on the emphasis of mentoring, I would like to see our own ladies lead small sessions, all based on this theme.  To assist in creating this curriculum, I have also ordered The Story of Ruth:  Twelve Moments in Every Woman's Life, Ruth:  The Bridegroom's Love for the Church Revealed, and Face-to-Face with Naomi and Ruth:  Together for the Journey.  Doesn't this sound exciting?  A group of Christian ladies learning, committing to mentoring each other for the kingdom of God.
  2. Easter Cantata:  I have been reading about The Story, and I would like for our small music department to focus on some of these songs, maybe an emphasis on Mary's part of the story, as she watches prophecy fulfilling in the loss, yet eternal gain of her son, her baby, her Lord, her Saviour. To further my thinking on this, I ordered The Story and Music Inspired by the Story.
As you can see, I have purchased several resources, which does not help my goal to NOT purchase an many books.  The Lord understands, and He will provide.

How is the Lord working in your life?  I encourage you to read and study His Word, to meditate on Him and with Him.


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Double Whammy

Today, I am still reflecting on my yesterday's Bible reading in Genesis 4 where God says to Cain, "If you do what is right, will you not be accepted?  But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it."

Then below in the study notes, the commentator states, "For Cain to master the sin lurking at the entrance to his desires, he would have to give up his jealous anger so that sin would not find a foothold in his life.  Sin is still crouching at our doors today.  Like Cain, we will be victims of sin if we do not master it."

Jealous anger = the double whammy.  Or is it the triple threat...his coveting led to jealous anger?

A personal application:  I have coveted positions within my school district (positions for which I was more qualified than those who obtained the positions...not bragging, just a fact), yet God has consistently said, "No, Tammy, the timing is not right." 

Yet I rebelled and spent several years in "jealous anger."  Jealous of those who had the spotlights I so coveted, spotlights under which I just knew I could have accomplished so much more...yes, the anger part.  Maybe I was also angry with God?  I voiced this a bit more gently in the hundreds of times I questioned, "Why, Lord?  Why me?  Why not?"  Instead of "why," I am sure to the Lord it sounded more like whining!  Unfortunately, I think I mastered that tone!

Then, came the climax of all that I could handle at school.  Then and only then, did I finally and truly begin to turn all this over to the Lord.  Then my answer began to be revealed. This, too, though, came in steps.  No, few of the lessons I have learned in this Christian walk have been handed to me on a silver platter!

First,  I FINALLY realized that if God does not want a door opened, I could literally nearly beat myself mentally to death and never would that door open. Never.  No one should conquer the age of 40+ and not have a revelation of this!  If a door is sealed shut, I do not have the power to open it!

Second, I attribute my signing up for the My One Word Challenge as part of the healing and acceptance that then followed.  Last year, about this time, on KLOVE radio I heard about this challenge and immediately knew my word...peace.  I needed it so badly, and the Lord gave it to be, sometimes in small doses, sometimes in large amounts.  Thank you, Lord. 

I am not the person I was a year ago...thank you, Lord.

I can sit and peacefully write that I do not covet positions in my school district right now. The jealousy and the anger are gone.  Thanks to the peace that passeth all understanding.  Not thanks to anything I did, but thanks to a gift from my Lord and Saviour, for He truly saved me from that trial in which He placed me, for I have had several opportunities to leave, several job offers, and could never take any of them, for I truly did not believe leaving was the Lord's will.

This year, my chosen word for the My One Word Challenge is quiet.  I need ever more of the quietness of His Spirit.   I want to be totally immersed in His Quietness.

I shared some of this with the ladies in my Sunday School class this past weekend, and teacher Peggy then noted...prepared us for...that as we accept such a goal, then we have to prepare ourselves for what we might encounter as our words are tested.

True.  Last year, my mother nearly died, my daughter had major-open heart surgery, my husband had a severe attack of kidney stones, and then there was that thing called life, all that we just normally encounter.  Through all this, though, I cannot tell you the number of times, I embraced my troubled mind in that, oh, so powerful word...peace.

Yes, I agree with Mrs. Peggy, yet I know that God gave me this year's word of "quiet," and He will meet me there in the quietness of my soul.

Again, I encourage you to take the My One Word Challenge.  Please visit their site for more information, then listen for that still, quiet voice...hear Him?...He will give you the gift of your word...and then prepare yourself for a testimony that you will have one year from today! 

God bless.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Confirmation of God's Will

Next Sunday evening, my Sunday evening discipleship class will begin a Kerry Shook's study of Fresh:  Reviving Stale Faith, a six-week study of some of the spiritual disciplines, including meditation, fasting, and silence.  Now, watch how God works to revive the faith...

This morning as I left our opening service to attend my Sunday School class, I picked up a copy of the latest Journey:  A Woman's Guide to Intimacy with God, (our church provides these for free each month!).  As I read this month's topic, my heart jumped for joy, for it so clearly confirms my choice for our discipleship study topic.  Spiritual Dry Spells....and remember the above title Reviving Stale Faith

I shared this insight with my Sunday School class (all women) and encouraged them to pick up a copy of the magazine and read it throughout this month.  Just had to share my thoughts also on how God is our lives, in our church, always giving us confirmation and blessings as we need them.  I chose the study back in December...the authors of the this month's Journey, no doubt, chose this theme months ago.

God knew, though.  He knew just how to correlate these resources and begin to rebuild our faith.

Today's topic  in Journey is "Increase Your Hunger."  That is what I want in the Lord for myself this year.  Hungry for Jesus Christ!

Have a blessed week!